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Original Saku

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Posts posted by Original Saku

  1. yeah this year's list had a lot more VK on it then past years i believe.... most likely due to ORZ involvement in the voting process, since a lot of ORZ members are big into VK while a lot of the staff are non-vk heads (like me). but I'd like to think it made the list more balanced although not really my ideal EOTY list xD

  2. Yo so how about them demos? NieR Automata and Gravity Rush 2 demos in the same day! Talk about hype!


    long story short both demos are just simply amazing, especially the NieR demo. I already knew GR2 was gonna be a great game, no doubt in my mind. NieR on the other hand I had my doubts, but platinum games has totally dispelled all of that with this demo.

  3. Here's a sneak peak at my current project



    HGBF 1/144 Wing Gundam Fenice straight build WIP


    Just a snap build with a little light sanding on the nub marks. Next I have to panel line it and then topcoat.


    More pics soon.

  4. So since I already released the MH Discord server into the wild last night in this thread on a whim, I figured I might as well make an official thread for the thing.




    What is Discord?


    Discord is a free voice and text chat app designed specifically for gaming. 

    Discord was born out of our own frustrations with the voice and chat tools we all use while playing games. It’s a bit strange that in 2015 most of us are using chat apps that haven’t been updated in years to play games that are updated every week. We deserve better.

    Discord brings gaming communication out of the stone age. It's free, easy to use, and with you even while you are AFK. 


    So basically it's a skype/teamspeak alternative, it includes both text and voice chat. Don't let the gaming eccentric vibe throw you off, since the tool has been proven to be great for communities like ours as well. You can join our server and create a discord account by clicking the banner above, from there you have several options on  how to access the room. You can use discord straight form your browser, download the desktop app (recommended), or you can download the official app on android and IOS.


    If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please use this thread to discuss. I'm currently the owner of the server and am running it atm so any help is greatly appreciated.



  5. I'm just still in disbelief that this shitty movie is even happening.... I wish they would just call it something else, because let's be honest, I doubt it will have anything to do with actual GiTS story lines or plot. It's a movie that is being purely made as a cash grab and they're using the  well known name of GiTS and ScarJo to fuel it. I hate this Hollywood mentality. I would rather watch a low budget adaption with people working on it that actually care about the series than a high budget one with IDGAF money whores at the helm and a talentless actress (my opinion) who only got the role because she is what "sells" in the industry. >.>

  6. Mostly playing Dark Souls III again and the DLC this time, having a blast!


    Also started Dragon Quest VII for the 3DS a few days ago, and man what a blast from the past! they just don't make JRPGs like they used to, also this game is long as shit if I remember correctly so zero chances of me finishing it before Pokemon comes out next week >.<



  7. 2 hours ago, Pho said:

    This video just caused me laugh hysterically for the last half an hour. Skip to 8:04, 11:10, and 17:48 for the best bits.




    LOL. nothing better than Aris on tekken commentary at Final Round. Fun fact, I was actually at this event. I'm probably about 10-15 feet back behind this match watching marvel finals on the other side of the room  XD

  8. 52 minutes ago, Bear said:

    A few obvious ones, but if you're not too into horror movies you'd want to try 'em out:


    Good Halloween-themed films:


    Halloween (1978)

    Trick 'r Treat (2007)

    Night of the Demons (1988)

    Night of the Demons 2 (1994)

    Hocus Pocus (1993)


    In general I'd just recommend some great horror films:


    The Thing from Another World (1951)

    Dracula (1958)

    Kwaidan (1964)

    Night of the Living Dead (1968)

    The Exorcist (1973)

    Alien (1979)

    Friday the 13th (1980)

    The Evil Dead  (1981)

    The Thing (1982)

    A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

    Ringu (1988)

    The Blair Witch Project (1999)

    The House of the Devil (2009)

    Frankenstein's Army (2013)

    The Thing from Another World (2013)

    Housebound (2014)

    It Follows (2014)

    We Are Still Here (2015)



    I guess I'll have to stop now. I decided to leave the pre-50's horror films out since you don't seem to be too much into films in general (sorry if this is wrong), which is a shame consiering some of te best horror films were made in the 20's and 30's. But I tried to limit myself a bit, even though it doesn't seem to have worked too well. :P


    Anyway, I've rated all these films either 9 or 10.


    great list! I even found a few movies I've not seen, gonna pick a few to watch for the next few days. thanks!

  9. Spoilers incoming! you've been warned!


    Probably one of the best season premiers for this show, and my god Negan is one of the best characters in tv, in no small part due to the excellent casting of Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Like seriously good job Kirkman and crew for that decision :D The episode itself was so well executed I thought, and perfectly introduced Negan and got the point across that he is not to be fucked with. They went with a very brutal direction and really drove home that the group is powerless against this evil individual and that it is hopeless to resist.


    and then there was one of the most brutal and just sickening moments in tv history (imo)

    tumblr_ofoh1uMuly1sjcg5bo2_r2_250.gif   tumblr_ofopnwlUPO1qetk8mo2_400.gif


    This is by far the most brutal scene I've ever seen on TV, jesus It makes me so sick just thinking about this character that I've followed over the years and grown attached to go out like this.



  10. lol.. so it's okay if the trap is good enough to fool the event staff? but they don't want a bunch of ugly men running around cross dressing and freaking the normies out, so they just ban it altogether? xD


    this is actually quite funny and ironic... this is Japan were talking about, they pretty much put the trap character archetype on the map, to the point where there is hardly a season that goes by without a series or two with the character type.

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