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Everything posted by evilcoconut

  1. evilcoconut

    yeah, at first I thought it couldn't possibly be as bad as these reviews suggested and even the first two songs weren't bad. but it went significantly downhill from there.
  2. evilcoconut

    Yeah, it's getting downright annoying. Sure is. Preview sounded good, I loved SEVEN, its what got me into them so if its along those lines then I will be pleased! everything reminds everyone of dir en grey because that's basically all they listen to. so glad that's not MY frame of reference for everything in vk/jrock. anyway, yay new album, bout time.
  3. evilcoconut

  4. evilcoconut

    omigosh, I thought they were gone for good. great news!
  5. evilcoconut

    MTE since it said they'd been together for a few years or something
  6. evilcoconut

    well shit....
  7. evilcoconut

    - Arcadia is still boring. They should have collab'd with 中田ヤスタカ instead. - NAME is decent...but there's something I don't like about Tatsu's singing. Can't think of a word prob bc lack of coffee...uh - New FUZZ, on the other hand, is fucking awesome. It kinda makes the whole single, tbh. Like a brand new song. lovelovelove
  8. evilcoconut

    also coool
  9. About 99% of the time I care absolutely nothing about lyrics. But, in a slightly different way than most perhaps. I would rather not understand them so that I can focus on the music. This is primarily why I listen to way more music in languages other than English. I like the vocal instrument, so I don't want to only listen to instrumental music, but I find that hearing words I fully understand distracts me from the overall appreciation of a song: vocals + music. And yes, while I do have a working knowledge of Japanese and French, I have to really be paying attention to understand lyrics in a song and it's easy to tune it out. Much harder with English, which I'm fluent in. This is why I can't ever comprehend when people say they can't listen to music in x-language because they need to understand what they're singing about. It legit baffles me, lol.
  10. evilcoconut

    Liar Game: Final Stage ....decent, but really just an extension of the drama
  11. evilcoconut

    lol, all of them? certainly most of them bahahah so much this
  12. evilcoconut

    i think it is too. those blog posts are way too similar to be a freaky coincidence. in case anyone hasn't seen them: http://aramatheydidnt.livejournal.com/3036101.html
  13. evilcoconut

    i hope this is true, lol
  14. Both, but I think I lean towards talent/technicality most of the time. I usually look for artists to have both though. It's why I'm rarely attracted to faddish stuff because I feel it lacks pretty much everything except accessibility. Something has to catch my ear, whether it's instrumental talent or compositional talent.
  15. evilcoconut

    hopefully it's a new release, or announcement for one, they haven't released in what seems like aaaages
  16. evilcoconut

    Perfect. People just like to complain tbh.
  17. evilcoconut

    ugh. i just know they're going to disband soon. ;;
  18. evilcoconut

    Velvet Eden – 花売り娘
  19. evilcoconut

    disbandment? hiatus? that's what these announcements always are these days
  20. evilcoconut

    windows! i use XP on my two systems. i've heard good things about 7, but i like my XP. xp mac-elitists are hilarious, btw.
  21. evilcoconut

    ACID – SEED miss this band
  22. evilcoconut

    you know, i've loved most all their most recent stuff. basically after that hiatus they took and everything, but this was very staid and boring. nothing stood out to me. i won't say it's poppy, but it definitely had a phoned-in quality to me. =/
  23. evilcoconut

    Flawed Element – Worms On Concrete 2.0
  24. evilcoconut

    I love Japanese reggae and dancehall, lol. Lecca, Manji-Line and Chehon are coming to mind rn
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