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Original Saku

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Posts posted by Original Saku

  1. 5 hours ago, peffy said:



    Leaked marketing materials have confirmed the existence of the Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection (2/Brotherhood/Revelations) for PS4/XB1. Probably will have slight graphical upgrades. Expected to be 1080p/30fps, release in November, include all DLC + 2 animated films, and sell for less than full price (< $60)


    I remember loving the hell out of 2 and Brotherhood. Revelations not so much. But I had borrowed all 3 games, so I wouldn't mind paying for this collection. Eventually. November is kind of a shit time to release this.


    Also, where is Rogue for PS4? It's the only major AC game I haven't played, because it was stuck on PS3, and people seem to think highly of it.


    That's nice news, I'm also a really big fan of the Ezio games so I'll probably pick this up at some point... I agree November is a very busy time for games this year.


    Here's some more gameplay from Watch Dogs 2


    It's looking like a definite improvement over the first game, I still think co-op looks like a lot of fun.


    Also here's a interview with Hajime Tabata about Final Fantasy XV


  2. 9 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    I've updated and completely overhauled my post finally!  I didn't think my initial rating were subjective enough.


    An interesting observation:  this is my second year constructing one of these "listen logs" if you will, and in both years, I've noticed that the lower rankings in my lists hold the bulk of releases. It makes me wonder if in previous years my lists would have looked any different - and my intuition tells me they would have. If my year-end lists are any indication, it seems like I enjoy less and less new music as the years pass by. My theory for this is that I think I've listened to soooooooo many albums and artists (i'm going to assume somewhere over 6000 artists - this is my ballpark estimate assuming I never reset my old last.fm account and in addition to my new one), that the musical template in my brain has built up to a point where it's difficult for novel music to leave much of an impression. I suppose this might be a long way to say that I've become more picky, or perhaps my taste has become more precise. hmm..


    It just means that your taste has become more refined or focused over the years, so it takes more to truly impress you. You can listen to something and think "that sounds pretty solid" but  if it doesn't leave a lasting impression or doesn't do anything different that grabs you then obviously it isn't AOTY material, even though it wasn't necessarily bad. I've started to become more refined in my musical tastes as well lately (obviously nowhere near your level of musical preference tho) but I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing, just the natural evolution of my tastes.


    anyways I'm gonna stalk your list for music that I haven't checked out , as I'm sure there's a bunch of hidden goodies in there :D

  3. They should have shown them 90's VK like Malice Mizer, then 00's like the Gazette or Alice Nine, and then showed them something from the past few years. that way they could of gotten at least a bit of an idea of the different eras and sounds that are associated with them.


    This was still hilarious though, it's so obvious that none of these people are music heads outside of mainstream radio crap other than the guy in the Pokemon shirt... he actually seemed to have some knowledge and it's pretty funny how into it he was XD

  4. Decided to watch Criminal last night and.... it was a lot better than I was expecting! I really enjoyed Kevin Costner in this grizzled action role honestly, I hope he explores doing roles like this more often. Oh and he's a beast in this movie, so savage and gives no fucks. Good movie night material for when you just want to watch some grizzled murder and action.


    Lulzzzzz. Strange they picked Insanity Injection and Dadaroma. I would expect videos that have a lot more views and weren't as recent, more like that GazettE one. 


    It was obvious they were going for the shock value of those videos xD

  6. Been playing a ton of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided this week. The game is really good so far, everything I could of asked for, as a big fan of Human Revolution I am really pleased to see that they kept the core elements and structure of that game and greatly improved on it. They also fixed a lot of the issues I had with HR and added a ton of new mechanics and improvements to the game as well. It's really great when a developer can release a sequel that's fundamentally and mechanically better than the predecessor. Story wise I'm not sure if it's better than HR or not since I'm not very far in right now, but I have faith that it will hold up. 


    I have to say though, I'm immensely impressed with Edios Montreal's hub city's in this game,  they are designed so well and are so beautiful. It's really quite amazing how much attention to detail and the little things around the city that just make the whole setting and premise feel so real and convincing. The conversations you over hear and the state of things in the city and just the level of tension among the citizens all feel so realistic to the point that I can almost associate with the characters deep oppression and feel the struggle around Adam and the state of the world.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Peace Heavy mk II said:

    Gamegear was a Sony hand-held, so you weren't super off :')

    Sega not Sony lol XD


    This is really a hard question especially for people like me who like to game on both, but I suppose if we go by which one I do the most gaming on it would be Console and PC, which btw I get this weird irritation seeing you lump PC gaming with consoles which in my opinion it's should totally have it's own category since gaming on a PC is a totally different experience than on a console. it would have probably been better to separate this as portable gaming vs home gaming just for that reason.

