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Original Saku

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Posts posted by Original Saku

  1. habits die hard, and plus I haven't had major problems with their scrobbler desktop and mobile plugin in over half a decade, so it's just really easy to install and get going now a days that there's really no reason not to be using it for me.


    Also like many people have said, artist pictures! one of the best places to go for band pics all in one place. sometimes band bios  come in handy too when i go on the random research binge sate my own curiosity.

  2. Been using Last.fm since 2008, but I did a full reset back in January 2015 at about 40k scrobbles. here's my top 8 artists as well as albums.




    I'm now back at 24k, but my chart numbers don't really reflect that since I listen to so many different bands and artists XD also it's funny that Diru is #1 because I almost never listen to them on purpose.... I have their entire discography and like a few dozen live audio rips, so they come up a lot when I listen to my collection on shuffle.


    as a bonus my top songs.





    My account link is below in my sig, feel free to add me.

  3. 19 hours ago, acbpn said:

    I'm wondering which to buy, XBOXone X or PS4 Pro.


    You have to ask yourself a very basic question, which console has the exclusives you want to play more? Because that's really all it boils down to, sure the XboneX will be the more powerful machine, but if it doesn't have the games you want to play then what's the point? Also another really important question is; do you have or plan on having a 4k TV? If you don't have one or plan on getting one, then I wouldn't even waste the extra money on the PS4pro or the XboneX, I'd just get a PS4slim or a XboneS. 4K is really what these consoles are made for, most if not all of the visual and graphical enhancements are going to be in the higher resolution support.



  4. 2 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:

    I'm trying to get my hands on one for my niece and nephew to play on.

    I'm just ..... too fucking cheap right now lol.


    I want to hold off until Black Friday at this point, since the games go on sale constantly here.


    Can anyone with a Wii U tell me if the Switch is a viable upgrade? or can I wait a bit?

    Breath of the Wild is available on the Wii U, and Super Mario Odyssey will be released for the Wii U in late Oct.

    Those are the only games I think they would play at the moment. Maybe Splatoon.

    Difference in graphics seems marginal.


    Also, is anyone going to opt for that monthly subscription once it goes into effect?




    As far as I know Super Mario Odyssey will only be on the Switch, unless i missed something... Other reasons to buy one this year would be the mario + rabbids game, splatoon 2, and supposedly Xenoblade Chronicles 2 which is supposed to come out at the very end of the year according to Nintendo. I'm sure there's a few other games that will come out that will be decent, there's also a bunch of smaller indie titles being released on the eshop regularly that are fun to play in portable mode.


    my opinion? if you want one this year, then don't wait till black Friday.... you'll most likely not be able to buy one due to the manufacturing setbacks that Nintendo have been experiencing due to component shortages, and since everybody and their momma will be trying to get one around holiday, the chance that their will be enough to go around will be quite unrealistic. However it's not that hard to find one atm as long as you don't mind calling around and keep an eye on local retailers.


    I might. depends. the subscription will be required for online play, so if that's a thing for me around the time it goes live I will probably get it. Also there the whole free game service they will be launching with it, similar to games for gold and ps plus. Will have to see how that is received first.

  5. 10 hours ago, rekzer said:

    that other thread is kinda dead? can it be merged?



    I have one, too lazy to look up my friend code right now tho, i don't really have any multiplayer games for it anyways. The only game I've had since launch is Zelda which i need to get back too XD


    I can't wait for Mario and Monster Hunter though.

  6. I fucking did it people. 115 hours, 75 levels , 3 months and 12 days later and I've finally beaten Persona 5!  Jesus fuck. I have never been so glad to haven beaten a game before... It was marvelous and such a engaging story, but my god did it drag on. I say all of this now, but in reality sometime ion the next year I will probably start new game+ and work on the platinum and max social link run, but still for the time being I am so happy to be able to play something else :D


    and that something else is a little game called NieR Automata <3

  7. 10 hours ago, Gaz said:

    was there anything good from spring season? 


    most notable out of the new shows were Re:Creators and Seikaisuru Kado. I also quite enjoyed Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka?, Alice to Zoroku, and Fukumenkei Noise


    as for returning shows; Boku no Hero Academia 2nd season, Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata ♭, and Natsume Yuujinchou Roku are great returns.


    Eromanga Sensei was such trash.... I loved it. let the filth flow.



  8. 10 hours ago, JukaForever said:

    Persona 5, I think I am 16 hours in and judging by the achievement progress, I am only 10% in WTF. I played persona in the PSP and a full first playthrough was 80 hours. This is gonna be slog fest as the tone of the game already feels like some anime marathon.


    dude you have no idea. I've been playing since launch day. 110 hours. Lvl.70 still haven't beat the game, I'm at the end of December. the game is fat as fuck,  it just keeps stretching on and on. Still one of the best games I've played in years, totally worth the wait. the topics get pretty heavy and this game is definitely of a more mature tone and setting than 3 and 4.


    settle in.

  9. Christmas came early this year. Absolutely massive haul of gunpla that I had sitting in my private warehouse at HLJ.com for a few months.






    needless to say my backlog is screaming at me right now, I'm gonna stop buying kits for a while. yeah right, like that's gonna happen xD

  10. 53 minutes ago, Tokage said:

    A2MR, Axiom Verge and Environmental Station Alpha have been out for a while though.. ; ^ )


    I'm very interested in MP4, since MP1 was one of the best games I've ever played.. Still not gotten around to parts 2 and 3 tho, and I think it'll be harder to find the original GC version of 2 for a fair price these days :///


    just play them on dolphin emulator bruh! also MP2&3 aren't as good as 1, just sayin... they are still worth playing tho.


    if anyone is interested I have a YT playlist I've been working on with all the E3 2017 trailers/demos/interviews so far... Still adding stuff since it's not over yet.



    I'm gonna wait till this weekend, but I'm also gonna do a highlight write up in this thread about my favorite games at the show, coming soon.


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