ALTERED DIZAIN is bland other than the songs from the singles and Leda's guitar solos, completely forgettable. Dystopia is pretty good I must admit though. Maybe it'll grown on me because I'm over the initial shock of the first listen, on my 3rd spin rn and seems a lot better but still pretty boring overall. What I can appreciate about this release is Leda's masterful guitar work and all of the the old singles being included was wise to help avoid the album being a complete flop imo. Overall I think I might need more time with it to properly judge but I'd probably give it like a 6/10 mainly because of the old songs: Beyond These Walls, Nadir, and especially inhale, as for the new songs I would give Dystopia a 6/10 and Double down about the same because they have their passable moments.
DIZAINERVE was far superior.