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Status Updates posted by CAT5

  1. tfw when you search for a band on google and their website no longer exists

    1. CAT5


      tfw when you can no longer find any decently sized bands pics via google

    2. CAT5


      tfw when you visit a band's site, and they still link to myspace

    3. Des


      tfw a cat on the internet incorrectly uses 'tfw' three times in a row

  2. Tagged SCAPEGOAT as SCAPEGOAT, last.fm scrobbles it as ScA??eg????t. Not to mention there's another profile tagged Sc????eg????t: http://i.imgur.com/XDdKHzF.gif

    1. Biopanda


      ScApegoat was the superior scapegoat

    2. paradoxal


      i was equally confused by it XD but the single sounded really good!

  3. Something keeps nagging at me to reset my last.fm, and yet there's no logical reason that I could think of to do it.

    1. nick


      Probably, it's because of some artists? Try removing some from your charts might help get rid of this instead of resetting your entire account. xD

  4. Whelp, one of my sure-to-be AOTYs is out in May. The new track is absolute bliss: http://www.thefader.com/2015/03/03/breathing-underwater-hiatus-kaiyote

    1. doombox


      I'm gonna need it. *~*

  5. We love you trombe! ^・ェ・^

  6. Happy V-Day to those who partake ; )

  7. ;3

    1. doombox


      This album. One of my faves. ♥

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      best album of 2013 for sure

    3. CAT5


      This song just came up on random last night and I felt the need to share ;3

    4. Show next comments  39 more
    1. Original Saku
    2. Ito


      With a different vocalist I think I would REALLY dig this.

  8. When you hear music in your dreams that doesn't actually exist, does that mean you composed it?

    1. enyx


      Better start writing your debut album.

    2. Slsr


      debut arbumu [2], Pretty sure there is some songs that have been legit started way u mentioned btw :D.

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      better be dreampop

  9. MH skype chat, A+ (I'm stealing your lingo, fiction)

  10. You know you're fucked when you're browsing tumblr and start seeing ridiculous SJW rants where there are none

  11. Hey Zess, saihime, pretzels...I finally made a thing. http://www.last.fm/user/one80/journal/2015/01/25/6ec45o_2015_in_music

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Rose Noire are trash +1

    2. CAT5


      Pretsy, the skits are annoying, but the music was still great. It should have been marketed as a mini album, though. Almost half of the album are skits and that's kind of a rip off.

    3. Show next comments  39 more
  12. delayed brain -

    1. beni


      Warning; Ratchet Cat today. xD

    2. lichtlune


      Won't load :c

    3. beni


      ;; Come along next Thursday! For an anime/OST plug session!! Hope you can make it then, sorry plug is messing up but I hope it can work soon for you.

  13. Start your morning off right. Nice and Smooth.

    1. CAT5


      Then you keep it going like this.

    2. Shmilly


      For more on how to make the most of your day, stay tuned here at CAT5.FM

    3. doombox


      Cat do you have an 8tracks account? Because you need one.

  14. Kagrra,...imma let u finish, but a ling banner would be the GREATEST BANNER OF ALL TIME

  15. THE HISTORY OF SEGA GENESIS - 16bit midi renditions of Jupiter songs.

  16. 2月4日(水)岡山県・CRAZYMAMA KINGDOM [出演] sukekiyo / THE NOVEMBERS 2月5日(木)大阪府・梅田CLUB QUATTRO [出演] sukekiyo / THE NOVEMBERS - bruh

    1. nekkichi


      ahhhhhhhhh @ sukekiyo rmxd by lmc

    2. enyx


      I wouldn't be as down for that :P

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      is this the real world?

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  17. Merry Christmas, MH~

  18. What's up with the last.fm similar artists for amber gris? ^^;

    1. beni


      Last.fm is mixing up artists, maybe? I was thinking if there's another amber gris but there isn't right? Oh wait.. there is. 'A short-lived horn-band, Ambergris.'

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      happens from time to time. have seen it on other artist pages as well :v

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Ron Miles is actually really similar ^^

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  19. I revisted that DEG vs gazette band battle thread out of curioisty and DEG beat the gazette in a landslide (95 votes to 29 votes). Is there any band that could even begin to rival dir en grey's popularity here?

    1. kyoselflove


      No beni, I love the GazettE's newer releases, I think BD is awesome! Anyways, as much as I love both of them, I can see Diru winning, because I mean come on...they have been around forever and made ground breaking moments lol.

    2. beni


      YES KYO < 3 What Hellion said made a lot of sense, I see now.

    3. doombox


      I don't think for English speaking fans anything would top Diru. Not only because of their musical catalog dominating (reasons already covered) but they have toured extensively and that has a lot of people stuck on them no matter what. I think if the Gazette toured as much as Diru they might hold a better chance.

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