The Most High is truly good. I suppose this post isn't in reference to a specific event, but rather it's me sitting in awe at a sequence of events (both good and bad) the realization of a process that's been cumulative and ongoing for me....and also bearing witness to the fruit of that process and gaining confirmation thereof. One of the things I've heard often is that The Most High could not only heal and restore that which you've lost, but could also renew you in a way better than you could even conceive - and naturally, I just assumed this to be a comforting cliche - but to actually experience this... it's been both humbling and reaffirming. And so my understanding is deepening and my faith is growing roots. Unlike the abstract concepts and schizophrenic doctrines espoused by religion, I'm seeing that true faith is instantiated in diligent action. It's not passive, nor is it obtained overnight. And in my experience, it's not something that one can be convinced of (and certainly not coerced into) believing. It's something that must be walked out to truly grasp.
It takes humility tho...and humility is trusting the process. 🙏