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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    their new album better come as a CD-RW with a token to get some decent music re-recorded there next year for like extra ¥500 or something
  2. nekkichi

  3. same reason why music market in general is in decline - incompetent/passive management. music, overall, is a very low-profitable business (as compared to videogames and movies) with drastically smaller budgets and revenue; anyone capable of executing creative business approaches is employed elsewhere else. I mean, iTunes has been the only successful digital service due to apple pushing their ipod hardware sales (and a small cut off every sold song), and major music publishers have been reluctant to accept it as a sales platform, before the market has sunk to the point they had to merge w. each other to stay in business at all. it was a huge influence, but it did not come as a music business initiative, it was a tech brand branching out. they more or less look like 2006-2008 mucc/post-VK girugamesh & it's funny how going reverse-Dir en grey in terms of looks evolution has flopped in their case. I'm pretty sure Diru would be killing 2014 oricon charts if they invested in full-band facial lifting, a pvc suite or two & a couple wigs for shinya and kyo (I mean, see sukekiyo) bye @ this band
  4. nekkichi

    lmao @ this elitism. I've been at the first deg moscow concert (around the time hageshisato first came out) & aside from a few moderately annoying versailles stans, it wasn't anything bad audience-wise. my friends who seen them in sweden & finland had a way crazier experience crowd-wise.
  5. ror what? so they weren't a VK band in the first place? masa, have a tokyo dome of seats than, I'm pretty sure the subject twitter tirade came out of his delusional expectations, basically 1) bijuaru kei is weaboo-famous & brazil, murrica, europa and asia elsewhere loves it 2) bijuaru kei bands are sold out on itunes 3) so if we all go drag & get qt hair & hire a make up artistian, while playing same shitty -core that no one else obv done before in bijiaru kei (bc we invented it!!!), we get gaijin-famous and get many peso, much oiro and very many itunes dolla!! (and internet fameous too, so we gotting bitcoin as werru!) I don't see where it all could've gone wrong, like, on so many levels AT ALL tbh this analogy is really fucked up the only correlation between VK bootlegs & sexual harassment is that bloodlust's label is probably fucking them w/o lube over disappointing sales, so that's legit rape & everyone who ever mediafired their music is now responsible
  6. can we all agree kaya basically saved bijuaru kei (again & again & will do it with F.F. full album later in the year)

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      still waiting on juka's rip off band of hasbeens "Masc Fatal"

  7. I haven't seen kyo complaining over his solo project pirated uploads while he got that # 1 oricon w. domestic sales only and scheduled a european tour to get more cash off same material shortly after maybe this masa person could engage some logic and get a better management for his band, if it's piracy making his muzak unsustainable, not lack of paying fans. upd. I just googled around, and this band was formed in 2009? don't vk bands conditionally disband instead on bitching on twitter these days if their gig attendance and everything else is making them so unhappy? it's not like their deeply energy/time invested music is anything to write home about
  8. I don't really like jazzyish vk, but at least kamijo does it better than what is typically written in this style by other lessers, and 2nd snippet sounds lovely.
  9. nekkichi

    hope they all realize it was an act of divine intervention/karmic justice twd akb48's crimes against music. baby might as well have been a disgruntled 9GBO fan, acting out of sheer love for ~real music. probably claimed it a part of his aidoru reaper cosplay outfit! I see what you did there
  10. nekkichi

    so it's basically coming this december? really hope they have been inspired enough to record a solid album this time~
  11. awww bb, she sounds like the worst kind of person. (( I don't advocate beating shit out of people & it honestly sounds like her over-protective/overly enabling father did most of damage personality-wise. I don't know that many geminis, tho, and my frenemy issues with aquarians seem minuscule in comparison lmao
  12. nekkichi

  13. Aquarius backstabs you tbh!! or maybe it's just me, lol.
  14. nekkichi

    I hope you will get married to ishiki & post pics here & also share seks videos <3 love is a wonderful thing
  15. nekkichi

    may he rest in peace maybe it's time to cancel the russian gig as well and arrange a malice mizer reunion
  16. gørl you're, like, from sweden, you should srsly apply to universal swe as yohio's ririkkusu ghostwriter his dad will cover like 4 or 5 albums worth of stuff just like that (and don't forget all the b-sides!!!!!!)
  17. ^ just because i'm bored
  18. he doesn't look very good on the second pic, hate both the contacts and the camera angle, but first one is divine/fabulous/iconic/2014 vk genre reviving dude should tuck his ears completely tho, we don't need another reminder that he's approaching seventy already.
  19. nekkichi

    I love how this thread has outlived this album's fleeting relevance, lol.
  20. like an edison/closet child bonus track, Thesaurus gruesome misuse, will be provided with the first 500 copies.
  21. nekkichi

    their recent rushed stuff is actually not that bad. they put a lot of okayish/better than average vk filler and sometimes release really nice tunes w/o any real logic behind it. on a side note, yomi's voice is somewhat less grating than usual in this song to me?
  22. nekkichi

    their vocalist is ruining everything again naito 2.0
  23. I'm p. sure he was mostly inspired by this who got the idea from the movie half of year earlier
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