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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    OWARIKARAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! Kinda jelly. Looks like a good time!
  2. We're probably still gonna be served McDonald's, though
  3. CAT5

    bruh... It's interesting how they've basically moved pass the books now. I wonder how they're going to end things and how much different things will be from the unreleased books. Will the show affect Martin's writing? I also wonder how this is going to affect fans who have read the books. I've a feeling that next season will be chock full of revelations.
  4. CAT5

    A short clip of a new toe feat. CHARA being mastered: https://www.facebook.com/WhiteNoiseRec/videos/1143936552286802/ I'm not especially fond of CHARA, but it is a pretty logical feature. Also, the album release date has been changed to the 22nd~
  5. CAT5

    ^ I agree about the first half of To (melt into) being really strong, although I think the rest of the album is good too. As for zeitgeist vs Rhapsody in beauty - I'm just gonna say that the former is a great album, and the latter is a great experience.
  6. CAT5

    My fellow human being, you spelt ウィザリング・トゥ・デス。wrong. As for me, I enjoy several songs scattered throughout their discography, but I feel pretty indifferent about the albums I've heard as a whole.
  7. CAT5

    Let me know if you need any help. It might take me a good while to get my files organized, though
  8. I've decided to resign as admin. After the crushing defeat I faced at the hands of Pho in Tekken yesterday, I can no longer bear the shame nor the weight of life any longer. Farewell. http://i.imgur.com/Jrvf1IB.png

  9. CAT5

    Definitely a tough choice. I'm gonna need to relisten to both a bit more, because off hand they're a tie, ahaha.
  10. CAT5

    Cool, cool. I'm glad to see a few ppl interested. As soon as I get my music organized, then I'll set an MH room. I think this blog posts techno stuff, I'm not quite sure tho: http://nodata.tv/ But yeah, slsk is probably your best best. I have no idea if what.cd is good for those areas of music. Maybe there are also some obscure blogspots out there too, but I wouldn't know where to point you.
  11. Does anyone still use this program? I was thinking about starting up a room for MH so ppl could freely leech from my collection, (and hopefully share their own music as well), but is there any interest in this? If so, let me know!
  12. ender-ender is like the female Zeus. Her work ethic knows no bounds and she don't play! \m/

    1. doombox


      All my creys ;~; You are too kind, sir.

    2. Zeus
    3. deathangel


      amen to that

  13. CAT5

    Hey there, and welcome to the forum. We are indeed active, and MH should be a great fit for your J-rock needs. Enjoy and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!~
  14. YES, I'M A HATER I had to change my vote from "dafuq is a pirolian?" because I now know what a pirolian is and why this band is NOT one. A pirolean is the exact opposite of an excessively fail ling try-hard. Anyone willing to dispute the ling comparisons is probably deaf, and blind...and should probably be mute. Srsly tho, in addition to the exact same setup (and employment of that setup), titles like "pirorhythm stabilizer" and "I'm NOT a pirolian" that scream "TK coined this", the band themselves practically admit to being influenced by ling in an interview. But the fact that they're influenced by ling isn't the issue (there are some 9mm Parabellum Bullet influences at play here too btw). I think that ling are an excellent band to seek inspiration from. My problem is that sokoninaru has built their sound from a blueprint that was not designed around their strengths, instead borrowing ideas from that blueprint and using them to build around their own strengths. One of my biggest complaints about this band is that both vocalists sound completely flat and apathetic. The male vocalist even attempted to escalate into a TK-ish wail/scream on a track or 2 and it sounded pretty pathetic. People can hate on TK's voice all day, but it's always been emotive, passionate, and fitting of the music that ling plays. The music itself isn't that bad, but it also feels like forcefully spliced together ling/9mm frill, with really unconvincing songwriting inbetween. I changed my vote to "uncomfirmed" because as hard as I've been on this band, they're obviously talented and improvement CAN happen. It happened with chouchou merged syrups - their first mini album sounded like boring cinema staff cover album, and they came back stronger than ever. There are some cool, albeit brief, moments on this album, but overall it doesn't gel at all. Hopefully this is just the case of the band still needing to find their sound and come into their own.
  15. CAT5

    I guess I'm speaking specifically about the Tyrion situation. I feel like him hooking up with Dany was super convenient and "easy", despite the journey he took there - if that makes any sense. Don't get me wrong, the scene where they first came together in the fighting pit was awesome and definitely a huge moment, but I felt like things went a bit too smoothly afterwards. I felt like how quickly Dany accepted Tyrion made her appear kind of weak and desperate, but then again, maybe that was just a testament to how well Tyrion can talk himself out of and into situations? Idk And yeah, I guess the Dorne scenes were fun, but yeah...I expected more from the sand snakes too (and i haven't even read the books). I feel like the characters in Dorne are great, but the plot maybe under utilized them?
  16. NOTE: This is quiz is for both single ppl and those in relationships. In addition, your love language isn't limited to just romantic relationships, but can be attributed to all relationships. So everyone can feel free to take this quiz. At any rate, I thought this might be something the forum could do. This quiz is based off the book "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary D Chapman. Basically, Chapman examined the way humans give and receive love across the globe and was able to categorize those interactions into the "The 5 love Languages". To take the quiz, go here: http://www.5lovelanguages.com/ Click on "Discover your Love Language", fill out the info quickly, and take the quiz which is about 30 short questions. When you finish, you'll get your results, and a quick summary of each love language. My results:
  17. CAT5

    @@Sakura Seven and everyone else:
  18. CAT5

  19. CAT5

    yeahhhh...not sure what to think about the latest ep. just yet. I know that they're trying to bring things full circle, but am I the only one that thinks the writing/plots as of late have been a little too convenient? Perhaps I feel like this due to them moving into uncharted territories... Also, the entire dorne arc is probably one of the most uninteresting of series...but with that said, I've also enjoyed it in a weird way. It's nice to see some actual sane ppl on the show, even if the arc is pretty uneventful imo. Lastly
  20. CAT5

    ^ That bottom video sounds a lot like UHNELLYS. They seem to be going full-on funk-rock. Also, so this thread doesn't just devolve into a YT video dump, a question for all the J-indie fans here: What were your first J-indie bands? The bands that piqued your interest and helped pave your way into J-indie?
  21. CAT5

    Welcome to the forum! J-music forums in particular seem to be going extinct, yet somehow we've managed remain a thriving community. Enjoy~
  22. CAT5

    ah...I have exactly one more space in my lair atm, so I will wait to see who else wants her first. I haven't even gotten into the breeding aspect yet
  23. MH POLL OF THE WEEK #24: How do you make use of MH? This poll has 2 questions. Both multiple choice! This poll was suggested by @Zeus! To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
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