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Everything posted by evilcoconut

  1. evilcoconut

    mmm awesome
  2. evilcoconut

    i think one of the songs was on the dvd...lol. i guess we'll just have to hope they end up on an album
  3. evilcoconut

    did a rip for this ever surface?
  4. evilcoconut

    have absolutely loved their new singles. album should be epic~
  5. evilcoconut

    I could have done just fine not hearing this album, but my curiosity as an old fan got the better of me. It felt like a tentative attempt at a new sound mixed with a very weak pass at their old sound, and together it was just...reductive and boring. The only singles I'd heard previously were Nexus, Shine and Drink. Of those three, I only liked Drink. So I'm not really aware of what's new and what's not. Chase and X X X started out good, but the choruses were terrible. Bye Bye and Good Luck My Way segued into each other so much that I thought they were the same song. Shade of Season could have been cool, but it went nowhere. Bless, Wild Flower and the last song were nothing but regurgitated versions of older, and much better ballads. I also hated how over produced it was. Tetsu and Ken's parts sounded completely soulless. Nothing recognizable at all. Yeah. 5/10 Completely average album. I'm already enjoying the new R-Shitei more than this lol.
  6. evilcoconut

    I feel like people have been saying that every year for at least the last four lol.
  7. evilcoconut

    I seem to only like Western artists that people either love or hate...like her, lol.
  8. evilcoconut

    Thanks! Listened to it twice, but I dunno... for me it's not bad but it sure as hell isn't memorable either. Can't remember a thing except for some of the guitar parts kinda reminding me of L'Arc~en~Ciel, lol. Truthfully I liked Arcadia better, at least I could remember it almost instantly (so it was more catchy/different I guess). Still curious for the B-side though! I essentially had the same thought re:L'arc. Not quite sure if that's a good thing at this point though lol
  9. evilcoconut

    chrono trigger. yeaaaaah old rpgs!
  10. evilcoconut

    chrono trigger PS port lol
  11. evilcoconut

    FACT – 1-4 this new album is extreme awesome
  12. evilcoconut

    found it extremely boring, tbh. couldn't get past the halfway mark of any song. the ~world music~ concept was interesting at first, until i realized that there are actual bands from those parts of the world that do it better lol
  13. evilcoconut

    Idk, I don't really associate with VK fandoms anymore. I do remember Merry's being very cool for a long time. Also Sel'm and most Nagoya bands. Obviously all the really popular bands end up having the wankiest fandoms
  14. evilcoconut

    missed this memo, but awesome!
  15. evilcoconut

  16. evilcoconut

    ugh, dammit
  17. evilcoconut

    Sujk - ARKHELISM Dir en Grey - DUMB Spiro Spero Are the only things I can think of off the bat. I tend to forget crap quickly, lol. Unless it's by a major band. I'll enter L'arc's into the running for next year though. ;p
  18. evilcoconut

    I don't quite get it, but I'm lol'ing anyway. Expect this to be more of the same uninspired drivel they've been putting out for years in between hiatuses tbh.
  19. evilcoconut

    This is somewhat of a "top ten albums I remember" list, because I listen to way too much. :x 1.Hilcrhyme - RISING 2.LUNA SEA - LUNA SEA (2011) 3.Koda Kumi - Dejavu 4.Prague - 明け方のメタファー 5.UVERworld - LIFE 6 SENSE 6.FoZZtone - NEWWORLD 7.THE ROOTLESS – The Rootless 8.Amazarashi - 千年幸福論 9.LOLLIPOP F - Dance 10.BYEE the ROUND - Byee the Round
  20. Tbh I don't really think of it at all, lol. I suppose, somewhere, I'm probably more impressed with pop artists who compose their own songs vs those who don't, but it's not exactly a criteria I'm actively looking for. So I guess I'm pretty ambivalent. =/
  21. evilcoconut

    Hilcrhyme – デタミネーション
  22. +1 And actually I've never found any cray cray JE fangirls unless I've been actively looking for them. The kpop fans are so much worse, you can't go anywhere without noticing them. that last part, yes so much. that's the difference. i never ran into many JE fans before I ended up liking a group/singer, but the kpop fans are everywhere blabbing about how great kpop is and other obnoxious shit. i never saw that from JE fans, and still don't, tbh. they're more like, idk, stupidly obsessed with pairings and crap like that. besides, kpop fans' default setting is butthurt, they're always butthurt about something.
  23. not exactly, is kind of my answer to this. if i find something without knowing anything about the fans, it has no influence on me if i later discover that they're stupid. however, if there are fans that are particularly obnoxious or retarded, it would probably steer me away from bothering with the music in the first place. but it sort of depends on the level of obnoxious as well. i like a couple of JE "artists" and i knew going in that the fans were, uh, a little cray cray, and they are, but in more of a lol smh kinda way. on the other hand, kpop fans are, as a whole, fucking obnoxious, and if i didn't already know that i didn't like it, i'd stay clear just because of the retarded fans. so yeah, kinda/sorta/depends/not always
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