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Everything posted by Mamo

  1. Mamo

    Bad, bad, very bad examples of Nagoya kei. Face palm. The only band you mentioned that even comes close is DEATHGAZE. @Tokageplease help, this is a prime example. This is Nagoya kei:
  2. Sorry to go off-topic again but I always thought that it was most likely they got their named from a 1995 "Lareine" song of near identical name "Dir en gray":
  3. Mamo

    The sounds in my mind:
  4. Mamo

    Anyone care to post some of their best tracks on YouTube? I'd like to start listening to them. I only previously listened to them in the first year or so after they formed.
  5. I will get this somehow.
  6. Mamo

    Very interesting wonder who they'll cove.
  7. I voted for the cross thingy not because of exist†trace(they're awful lately) but because of the legendary Domestic†Child:
  8. Just dropped my phone in the toilet(it was clean water) and miraculously it's still working fine lol Maybe it's waterproof and I wasn't aware because it was completely submerged only for about a second though.

    1. lichtlune


      You shouldn't use it though. I dropped my phone in the bathtub some months ago and it was working fine for most of the day and then it started having all kinds of electrical problems. Take out the battery and don't touch it for a few days. Let it dry out. 

  9. Mamo

    Wow I never knew this. Is that only on Japanese itunes? Edit: Oh I see now they just added most of these. International iTunes btw. Same with Spotify. Brilliant way to promote themselves in preparation for reforming.
  10. Mamo

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #2018 KICKS ASS!!!! Anything can happen.
  11. Mamo

    Cool, hope Ell does something permanent again soon though.
  12. Mamo

    You can it's on here actually.
  13. Mamo

    They're awesome imo Kyotaro and TOMOZO were an awesome combination.
  14. And I almost thought pop kei was making a comeback.
  15. Mamo

    Same. Love their latest stuff so much!
  16. Mamo

    Very nice to meet you hope you enjoy yourself here.
  17. First let me say that I initially thought that it was essentially true that the number of users who weren't submitting reviews for the trade-off's was extremely low. I decided since @CAT5admittedly said the staff could be stricter about enforcing the black:list, to look through every single trade-off myself just to see if there were any outliers. The results I found were SHOCKING and show a real problem with users simply not submitting reviews at all for the trade-offs. Out of 24 trade-offs 15 had at least one and often more users who didn't submit reviews. That's counting the current trade-off where all users submitted reviews. What was more disturbing is in some cases when users hadn't submitted reviews they were called out, while others were overlooked. Even more disturbing is some users who hadn't submitted reviews were allowed to participate again and in some cases went on to not submit a review for another trade-off. Here's what I found, trade-offs are listed on the left:
  18. So damn good
  19. New look is on point. Only 5 more days What do you mean?
  20. Mamo

    Not exactly news now but hasn't been posted here yet. DEVILOOF will release a new single "Kaika". DEVILOOF's new single 「開花」(Kaika) comes out April 25, 2018. Album art and track list here:
  21. Very excited! Kaika looks like it will be awesome! DEVILOOF has been awesome for me. Devil's Proof was cool af So Apr. 25th, just over a month now.
  22. Mamo

    Job For A Cowboy es otro de mis favoritos
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