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Status Updates posted by evilcoconut

  1. I have a love/hate of using SAL on CDJ.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I has using this shit shipping one time, I hate wait more than 4 weeks for receive someting... no I use only air mail and receive all my package in 3 day.

    2. evilcoconut


      I love the cheapness, but I hate the random time. I've gotten it in a week before, but also in five weeks.

    3. saishuu


      I mostly used SAL when I ordered stuff from Japan and got my things in like 2 months. lol I got used to it.

  2. Last FM actually changed a tag when I asked them. Much amaze.

  3. Let me know if anyone has the new AKFG single in mp3, ugh.

    1. evilcoconut


      nah, it's not mp3 =/

    2. Owl


      Why don't you convert it into mp3 then?

    3. evilcoconut


      For some reason I don't have anything on my computer that converts it. It's the other big file type that isn't FLAC.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  4. lol the "sadie rips off diru" is so fucking tired. stop. find something else to do.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. evilcoconut


      No it's still tired. Whether they do or don't, it really doesn't matter. Either you like their music or you don't. But to winge on about how they copy Diru for years smacks of people who need something else to do.

    3. evilcoconut


      And wow, I hope you aren't retarded enough to think I'm a Sadie stan. I feel sorry for your mental abilities, if so.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. More in counter-intuitive Last FM crap. Instead of a streamlined artist library, it's a bunch of clunky junk. I used to be able to go right down the list and find tracks from duplicate sources. Now I have to click on each fucking one. ARGH.

  6. My music folder is too huge. I wonder if it's better to organize it into genre folders.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Same problem here :P

    2. evilcoconut


      Mine is alpha by band, but it's still disgustingly huge.

    3. PsychoΔelica


      I started upolading to google drive till I decide what I want to get rid of or back up.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. need more sound schedule

  8. New DAI album is v.good

  9. October was such a good month for music, November better step up its game.

    1. Shmilly


      I'll drink to that.

  10. oh whoops there goes one of my top ten vk bands. lol figures.

    1. evilcoconut


      eat you alive was in my list in the top ten vk band thread and the announcement just came out that they're disbanding lol

    2. CAT5


      oh wow. XD...Dayum, well that's a bummer =/

    3. Slsr


      Story of vkei for u, it is more like waiting for possible disbandment than waiting for next release :lol: .

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. oh yeah 凛 -the end of corruption world- 8D

  12. pffftahahah. nope, i was wrong, vk fans are still largely pathetic.

  13. Protip: don't write giant essays around a point you don't actually comprehend. Unless your goal was to make me lmao, then good job.

  14. quit trying to trick me internets, i'm not buying anything today

  15. so 2 hours = barely 30 luna sea plays. i do not understand how i had epic plays of them previously.

  16. sour beer: what separates the craft beer noobs from the nerds

  17. taking me a bit to get used to extended screen lol, i keep "losing" my mouse

  18. the mixtape thread looked like it was dying, so i made one hurhur

  19. the new last fm makes me want to delete myself from the internet lol /overreaction

    1. pinkmakona


      It is AWFUL, what were they thinking...

    2. evilcoconut


      they weren't? obviously they don't give two shits about their users.

    3. pinkmakona


      Leave negative feedback and moan, it's all we can do

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  20. the onset of fall makes me listen to vk, idk why

  21. There are so many things I hate about the new Last FM: song- artist view, no cover art on now-playing, no sidebar, the terribad top song header, no dashboard, removal of 0 plays artists. I'm sure there's more.

    1. Seimeisen


      ^ lol I am so fucking done with circle images right now! Can web/software developers stop trying to make it "a thing"?

    2. Zeus


      no we can't circles 4ever

    3. Licio123


      srsly, they need to revert it, the library was soooo much better before.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  22. Trying to decide what's better, an overall solid album, or an album with a handful of awesome songs, but the rest are filler.

    1. Tetora


      Both are nice. Only thing that gives me a wedgie is when you get a Pop album, and the single off it is the only decent song(s) and the rest are lame.

  23. UROBOROS thing is actually pretty good. Normally I'd be mad I can't edit the wiki, but who cares? It's hardly noticeable on hell.fm anymore anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  24. VK fans on Last FM need to come together and find a way to tag these unicode bands like Chinese rock fans do with ??团. It's getting ridiculous.

    1. Tetora


      The tags for everything are inaccurate, the capitals, the spaces, whether it is in Japanese or English, if the band changed their name's style, etc... All wrong on Last.fm Ah well.

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