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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. Artist: chouchou merged syrups. Mini: clepsydra Score: chouchou merged syrups. is back in the game and playing for keeps. Having reigned the latter half of the 2000s as Japan's "go-to" female-fronted indie-rock band, MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS left a huge void in the scene when they disbanded back in 2012. Many acts have sprung up in an attempt to claim that abandoned spotlight, but few have managed to distinguish themselves. Bands like Tricot and MAMADRIVE, while competent, still suffer from forgettable songwriting, while other groups are still trying to find their sound (Cö shu Nie, THE★komesuduo), focusing their talents solely on pop efforts (negoto, akai-ko-en), or simply not consistent enough in output (itsue) or quality (uchuu conbini). One band that fell into the trap of inconsistency is chouchou merged syrups., but on their latest mini album "clepsydra", they've managed to patch up the holes in their sound and present themselves as a force to be reckoned with. Formed in November of 2010 in Kyoto, the quartet quickly garnered interest by signing with the indie-powerhouse label Zankyo Records (cinema staff, People In The Box, mudy on the 昨晩, té, early 9mm Parabellum Bullet) and released their first track "針中察するに" on the label's 3rd compilation subtitled "-brightest hope-". This song alone was enough to grab the attention of indie-heads, as it introduced a refreshing take on the emo-rooted, indie-rock styles played to perfection by bands like 9mm parabellum bullet and Cinema Staff. The intrigue surrounding chouchou swelled into hype as it was announced that their first mini album "since" would be produced by none other than Cinema Staff's bassist, Souhei Mishima. Unfortunately, that hype quickly fizzled out with the mini album being an utter disappointment. "Since" sounded dull and soulless, as if the band were handed blueprints to unreleased cinema staff songs and forced to play them at gunpoint. Even vocalist Chiaki Kawato gave a timid, almost fearful-sounding performance - one that was further marred by her constant straining to hit notes that she either couldn't or shouldn't have attempted to; this is a common, but contemptuous trait amongst Japanese indie-rock vocalists. Because "since" didn't live up to it's expectations, prospective interest in the band diminished and the release of "clepsydra" nearly went unnoticed. Thankfully, chouchou took note of their defects and improved upon them in every aspect. Contrasting "since" from the get-go, "clepsydra" opens with a 40-second instrumental titled "月光" - a guitar riff that's melancholic, menacing, and shrouded in atmosphere. This piece sets the tone for the first half of the mini album as chouchou delves into a darker, more emotionally-driven sound than they've done previously. The first 2 songs "斜陽" and "白昼夢は色彩の無い" not only showcase this new direction, but they also boast a vast improvement in the band's songwriting. There's plenty of intense, emo-inspired instrumentation to rock out to, but this time it's more precise and colorful. Chiaki's vocal melodies are more congruent with her skill level and there's more power behind her delivery. The gloomy pseudo-ballad "踊る、そして" slows things down to a post-rockish crawl, but fails to reach a substantial climax. This is perhaps my biggest grievance with "clepsydra" - they missed an opportunity to catapult this track into the stratosphere, and instead, ends up sounding like a 4 minute interlude. Subsequent tracks "Havfrue" and "風のように" move the album in a brighter direction and expand on those undeveloped post-rock tendencies by employing a fine balance of twinkly guitar interplay and emotive choral passages. "橙鳴る" brings the album to a brilliant finish. It's intense but delicate, melancholy yet uplifting - the perfect symbiosis of sounds represented in the first and latter halves of the album. As a whole, "clepsydra" makes it clear that "since" was just a hiccup and the initial hype surrounding the band was warranted after all. With performances lined up at MINAMI WHEEL 2014 and Zankyo Matsuri's 10th Anniversary events, in addition to a brand new track featured on the latest Zankyo Record compilation, the future is looking bright. chouchou merged syrups. may very well solidify themselves as the next female-fronted "it" band of the Japanese indie-scene!
  2. I'll be there for you, Crazy Angel with a precious heart. We can flee from reality. :P

    1. togz


      U say "I'll be there for you" but I think you're hysteric liar.

