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    chemicalpictures reacted to CAT5 in chemicalpictures favorites of 2015   
    develop one's faculties didn't quite win me over, but I think they're really promising. I also agree about the guitar work - there's a riff in the middle of "hope" that I thought was pretty sweet. I also think it's pretty interesting to see a VK vocalist that plays guitar too, does that happen too often?
    I feel like some of the songs on DOGMA will grow on me when I revisit them in the future, outside of the album's context. That happened to me with their previous album, which I also didn't really take to at first.
    @seurong raves about PELICAN FANCLUB to me all the time, and I know @Jigsaw9, @fitear1590 @Macro approve too, so I'm gonna have to spend more time with that one!
    Anyways, good list and a nice mix you've got!
  2. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to CAT5 in Show Yourself (again)   
    Don't take many selfies, but here I am with my pregnant sister, celebrating her 30th Birthday over the weekend.

  3. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to beni in Show Yourself (again)   
  4. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    yeaaaahh, me too! Already on endgame tho, waiting for dev to drop more content...
    Right now is Stardew Valley, Hyper Light Drifter, SUPERHOT and, as always, DOTA 2.
  5. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Entendo o que tu fala. Mas tirando DreqixRudra mesmo como exempo, comprei a cópia fisica do 'Pride' porque eu era VICIADO nessa porra, paguei uma baba na época e deixei de pegar outros cds. Só que pra ser sincero hoje não sei se compraria de novo, porque eu realmente não acho que seja isso tudo "ouvindo" com o "ouvido" que tenho hoje. O próprio DEZERT que você citou, pra mim faz um som de muito mais qualidade. Esse último album tem coisa MUITO boa, tanto em execução quanto em composição, coisa que sinceramente acho que DreqixRudra (ou outras bandas da antiga que o pessoal que viveu a epoca gosta) não teriam condições de fazer. o TL;DR é que as vezes a gente se prende muito no que tiramos como muito bom, e deixamos de ouvir certos sons novos por preconceito/comodismo.
    Pelo que to vendo do teu estilo, recomendaria MASKED RIDER SYSTEM, Kuroyuri to Kage, xaa-xaa, Rides in ReVellion... banda boa tem, mas tem que caçar
  6. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from hiroki in 少女-ロリヰタ-23区(lolita23q) mysterious countdown   
    Preference is one thing, but to say that Sou is technically a better singer than Soshi is simply not true.
  7. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from eiheartx in 少女-ロリヰタ-23区(lolita23q) mysterious countdown   
    Preference is one thing, but to say that Sou is technically a better singer than Soshi is simply not true.
  8. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from saishuu in 少女-ロリヰタ-23区(lolita23q) mysterious countdown   
    Preference is one thing, but to say that Sou is technically a better singer than Soshi is simply not true.
  9. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from ChaoticEnding in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Esse som do LUV'ra-Doll é muito bom! e eu considero super moderno, tem banda aí fazendo coisa parecida... já as outras duas são mais dificeis, mas vê se tu curte esse preview então:

    Se isso não é vk early 2000, eu não sei o que é. de 2013.
  10. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to r... in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Vou deixar só isso aqui:

    E isso aqui:

    E isso:

