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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1.  holy shit this freshly-brewn gyokuro on konami

  2. nekkichi

    k e e p i t
  3. nekkichi

    it's their drummer ichiro p much permanently lmao
  4. (2) they're also the good looking band out of two!
  5. nekkichi

    yuuki looks wonderful, and it's nice that they are putting eight tracks out, even if at least two of those are the unreleased debut live mediocre filler.
  6. a meme so fresh, so fierce, so fabulous, so flawfree....

    do we really deserve Cuca, I'm r e a l ly not sure!!

    1. saishuu


      we are killing it this season tbh

    2. ricchubunny



    3. nekkichi


      cucussy (2)

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  7. nekkichi

    you're not necessarily put on anti-depressants for anxiety, especially the kind you're describing, however having not heard the horrorz in question and being on various activating anti-depressants for good part of past six years or so (I'm not tracking time at this point already) and rotating them once in a while, I'd take the medicated giving no fucks vegetable state that I had on zoloft over my ~natural~ God-given zonked out non-vitality. that being said I'm not meaning to discourage, there's a very recent very good write-up on someone who really went into a better place on a Rx that sucked entirely in my case — https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/06/opinion/antidepressants-depression-creativity.html?_r=0 I'm not sure how much having autism affects the way meds work at all, antidepressants are in a very gray area because often times their effects are not entirely understood, they just work for straightening specific brain-related things.
  8. nekkichi

    Le terme français mademoiselle... abrégé en « Mlle », est un titre de civilité, donné à une jeune fille ou à une femme non mariée... Son utilisation populaire est courante mais est remise en cause, par certains mouvements d’émancipation féminine... Au Québec, il est familièrement réservé aux «très jeunes filles». Après avoir été contesté pour son caractère sexiste, son usage dans les documents officiels est progressivement abandonné dans plusieurs pays, notamment en Suisse depuis 1973, au Québec en 1976, en France et au Luxembourg depuis 2012, ainsi qu'à Bruxelles et en Wallonie depuis 2015. Il est l'équivalent du terme anglais « Miss », en déclin depuis les années 1970 pour les mêmes raisons, et du terme allemand «Fräulein», considéré comme discriminatoire dans les pays germanophones... I just spoiled the upcoming narration piece for y'all I suppose.
  9. https://arstechnica.com/business/2017/06/konami-reportedly-blacklisting-ex-employees-across-japanese-video-game-industry/


    is konami even having anything remarkable scheduled for this year, silent gear solid pachinko crossovers aside?


    also, puts VK-scene gimmicks into a certain perspective again.

    1. Tokage


      they're in too deep w/ their yakuza buddies' pachinko emporium to think about regular games anymore these days (other than that metal gear zombie thing idk what happened to it)



    2. nekkichi


      oh right, they had that MGS thing in development too. sad!

  10. nekkichi

    it basically looks like a one long rentrer en soi FWD cosplay clip with gazette's dogma teaser ~aesthetics~ they essentially keep it consistent. 👍🏻
  11. nekkichi

    yasssss @ this ethereal goddess mentioning wyse, Lluvia (who??) and laputa while ignoring l'arc~en~ciel existence entirely (same with gackt) I adore her, interesting interview as well
  12. do you thing those tired hags will retire after what happened, or we can expect Initial~L'Arc forming in 2018 to slay us with a new song every 5 years again?

  13. **since day 1, can we stop pretending they ever made anything remarkable aside from selling shounen ai fantasia front for mediocre rock music. and this mess likely dates back to when they actually could sell millions of records, so it's all around surprising this only surfaced just now with no police investigation involved and hyde leaving "c u in court sweatie:)" post-its in his label's elevator.
  14. nekkichi

    this is fab tbh, I'm highkey excited
  15. omg I kept having flashbacks to that delusional person claiming a current sound engineer can turn due le quartz into something godlike, but i LOVE how you can literally hear his vocal strain in this preview! he must be another level of tragic when actually performing live that being said, with this and legendary666 doing this well, I honestly don't want nightmare coming back at all, they should disband and go different ways so that actual talent isn't watered down with that GrEmLiNs person and yomi's trachea torturing vocal range.
  16. ohmygod I haven't seen you around for so long! how's life?

  17. i hate that i am stanning this album so much (borderline progressing dissociative disorder lyrics on her non-personal songs aside)

  18. so anyway I finished the chelsea book, and based on her elaborate use of the word “homosexual” and/or “homo” coupled with revulsion towards uncut dikku she is officially cancelled - but thanks for the laughs and generous oversharing, hoe.


    on a side note (as I’m downloading the rest of her writings off TPB),

    are all straight people this fucked in the head?



    I had some suspicions based on my interactions with heterosexuals, but I never rly asked for a reconfirmation

    1. Elazmus


      Most of us can only aspire to be, hmu for that reconfirmation haa

    2. platy


      I think it depends where you go. 

      Hillbilly, overly religious and university areas (USA) tend to harbor toxic Hetero-values. 


    3. Zeus


      no. people are fucked up. i'm a heterosexual male and i'm just fine.

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  19. nekkichi

    can u imagine no1curr indie bandomen coming up with a new and obscene way of scamming elders, phonecalling them at like 3.30 am and hissing "buy our single on itunes obaasan and send us receipts, lest bad luck will follow you for 13 years - lots of love from antique cafe, signed cheki available <3<3<3"
  20. convulsive cringe shivers running all the way down to my bussy @ napoleon bonaparte narration in castrato


    kamijo good sis, keep derivering, u never disappoint me

    1. nekkichi


      (dramatic pause)



      a french horn....symbol of liberty, of napoleonian conquests, symbol of croissant, elegance, beauty, grace and intense phallic oral action...a horn coming from france

    2. leafwork
    3. nekkichi


      venti gôbelet of NO


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  21. nekkichi

    please refer to the official title, ~le Vêtement de gerbille~ (src = "la visual kei thrift store guide book") when dragging them, thank u!!!!
  22. nekkichi

    do u think kiwamu will force fellow starwave bandomen to chip in/scam some old ladies and purchase those (and a follow-up bleaching/distressing job to pass them off as ~nostalgic but brand new~ clothing creations)???
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