"A band's first album isn't automatically their best, in fact, it probably sucks compared to the rest of their disco."
Unpopular because about 75% of the time I meet fans of bands I like, they always say their first albums were the best, like it's just an automatic, understood thing.
Now, this is not exclusive to the J-fandom, I've observed it loads in Western music before I ever got into Japanese stuff. But I've never gotten it. Why does everyone parrot that the first album is omg the best ever and then they totally sold out desu desu one one. I can name so many examples: D'espairsRay, MUCC, 12012, Gazette, Meth (for them it was actually their first single or something really stupid), L'arc (lmao) and on and on. Me personally, I very rarely find any band's debut to be their best. In fact, far from it. Kinda like a writer's first novel is usually shit personified. I don't mean first published, I mean actual FIRST. Bands grow, bands get better at what they do and the same generally goes for every art form. Some of them DO have uncommonly good debuts, but that is the EXCEPTION, not the norm.
You are not extra edgy or indie for liking their first album THE BEST, thereby providing some kind of unsaid proof that you've liked them since ~forever~