    Eu escuto isso hoje e ainda acho bom pra caramba. Nostalgia seria se eu escutasse Missalina Rei e Noir fleurir HOJE e viesse falar de cara limpa pra vocês que é bom. O caralho que é. É ruim! Eu gostava porque era novo e achava tudo lindo, meu senso crítico de adolescente não era tão ~apurado~. Mas essas três músicas eu acho demais. E falo isso porque ouvi esses 3 discos dessas 3 bandas recentemente. Mas, muito recente mesmo.
    A cena do final dos anos 90/comecinho dos anos 2000 doutrinava muito, haha. Dá palmadinha no bumbum de muita coisa que sai hoje.
    Eram outras influências que tem muito pouco hoje em dia. Porque, obviamente, o clima da cena muda. Se adapta. V系 não tem um som específico, mas chegou muito perto de ter um som característico definido durante uma época e é ESSE SOM que eu sinto falta. Da mistura do 黒夢 com o LUNA SEA, do pós-punk do David Sylvain, do gótico de um Sisters of Mercy, Cocteau Twins, Cure, Bauhaus, Siouxie, do hardcore/deathrock do T.S.O.L e Christian Death, e metal tudo misturado. Essa que era a beleza da coisa.
  11. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to Zeus in 10 Types of J-Music Fans   
    10 Types of J-Music Fans
    The Casual That moment when you actually try to talk about visual kei with someone.
    Pros: Potentially interested in learning more.
    Cons: Unfamiliar with anything else an artist may have done.
    The Expat
    I'm into plush dolls. Native women are so overrated...
    Pros: Did you need that ameblo post translated? They know a guy...
    Cons: Will probably find a way to make every music discussion about j-music.
    The Hoarder
    The visual kei ward will be fresh af bby
    Pros: They definitely have that super rare live distro file you've been looking for in flac.
    Cons: It's just on their hard drive from 2001 packed up in storage.
    The Otaku
    How otakus share rarez
    Pros: Deep and knowledgeable about music, may have variety in taste, love spreading music
    Cons: Can be very difficult to find common ground musically, don't like sharing, neurotic habits
    The Historian
    Visual kei alone would take up half the chart but historians disagree on how many different sub -keis there should be.
    Pros: A walking encyclopedia of obscure musical knowledge
    Cons: Doesn't know anything about anyone you would care about
    The Elitist
    Start by listening to some real music n00b
    Pros: Actually has dope music taste (on occasion)
    Cons: Spends too much time being an asshole, too selective, not open to new things
    The Shadow
    Is it safe to come out?
    Pros: The coolest peeps in the scene for sure.
    Cons: Rarely ever advertise themselves as a J-Music fan
    The Bangya Believe it or not they're sitting in assigned order.
    Pros: They actually support the movement.
    Cons: Describe going to lives as 参戦 (lit. "going to war").
    The Hype Beast
    This new visual kei band's releasing a 7-TYPE live distributed 30 copy single campaign based on the days of the week all recorded, mixed, and mastered in the same day! Pre-ordered all seven already!
    Pros: They're on top of everything that's happening
    Cons: Listens to Instigate the Grief and THE RUDIE SATAN PARK for pleasure.
    The Tanuki
    qurl you won't believe what i just found about about satsuki...
    Pros: They got all the details about everyone
    Cons: All but one of them are a lie (and they might not know which)
    I hope you enjoyed the read! Are there any you think I missed? Comment and leave them below.
  12. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from ChaoticEnding in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Entendo o que tu fala. Mas tirando DreqixRudra mesmo como exempo, comprei a cópia fisica do 'Pride' porque eu era VICIADO nessa porra, paguei uma baba na época e deixei de pegar outros cds. Só que pra ser sincero hoje não sei se compraria de novo, porque eu realmente não acho que seja isso tudo "ouvindo" com o "ouvido" que tenho hoje. O próprio DEZERT que você citou, pra mim faz um som de muito mais qualidade. Esse último album tem coisa MUITO boa, tanto em execução quanto em composição, coisa que sinceramente acho que DreqixRudra (ou outras bandas da antiga que o pessoal que viveu a epoca gosta) não teriam condições de fazer. o TL;DR é que as vezes a gente se prende muito no que tiramos como muito bom, e deixamos de ouvir certos sons novos por preconceito/comodismo.
    Pelo que to vendo do teu estilo, recomendaria MASKED RIDER SYSTEM, Kuroyuri to Kage, xaa-xaa, Rides in ReVellion... banda boa tem, mas tem que caçar
  13. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to CAT5 in #72: DIV - EDR TOKYO   
    01. 東京、熱帯夜につき
    02. 夜想GALAXXXY
    03. サクラユメ
    04. 甘美な嘘と退屈な薄紅
    05. Relic Snow
    06. 神様がもしいるなら

    8/10 | DIV's unique blend of EDM and rock proves to be a winner!

    Never a band to sit idle, young visual rockers DIV have continued their steady stream of releases and christened 2016 with their second and latest EP EDR TOKYO. The 'EDR' in the title stands for 'Electronic Dance Rock', and while electronics have always been present in DIV's music, they've mostly --with the exception of a few b-sides like "milky latte" and "東京ネクロポリス博物館 (Tokyo Necropolis Hakubutsukan)"-- operated on the peripheries: relegated to mood-setting intros, punchy breakdowns, and background frill. EDR TOKYO asserts itself as a more overt electronic endeavor, however. Their last single, the awesome, EDM-fueled "イケナイKISS (ikenai kiss)" gave us a good taste of what DIV's 'EDR' could sound like, and it's certainly served as precursor to the material on this EP.

    The blithesome opener "東京、熱帯夜につ (tokyo nettaiya ni tsuki)" borrows some of the EDM elements of that song, but takes them a bit further, as guitars take a backseat to bright, layered synths and atmospheric bleep bloops. The song openly embraces electronics and effectively sets the precedent for the rest of the EP; each song is inundated with lively synth-work and programming that's both varied and meticulously applied. There may even be moments where you'll question if you're still listening to DIV or not; the main synth in "神様がもしいるなら (kamisama ga moshi iru nara)" sounds like something you'd hear in a
    , and the heavy, electro-blended guitars in "甘美な嘘と退屈な薄紅 (kanbi na uso to taikutsu na usubeni)" would equally at home in a track by the GazettE, yet they implement all of this without really straying from who they are. This EP proves that DIV have thoroughly invested themselves in 'EDR' and the electronics here neither sound like a gimmick nor are they arbitrary sonic decorations. Every synth sounds like it has purpose and is an inherent part of the song.

