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Everything posted by evilcoconut

  1. evilcoconut

    I also really like Dương Triệu Vũ and Hoàng Thùy Linh. Super solid pop artists, not a lot of ballads, but the ones they do have are really good.
  2. evilcoconut

    365 is pretty much awesome. Kinda picky on my male pop groups, but they are probably my favorite spanning several countries lol
  3. evilcoconut

    So now I have quite a few Viet artists I like hahah. Shit is still kinda hard to find (esp.rock), but there are some great Vietnamese sites with free downloads. I'm going to check out The Men rec though bc I've not run across them yet.
  4. confused by the spinning banner, forreal

  5. evilcoconut

    I was really confused by all the eiwoehwcwhid randomness, but now I see it is broken youtube embed things lol
  6. Can't agree with #2 at all. I don't like most of the artists I listened to between ages 13-18 or even 13 and 22ish. On the other hand, I can agree with the music addiction part lol.
  7. evilcoconut

  8. evilcoconut

    fTLWAkgXqC4 Artist: Pin Up Went Down Song: Nearly Dead Bat Makeup Album: 2Unlimited Genre: progressive metal, cabaret metal, idk Been doing a Halloween countdown on my Tumblr and this is today's so I figured I'd post it here. I'll try to come here more often lol
  9. evilcoconut

    Ahahah. Without reading anything else yet, I just have to say that I have been asking this question myself for nigh on 3 years. And I too, have my theories. 8D ETA - not sure why people constantly insist that those who say they don't like the visuals of visual kei are liars or trying to avoid some stereotype. If someone is literally only listening to the music, the looks are kinda here nor there lol. But Idk, if a person's main music diet appears to be Kpop and VK, I'mma draw some pretty damning conclusions lol. Also, someone did bring up Korean rock, which is a good point because that's what I've always wondered (in a facetious way since it's basically obvious) is why not the rock? Korea has some awesome rock bands. But oops, they don't wear a bunch of makeup and look plastic and basically the same. I.e. they mostly look like normal people and wear normal clothes. But, like another person said, the blogspots. Korean rock is not easy to find in many cases. And if you aren't willing to search for different music, it ain't gon come to you.
  10. evilcoconut

    I think it depends on how old you are lol. I frankly grew out of loving music one minute and hating it the next quite some time ago so for me, no it wasn't. I like less VK bands now, but that's because there are less bands to like. All the ones I started liking when I started liking VK, I still like and still listen to. Certain other musics appeal to me more now, but that's how it always is. I go back and forth, but like I said, I'm way past ~phases~. In fact, my music horizons have broadened considerably since I found VK so it's more that I have less time for it lol. ETA - I also totally agree with everything Champ has said so far.
  11. evilcoconut

    anyone heard of gat tan day? they're awesome
  12. evilcoconut

    welp! trying to decide if this is depressing, disturbing, shocking or other tbh
  13. evilcoconut

    I already listen to EYA and Muni, which are really not new lol, but I'll look into those other ones. Some bands I like for reference: 9GOATS, Dali, CELLT, Sadie, Vistlip, Nightingeil, Lost Ash, Monolith, Luzmelt, LAM, L'eprica, M, Moran, OZ, Nega, SCAPEGOAT, Sincrea, etc.
  14. evilcoconut

    This is likely weird and ridiculous, but pretty much all the ~indie~ VK bands I like have broken up, which means I'm somehow behind....something so I just want some recs for newish, hopefully good (for VK hurhur) bands to check out. Preferably with more than a couple singles out or whatever. It's alright if they've been around a few years, that's about the time I haven't bothered to look up anything new. So, uh, hit me!
  15. evilcoconut

    blah all the oldest indie vk bands i like are slowly disappearing. =/
  16. evilcoconut

    damn =/
  17. evilcoconut

    Shaolin with Nic Tse and Andy Lau. Freaking awesome movie tbh
  18. evilcoconut

    When it comes to VK, I rarely try many new bands any more. Unless I hear a certain amount of buzz about them. Too much crap I don't feel like wading through, lol. However, in general I'm always looking for new stuff, so if it ~looks~ interesting, I'll probably try it.
  19. evilcoconut

    nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo D8
  20. evilcoconut

    I can't
  21. evilcoconut

    yes! i love the fozztones lol. amazing band
  22. evilcoconut

    have you seen blood for poppies MV? it's good, but not GOOD. nuuuupe. i don't really watch pvs so i'm waiting for the album lol. that's kinda me too. i have a lot of bands i follow that i have no idea when anything new is released because i don't know where to look. i usually come across it months later lol as for this "long list" wank, i personally only posted a few releases of note that i'm particularly looking forward to, but i really never write stuff down because there's too much to keep track of, too many bands that i like and i'm always looking for more. and, tbh, i very rarely find anything new and exciting via this forum since it's mostly mainstream vk-ish stuff that gets posted.
  23. evilcoconut

    Garbage (May, I think) INORAN (June) The Back Horn (June) UNLIMITS (May) Flip (May) Nico Touches The Walls (May) GLAY (May)
  24. evilcoconut

    so surprised they got back together lol
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