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Posts posted by Mamo

  1. 5 hours ago, filth_y said:

    I dont follow them that much but i always thought he is the leader/main song writer/most skilled member of the band? 

    Just gonna ignore the leader/main song writer part but the most skilled member? LMAO on what planet?

  2. 21 minutes ago, Seiji said:

    And digging through all the "David Guettas" and "Kpop artists" and "10 songs I like to take a shit to" just to find something, that's actually related to what the whole forum is about, just feels wrong

    This forum isn't about visual kei it's about J-rock or just Japanese music in general.

  3. Pretty sure brengun aka darkwater already made this thread not to mention they're really barely enough bands of this sort forming each year to warrant their own news section let alone an entire sub-forum.


    If it happens it happens I guess I don't really care either way since I won't use it anyway but just seems like unessasary clutter when we already have an international music section. We may as well start a sub-forum for international music of every genre by that logic. Like I said pointless but I have no control over changes and additions to this forum, so I voted no.

  4. 2 hours ago, Komorebi said:



    This is precisely my issue with FED.


    Yeah every release since inhale has been a disappointment for me and inhale itself is a constant reminder of wasted potential because it's their only truly special song. Both Leda and Keita are capable of far more but instead keep doing all of this playing it safe generic bull shit. Yeah they're okay but everyone seems to be coming to the same conclusion which is that they can do way better.

  5. 1 hour ago, 123Sandman321 said:

    Also, it was already established that Leda has an illness called Shit Taste, for which there is no cure.

    Yeah, for sure lol


    1 hour ago, 123Sandman321 said:

    But, honestly, as a package, it's an overall solid record, I mean, in context of Leda's previous works, it's certainly lacking, but considering the whole scene, it's still up there.

    Meh it's okay as a whole but if you only count the new songs it's generic and the only real highlight is Leda on guitar. Also DIZAINERVE was just better seemed to be some effort in that mini-album.


    1 hour ago, 123Sandman321 said:

    Though, my main issue with this album, and FED in general, is the utter disappointment (most notably with Tonick Dizain) that I get with nearly every release. It's good, sometimes great, even. But they have the potential to do so much more and that's what pisses me off.

    Same. It sucks, they really need to buckle down on 1 concept and stick with it their sound is so back and forth personally I think they should do more like "inhale". Keita is under utilized because they almost never allow him to do all of the awesome metalcore songs CodeRebirth did. Combined with FED's Djenty nature and complex bass solos, more metalcore would be nice.


    1 hour ago, 123Sandman321 said:

    (also including a 2-fucking-year old single...which is still the highlight of the album)

    The highlight of the album and the highlight of their career. Honestly "inhale" is the only song that I think truly lives up to Keita and Leda's potential.


    Overall though it's okay I'll probably listen to it a lot because it compiles some good singles and a few decent new tracks and as always some brilliant guitar work on Leda's part. Keita's harsh vocals would be nice to hear more often too. But yeah it's an okay album.

  6. ALTERED DIZAIN is bland other than the songs from the singles and Leda's guitar solos, completely forgettable. Dystopia  is pretty good I must admit though. Maybe it'll grown on me because I'm over the initial shock of the first listen, on my 3rd spin rn and seems a lot better but still pretty boring overall. What I can appreciate about this release is Leda's masterful guitar work and all of the the old singles being included was wise to help avoid the album being a complete flop imo. Overall I think I might need more time with it to properly judge but I'd probably give it like a 6/10 mainly because of the old songs: Beyond These Walls, Nadir, and especially inhale, as for the new songs I would give Dystopia a 6/10 and Double down about the same because they have their passable moments.


    DIZAINERVE was far superior.

  7. On 4/4/2018 at 3:50 PM, suji said:


    2 hours ago, Seelentau said:




    Up please. Of course there's more than one artist named SERAPH, but of course Shinya's duo project is the best SERAPH :D

    Voted please vote for FIXER'S new look for[argentum]2018.05.30 https://www.last.fm/music/Fixer/+images/3533cac1e5c7934a241e7d98110a41cd

  8. I couldn't care less about bands' looks or image just the music. Although having an awesome look is nice, but good music is definitely far more important. Also I actually love all of Ghost bath's albums. They have 3 albums now btw @Bear

    Funeral (February 2014)

    Moonlover (April 2015)

    Starmourner (April 2017)


    Starmourner is cool af, like I mentioned earlier brilliant guitar work.

  9. 3 minutes ago, nekkichi said:

    dumb sis, I (and most of my clique) have been purchasing legal media (and concert tickets, if we're at it) since ~2004, when the only delivery option was DHL and it was expensive a.f. to ship shizzle alone


    I lost interest in ~supporting the scene~ almost completely many years ago and buy less than 3 CDs per year on average and I don't care if you're trying to buff your own ego by re-telling no1curr indiefag bandomen some distorted version of western fandom you're trying to invent for whom? for what?


    literally get a life and get off social media and let band management do their job deciding how and where to sell their products.

    They need a clap reaction emoji. @nekkichiyou're my god. bow

  10. Not sure if anyone is familiar with them(they've been mentioned on M-H a handful of times) but here is both a modern and Japanese example of Blackgaze


    by 明日の叙景(Asunojokei): 


    And Ghost Bath Chinese name 鬼浴 which does Atmospheric and Blackgaze  stuff. Although the band originally claimed that they were from Chongqing, China, it has been revealed in a 2015 interview with Noisey that they're actually an American band based in Minot, North Dakota. Really brilliant guitar work by these guys.


  11. 1 hour ago, Bear said:

    Didn't find the whole debut album, The Nightspectral Voyage, from Obsidian Gate on youtube, but this album is damn fucking good. It's one hell of a massive album. These would also be my favourite albums from all these bands. Grand, dark, majestic, powerful. When done right, symphonic black metal is among my favourite subgenres of black metal. It's a shame too many piss weak bands are giving the genre a bad name, though.

    It's on Spotify, also is it supposed to be an ep or a full album because there's  only 6 tracks on Spotify or do you just call all releases album(I know plenty of people who do lol)? 


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