    Some may worry that the heavy-focus on electronic music may have come at a price, but rest assured, that is not the case. DIV have not neglected 'R' in 'EDR'! Tracks like "夜想GALAXXXY (yasou GALAXXXY)" and "サクラユメ (sakurayume)" have plenty of audible guitar work, yet are still seamlessly integrated with the electronics. "甘美な嘘と退屈な薄紅" and "Relic Snow", which are arguably the harder tracks of the EP, even boast a bit of breakdown chugging. Clever programming also pervades the EP, with the drums alternating between satoshi's live playing, techno kicks, dubstep-snares and more. Throughout EDR TOKYO, this creates a kind of aural symbiosis that draws forth the raving energy of EDM, but equally channels the adrenal charge of metalcore and the buoyancy of styles like pop-rock and pop-punk. In short, the EP still rocks out in spite of DIV's stylistic choices - no, perhaps even because of them.

    EDR TOKYO does lose a bit of steam by the last two tracks, though. That particular duo seems to retread similar musical ground as the previous tracks, but that's a minor grievance, as both tracks still maintain enough personality to sustain the EP. Ultimately, DIV have accomplished what they've set out to do: they've successfully accentuated their electronic tendencies while maintaining their rock-oriented outlook. EDR TOKYO doesn't feel like a conscious shift in DIV's musical direction - it sounds like the band simply manifesting more of who they already were to begin with.
    Purchase EDR TOKYO @ CDJapan
  14. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Tetora in BAROQUE new CD release   
    Finally! Can't wait to listen the album ver. of black bane
  15. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to Trombe in BAROQUE new CD release   
    it is announced at BAROQUE one-man live tour "G O O D M O R N I N G B O Y S A N D G I R L S" tour final at Shimokitazawa GARDEN at 2016/03/25 that their new CD (type & title not yet finalized) will be released in 2016, although details have not yet been announced
    btw they will hold their one-man live "GIRL //SO// SWEET GIRL //SO// BRAVE" since TSUTAYA O-East at 2016/05/13 and up to Fukuoka DRUM Be-1 at 2016/06/25

  16. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from ChaoticEnding in パノラマ虚構ゼノン(XENON) will disband   
    I'll never fucking understand vkei fans in Japan. How the fuck could Xenon be so underappreciated? really, such bullshit. I hope they at least stay on the scene, all of them are way above your average musicians.
  17. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from RED RUM in パノラマ虚構ゼノン(XENON) will disband   
    I'll never fucking understand vkei fans in Japan. How the fuck could Xenon be so underappreciated? really, such bullshit. I hope they at least stay on the scene, all of them are way above your average musicians.
  18. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Xerath in パノラマ虚構ゼノン(XENON) will disband   
    I'll never fucking understand vkei fans in Japan. How the fuck could Xenon be so underappreciated? really, such bullshit. I hope they at least stay on the scene, all of them are way above your average musicians.
  19. Like
  20. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Aferni in パノラマ虚構ゼノン(XENON) will disband   
    I'll never fucking understand vkei fans in Japan. How the fuck could Xenon be so underappreciated? really, such bullshit. I hope they at least stay on the scene, all of them are way above your average musicians.
  21. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from NICKT in Something I've finally realised about modern VK...   
    I've been listening to japanese music since around 2000, and profusely since 2004, and I can tell that every year people say what you are saying. VK represents maybe 3 or 5% of japanese music industry, I guess. It's a niche inside a niche, thousands of bands disbands and forms everyday and no one cares. People go where the money is, so of course 18412980123 newbie bands will imitate what is giving money nowadays. There's always a "phase" going around, if you get what I'm saying. There was a time when EVERY BAND was oshare, then EVERY BAND was linkin park, then EVERY BAND was dir en grey, now EVERY BAND is metalcore. Even the bands you mentioned were kinda influenced one by another.

    TL;DR: VK has always been like this. You just don't like the flavor of the month.
  22. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in MH FEATURED POLL #42: Do you think Trombe should upload an avatar?   
    NEVER. Trombe is a mystical deity that came to earth to provide us with happiness (when bands release a new album) and sorrow (when they disband a month after). The provider of our ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS is faceless and is all around us.
  23. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from emmny in MH FEATURED POLL #42: Do you think Trombe should upload an avatar?   
    NEVER. Trombe is a mystical deity that came to earth to provide us with happiness (when bands release a new album) and sorrow (when they disband a month after). The provider of our ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS is faceless and is all around us.
  24. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Sakurai-san in MH FEATURED POLL #42: Do you think Trombe should upload an avatar?   
    NEVER. Trombe is a mystical deity that came to earth to provide us with happiness (when bands release a new album) and sorrow (when they disband a month after). The provider of our ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS is faceless and is all around us.
  25. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Spectralion in MH FEATURED POLL #42: Do you think Trombe should upload an avatar?   
    NEVER. Trombe is a mystical deity that came to earth to provide us with happiness (when bands release a new album) and sorrow (when they disband a month after). The provider of our ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS is faceless and is all around us.
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