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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. came in expecting phallus candles and sacrificial dickpics tbh
  2. nekkichi

    a hangover ziz rehearsal should be p. close to that tbh
  3. nekkichi

    look up dealing w. rebound relationships
  4. nekkichi

    they literally should have never touched their entire kisou - WTD catalogue the macabre remakes are very good (at least intrumentally all of them were improved), zan is sound vomit, but so was the original so w/e.
  5. nekkichi

    tbh this album promises to be a milestone for outsider art kei subgenre of visual kei, but I'm not sure we needed this testament of the current indie scene state did you know that slandering hakuei is a bannable offense under the next forum rules update? stay safe sister x
  6. nekkichi

    come through sugar mommas/daddiez of MH we know who u r
  7. nekkichi

    did they take those pictures in a mango outlet dressing room like fr this is lower than issei levels of frugal
  8. I have no idea what their career aspiration is at this point tbh, urban pop-rock bussy boys opening for 35-th BTS clone on their 2 stop tour in Japan?
  9. japanese 『cancel culture 』 ain't playing tbh
  10. nekkichi

    let them have The Measles x
  11. nekkichi

    remember that taking unfiltered health and lifestyle advice from non-thematic internet resources is generally a very bad idea x
  12. nekkichi

    ohmigod this was my fav part of utube for a brief moment a while ago https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cern+opening+ceremony+symbolism enjoy xoxo interesting, ty.
  13. nekkichi

    first of all hiss is vegetarian, not vegan (miu wears furs), second they are also non-bipedal so you’re clearly being ableist if you disagree with what they chose food habits wise - and they chose ethics.
  14. nekkichi

    my vegetarian cat is trans and valid x hiss pronounce are miu and meaow.
  15. tag yourself x



  16. nekkichi

    a retirement?
  17. nekkichi

    did he DM u his disappointed peen ltr or
  18. nekkichi

    nope. smartphone apps are incomparably more profitable compared to any desktop/console release out there, even with the DLCs and whatever else included. they can practically stop caring about the extra cost of porting the work given the revenue mobiles already bring in.
  19. well I remember seeing @The Moon's comment wiped out of here because it contained the word "prolapse", but judging by the recent discussions we've witnessed, that word is no longer tabooed therefore I probably won't see another instance of this again!
  20. good sister made so many points




  21. I'm not saying I'm disappointed, but seven pages of pure incel cicrlejerk and no mention of the revolutionary Marquis de Sade novels that influenced our beloved vijuaru genré so much already says a lot about the current state of this fandom.


    brb rinsing my eyes with rosé water and saging my room to banish the basic energies now.

    1. nekkichi



      an organic hiT thread sure



      my fav thing so far is that person who went for vk slash writers wigs a lil while ago going the f off literally all over that thread, werrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkk that double standard kween

    2. secret_no_03


      Marquis de Sade was a nut. 😂 The Hellfire Club knew how to party. 

    3. nekkichi


      they got no shit on your party in that thread.

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  22. lmao we got it sisTers starwave needed its own dimlim and picked their only talented act for that, I still stan
  23. nekkichi

    yas parTy yas new album
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