  8. 45 minutes ago, Gaz said:

    any other goodies this season?


    maybe check out these;


    91 days http://myanimelist.net/anime/32998/91_Days

    Amaama to Inazuma http://myanimelist.net/anime/32828/Amaama_to_Inazuma

    Handa-kun http://myanimelist.net/anime/32648/Handa-kun

    Mob Psycho 100 http://myanimelist.net/anime/32182/Mob_Psycho_100

    New Game! http://myanimelist.net/anime/31953/New_Game

    Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin http://myanimelist.net/anime/31764/Nejimaki_Seirei_Senki__Tenkyou_no_Alderamin


    those are some the new shows I'm enjoying the most right now. a little something for everyone :D


  9. @plastic_rainbow@Zeus


    I did a little more digging on the character Dazai in particular and found that he is loosely based off his real life counter part, and their are lots of hints and similarities drawn in the show.



    He, along with several other characters, made an appearance in the mobile game Love Heaven as a limited time character.

    His constant attempts to commit suicide with a beautiful woman could be an allusion to his real life counterpart's attempted double suicide with Shimeko Tanabe and Hatsuyo Oyama. His attempt with his lover Tomie Yamazaki was ultimately successful.

    It's also possible that his suicide attempts serve as a reference to No Longer Human's protagonist Ōba Yōzō's multiple suicide attempts throughout the story, which is considered to be a reflection of Osamu Dazai's turbulent life.

    He was the youngest boss in mafia history.

    In real life, he is often grouped together along with Sakaguchi Ango and Oda Sakunosuke as the Buraiha or Decadent School.

    And on the series, this is often alluded, because the three used to meet in a certain bar, as seen in Dazai and the Dark Era, and illustrated on the calendar.

    He is nicknamed as 'Bandage-wasting Device' by Kunikida at Chapter 2 / Episode 2.

    Dazai usually refer himself by gender neutral phrase "watashi" rather than the more masculine phrases like "boku" or "ore".

    Dazai's pretty bad at driving, as shown in the first light novel "Dazai's entrance exam".

    He is based after Osamu Dazai, a man who wrote No Longer Human.


    so it doesn't seem like it's just a pointless rip of the name but the author actually is very much inspired by these literary figures. here's the full wikia page on the character; http://bungostraydogs.wikia.com/wiki/Osamu_Dazai

  10. 29 minutes ago, plastic_rainbow said:

    i was looking at the osamu dazai tag on tumblr and this anime dude appears everywhere what the hell.

    apparently this anime called bungou stray dogs contains characters named after japanese novelists, what is this all about? someone enlighten me?



    The story centers around individuals who are gifted with super natural powers and use them for different purposes including holding a business, solving mysteries, and carrying out missions assigned by the mafia. The story mainly follows the members of the "Armed Detective Agency" and their everyday lives.

    Most characters in the series are named after famous literary authors and/or characters in their works, including Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Yukito Ayatsuji, Dan Brown, Agatha Christie, Osamu Dazai, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Rampo Edogawa, Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, Natsuhiko Kyogoku, Kenji Miyazawa, Doppo Kunikida, and Akiko Yosano.[1][3]


    that's pretty much it, I don't think there's any real reason why they are named after them, maybe because the creator like those authors? It's likely that each character might have some inspirations or similarities based on who their named after, maybe their power? But I'm not familiar enough to make those comparisons...

  11. 4 hours ago, Licio123 said:

    Best horror of 2016 is The Wailing and no other will come even close.


    I'm dying to see this movie but it's not showing anywhere close to me :( gotta hurry up and release it on bluray.


    Watched The Witch earlier tonight and it was great! Definitely one of the best horror movies I've seen in recent years, and I love the historical setting and accuracy. The soundtrack was great and the use of silence in a lot of scenes just made it all the more terrifying and suspenseful. There are some mighty unsettling scenes in this movie.



    the scenes that got to me the worst are the one where you see the witch making the flying ointment out of the baby's remains and then apllying it all over her skin... and the scene where the mother is tripping balls and she thinks that she's breast feeding her baby but then it cuts away and then you see it's a crow.... yeah ouch!


  12. 1 minute ago, YuyoDrift said:


    Way to join my fireteam invite bro haha


    Join us next time for some pew pew and also hear me rage lol


    lol. I know I know. I wasn't planning on being on for very long last night so I decided not to join. also I was in a party chat with some buddys. You just caught me at a bad time xD


    next time.

  13. 3 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:


    eyyyyyy 8)


    I wonder if the PS2 (original) was the better version? Glad to see you are enjoying it though.



    Still playing Vanilla Witcher 3 and God Eater: Resurrection.

    Witcher 3 story is pretty entertaining, but it has been a while since my last open world video game (last one was FF13), so I'm having a hard time staying focused on the storyline lol so I'm just out doing sidequests.

    God Eater has begun to get repetitive. I mean,  I can tolerate it for an hour, but after that I feel I would rather play anything else.  Gonna probably hold off on getting God Eater 2 on release.


    Lol yeah Witcher will do that to you, I remember I had put 110 hours into that game before I stopped playing my first save file and I still hadn't finished the main story xD as for God Eater, yeah its a pretty grindy game, very similar to Monster Hunter grind.


    I've been playing mostly No Man's Sky here and there  whenever I get a few hours. Also started playing Destiny again sparsely preparing for ROI expansion.


    Taking a break from a few other games at the moment. Mostly I'm getting ready to binge play Deus Ex: Mankind Divided next week :D

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