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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. When you had mah boy Koba's avatar in 2014. I remember cuz you were a new user at the time, and anyone with Koba as their avatar will stand out to me.
  2. CAT5

    Welcome to the forum! You've got great taste. If you have any questions/concerns, or need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask anyone with a red or blue name! If you like lists and paragraphs, be sure to check out our review/staff-review forum, haha. Enjoy!
  3. CAT5

    Hey there and welcome to the forum! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message anyone with a red or blue name! What ambient stuff do you enjoy btw? Hope you enjoy the forum!
  4. woah woah WOAH, Beni. PLZ CALM DOWN :Phttp://i.imgur.com/Kkcl5ni.png

    1. emmny


      is that blackdoll [3]

    2. yakihiko


      In a near future, I will not understand what beni says x'D

    3. Ro plz
    4. Show next comments  165 more
  5. Happy V-Day, Lovely Monochromians~

    1. doombox



  6. Guys, I don't know what happened but I can't turn any of the pink names back. We'll be stuck like this for idk a year maybe. Get used to seeing pink.

  7. CAT5

    Hey, welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy it here. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask! What are your favorite bands and anime?
  8. CAT5

    Yoooooooooooooooooo, dopefish! Glad you signed up! I already know from our plug&dub sessions that your taste is fantastic. Welcome to the forum! If you need any help with exploring more J-rock, then there's plenty of us around to aid you in that! Be sure to keep and eye on our dubtracks thread. We usually post info about the sessions/themes there: https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/37549-dubtrackfm/ I also think you might dig this thread: https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/38619-emopost-hardcorescreamoetc-worship-thread/
  9. CAT5

    No La'cryma or Valentine D.C?
  10. CAT5

    Holy shit, Steve didn't waste any time getting them on board for this tour! That's fucking awesome, though. I see he went with NENGU too. If any of you attend to show, I'd LOVE to hear how it turns out!
  11. I have no idea why I am excited for this : |
  12. @emmny knows what's up! This area music has definitely become one of my favorites over the years, but I'm not super-well versed in it either, so I'm glad to see a thread on it! Here are some of the non-Japanese bands that I like:
  13. The ONLY way you should play bass, ahaha :Phttps://youtu.be/Y_IJ0v1CsC4?t=433

    1. CAT5


      WE need more of these vids! I wonder if they're ever gonna release a DVD or something?

    2. Chi


      didnt they release a live dvd last year? that vid is probably from it

    3. CAT5


      oh, you're right, they did didn't they? Gonna have to find out how to get ahold of that. Really hoping they continue their trend of releasing something new every year. I still haven't heard their 2009 mini album, though. Need to get my hands on that as well.

    4. Show next comments  165 more
  14. CAT5

    @beni and I will be on dub at the usual time today!
  15. CAT5

    Hey there, welcome to the forum! If you have any questions / concerns, feel free to ask. Enjoy!
  16. oh noez! better not use emoticons or exclamations, guys. Expressing yours excitement in that way would in that way will get you caught by the maturity police.
  17. CAT5

    When do you wanna run this theme? I'm down for it, but I'd like to run it on a Sunday when you're available.
  18. Cool news, and I like the look, even if Kaoru looks like a gothic keebler elf.
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