    2. CAT5


      My affection is no Masquerade. If I had to betray your heart, I'd rather be a Dead.Devil.Dancing in the flames of hell....wait wut. wrong band. .____.

    3. togz


      You're so lame omg lol <3

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  3. What is your favourite 'era' of Visual Kei? (Note: These eras are very rough and you may disagree with the chronological splits...) Thanks to for this poll suggestion! If you have any suggestions for the poll of the week (feel free to pm me, and they'll be considered!).
  4. CAT5

    I'm feeling pluggy, who's down for a session sometime today?
  5. CAT5

    One of the best Japanese covers of a non-Japanese song that I've ever heard: ORIGINAL: SADE - SMOOTH OPERATOR COVER: OCEANLANE - SMOOTH OPERATOR
  6. CAT5

    Welcome to the forum! Any friend of Mina is a friend of our's! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask any of the staff members (the ppl with blue or red names). Enjoy!
  7. here, have a bit of my joy ^______^

    1. kyoselflove



  8. Plz vote this pic DOWN: http://www.last.fm/music/downy/+images/3722748 It's so old - ppl need to get with the program ^__^;
  9. upvote plz? ;3 http://www.last.fm/music/downy/+images/101293675
  10. I chose Amazon, Hmv, and Fromjapan. Amazon and Hmv tend to handle most of my music needs, but Amazon service is better and faster. Fromjapan I use when I need to get ahold of rarez that are only available through smaller, Japan-only shops or are mail-order only.
  11. CAT5

    FEMM has a cool little gimmick, but their music is more or less run-of-the-mill - while charisma presents a unique brand of forward-thinking pop music with punk-attitude. Great match-up for a band-battle, but an easy win for Charisma I'd say!
  12. This is a multiple choice poll! What are your favorite sites to purchase Japanese CDs from?
  13. I just hope it's good because they haven't released anything notable since Jill-deco 4, and that was like 3 or 4 albums back. From what I can gather, it looks like Masaki Mori of EGO-WRAPPIN' lent his guitar/composing skills and Monday Michiru co-wrote some stuff? That's all pretty promising...and even though I'm not a huge Monday fan, her songwriting is pretty keen and she always works with great musicians, so I'm interested to see how all of this plays out. I really hope it's a return to form - Jill-Decoy are at their best when they fully embrace their jazziness.
  14. This will be the first in a series of official polls here. Just for fun - What's your favorite DIR EN GREY album?
  15. CDs - not only because of practicality, but I listen to a ton of music that's not even available in other physical formats.
  16. CAT5

    I listen to a fairly high volume of new music on a regular basis, so it's pretty easy for a lot of songs to "go in one ear and out the other" for me. I'm usually better at recalling the overall moods of songs or how they made me feel. For instance, even if a song has a great, positive effect on me and I instantly end up enjoying it, I'll still need multiple listens to really wrap my head around it and get the specifics down. Given my listenining habits, I take advantage of last.fm's "love" system and use that to mark songs that I'd like to revisit...and essentially "remember".
  17. tagging SOIL&“PIMP??SESSIONS can be a bit of a clusterfuck if you're a last.fm user

    1. PsychoΔelica


      You're so blond! I didn't recognize u lol

  18. in a few hours, would anyone like to plug?

  19. It reminds me of "make up syndrome" from their last album, which I loved, so I'm pretty sure I'll be satisfied with it. Plus, with it being for a anime, I can see why they didn't go all out.
  20. Piisu, is there a VK scene in India and if not are you going to generate one ;p

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Cat they like don't even have water. How would they import vkei--that shit's like 400% marked up to begin with.

    2. CAT5


      The way I look at it, owning 4 types of every single is much more sustaining than consuming water. Even if you die of thirst, your soul would be fulfilled for AT LEAST 3 months consecutively. :P

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Died from my thirst 4 kyo

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