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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy it here!
  2. Jazzy hip-hopper Kenichiro Nishihara will be releasing his 2nd electronic album under his ESNO moniker on July 22nd. The album will feature DAOKO, ボンジュール鈴木 (bonjour suzuki), and yumi (lyrical school). 「Release」 2015.07.22 RELEASE ¥2300(tax in) 01. Electrical Meditation 02. CME 03. 21時のクラゲと月 feat. ボンジュール鈴木 04. Wonder Flower 05. JB 06. 夕暮れパラレリズム feat. daoko 07. ターニングポイント(on the turntable) feat. yumi(from lyrical school) 08. Airy Batida -remix- 09. とか。 feat. きゃべこ 10. Afterwardness 11. Hydrodamalis 12. AR ============================= ============================= His first album was fantastic. Hoping this will be the same!
  3. CAT5

    Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy here~
  4. CAT5

    Welcome to the forum!
  5. Happy Father's Day to Kyo from DIR EN GREY, cuz all deez bitches is his sons.

    1. beni


      Kyo is the big daddy.

    2. Jigsaw9


      I love the aroma of dad in the morning.

    3. yakihiko


      Daddy should do a long hair style someday.

  6. ^ LMAO. Funny how two bands who initially sounded nothing alike have converged
  7. CAT5

    Hey there, gorgeous~

    1. beni


      Hi there, stunning~

  8. CAT5

    I absolutely LOVE reading your reviews! Never tried a cali≠gari album in my life, but I might have to change that. Listening to the sample, and while the vocals might take a bit to get used to, musically it reminds me of some the crazier underground/DIY stuff coming out of Japan's indie world. So that's a good thing. If I get around to checking this out, just so I know in advance, are there any other albums I should try from this band?
  9. ^ From what I can tell, it seems like they have a substantial following in Japan, and probably crapton of connections by now. I also heard that they're still humble in the sense that they still do gigs at smaller/intimate venues from time to time as well. I don't feel sorry for them - I think they'll be around for quite a bit. As for foreign fans - most of the folks I know that like/liked the band also feel that there's been a great decline in their music. For a band that started off so awesomely and has been so influential, I'm still shocked at the quality of music they put out now. It's a shame - especially since their early stuff is some of my favorite music to ever come out of the J-rock world. I suppose they've become industry hounds at this point, but I still try their new releases out of masochistic curiosity.
  10. Indeed. That preview sounds like a crappy mix of several other crappy songs they've done, haha. I have no idea what these guys are doing anymore, as their creativity seems to have flown out the window a while back.
  11. ^ voted! I'd suggest uploading images in png next time since they don't artifact when resized (shrunken) ;3
  12. haha, I missed these guys when they came to ATL, so I need to see this! https://youtu.be/AY7Kc3WleiY

    1. CAT5


      somewhat agree, but what about phantasia and the others? ;__;

    2. Ito


      TBH, I haven't checked out any of their pre 2011 stuff XD

    3. CAT5


      imma hook up then

    4. Show next comments  222 more
  13. CAT5

    The tracklist is out! Quite a few features 01. Premonition (Beginning of A Desert of Human) 02. A Desert of Human 03. Commit Ballad feat. Chara 04. The World According To 05. My Little Wish 06. Song Silly feat. Olivia Burrell 07. Boyo 08. Time Goes feat. 5lack 09. オトトタイミングキミト feat. Kimura Kaela 10. G.O.O.D L.U.C.K feat. U-zhaan / Kumi Maya Ayaya 11. Because I Hear You
  14. CAT5

    This is one of my favorite bands, so I'm absolutely delighted to see this thread! I'm incredibly fond of Raphaelle's voice and the music is usually a perfect match! Have you had a chance to hear the new album yet? And if so, what did you think? It's one of the best albums I've heard all year so far. Although I wasn't very fond of "miniskirt" when I first heard it, the album turned out way better than expected. Definitely more accessible than "Flourish // Perish" was (although I loved that one too). I recently came across the following track, which was a leftover track from "Flourish // Perish". No idea why this didn't make the album, but it's fantastic. Oddly enough, I've seen this track on the amazon Japan mp3 store, so maybe it was a Japan-only bonus? idk. Great stuff either way.
  15. CAT5

    Album cover is out: Can't say that i'm fond of it
  16. CAT5

    It's going down! Here are a bunch of new instagram clips from the studio. Things are sounding promising! https://instagram.com/p/2OGM3AF09c/ https://instagram.com/p/3dsU-NF07p/ https://instagram.com/p/1zzkruF0wj/
  17. CAT5

    Didn't you play this group on plug before? I can't say that I'm sold from the song in the video (dude's singing is pretty hilarious and almost parody-like at times), but having read your review and watched the video, I don't think band takes themselves too seriously. The emphasis seems to be on just having a good time, and that's what they seem to be doing. Also cool to see UNCHAIN's vocalist was featured on a track. This music is definitely up his alley and I could see both bands performing together.
  18. CAT5

    Nothing to be embarrassed about! Welcome to the forum! Enjoy! edit: I just visited your last.fm and your top artist is THE NOVEMBERS. You are automatically cool with me
  19. I can't wait to hear the deathcore version of Fukai Mori either
  20. Happy Birthday, ender-ender!

    1. nick


      Happy birthday, ender! *-*

    2. doombox


      Thank so much! <333

  21. What are your thoughts on ♂ pisces x ♀ cancer?
  22. CAT5

    now go listen to SADS
  23. Same. When I first injured my knee, I had to sleep on my back and that was some of the worst sleep that I can recall. As for couples - one of my exes used to sleep diagonally lmao o_0
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