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Original Saku

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Posts posted by Original Saku

  1. So I recently took the plunge into the world of gunpla...  which was something I've been wanting to do for years, and now that I have the income to support the hobby I'm finally getting into building.

    I figured I'll make a gunpla thread and see who else has taken to the hobby and maybe drum up some interest among people who may not know about gunpla.


    I just finished my first build myself and I'm really pleased with it.  I chose a HG Shining Gundam 1/144 model as my first kit, one of my favorite gundam frames.




    here's some finished pictures that i snapped with my phone :)


     ybYLAFa.jpg        YShqSMl.jpg        gqkJugW.jpg          uQqWYFA.jpg



    I'm extremely happy with how it turned out, there for a while I didn't know if it was gonna pan out. I probably put around 25 hours into the kit. Approximately 7-9 hours putting it together which includes sanding and other prep. I panel lined as much as I could which is what took the longest at around 12 hours trying to get it just right. And then 3-4 hours prepping the model and spraying for a matte top coat finish. Next time I can see it not taking nearly as long since I'm now more used to these techniques.


    anyone else on the forum build gunpla or has an interest in gunpla in general? Let me/us know. I plan on looking into how to build a lightbox for pictures soon, I will of course need a better camera than my phone first though xD


    I already have my next kit planned out... It will be HG 1/144 Gundam Wing Fenice from GBF, I plan on getting started on it sometime next month after a I take a break for a few weeks.



  2. 2 hours ago, Bear said:

    I don't have a problem with Mono doing more of the same to be honest, and I think the album is fantastic. In most ways they don't bring much new to the genre and you've heard Mono do things like this many times by now, but at the same time I feel like the album does differ from e.g Hymn to the Immortal Wind in that it's a lot darker and way more intense IMO, and therefore reminds me a lot more about their two first full-lenghts than anything after (with the exception of Rays of Darkness of course).


    But when you do it as well as Mono I see no need to change anything at all, and I am happy they have't changed too much.


    Pretty much my thoughts. I kinda dislike the idea of people thinking they need to change... like why? I'm totally content with this amazing sound they have mastered, the thought of them trying to change their sound just makes me nervous beyond belief :lol: 

  3. Great review as always @Zeusbut damn.. i hate your opinion so much right now XD As someone who absolutely loves everything mono has ever done and who's love of the band has only increased with each release throughout the years, I'm so saddened to hear that you don't feel the same. Requiem for Hell is probably one of the most satisfying albums I've heard this year and damn do I feel that 5/10 rating is way too low for something objectively so solid... safe? sure. but solid nonetheless. I can only feel that you let your distaste with your own expectations dictate your final score.


    I still love your review and writing style though, I wish I could articulate my musical opinion as well as you do :)

  4. Yes! awesome release that came out of left field foe me. Totally a ten star album, agree 100% with your review @Zeus Terui and Hasui is such a good combo and I can hardly believe these two genius' are working together on something this great. The biggest surprise to me was that Annabel was involved, I'm so glad she is though because she rocks. 


    I hope we can get some new music from them soon and that they don't go the way of SFP and get too big for their own good.

  5. 18 hours ago, Gaz said:

    watched 4 episodes of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso. a very sweet and moving stuff. and what's more important enjoyable! totally love it so far. 


    also catching up with new Jojo. this season seems to be less entertaining then previous ones were, but it's still pretty cool. quite gay tho, but well it's Jojo alright.




    Shigatsu is slick one of my favorite series from the past few years, it is so enjoyable and has really good believable moments and interactions between the characters. A must watch if you are a romance/slice of life fan and a piano nerd.




    be prepared because by the end of the show it get extremely sad and heavy and I almost couldn't finish the damn thing because of the feels XD Idk if that's an issue for you or not...


  6. Man why can't they just air it subbed XD  I feel sorry for all the casual anime fans, they're going experience this great show for the first time and what they'll get is probably an uninspired mess that doesn't do the series justice... just stop dubbing anime America, leave it to the professional voice actors who actually have passion for it and it's not just not another job or paycheck for them.




    So sick of shit-tier English voice work in dubbed anime over here.

  7. 91 Days is easily the winner of this season for me, such a good drama/thriller story. It kept me on the edge of my seat almost at all times, and I really ended up caring about most of the characters. Prohibition mafia anime done right imo.


    Mob Psycho 100 comes in as a close second, just because I love One-sensei's works so much xD Honestly I think I might have enjoyed Mob more than One Punch Man, even though OPM has the superior action and animation. Mob just has so much charm and Reigen-sama is literally one of the best characters ever :D


    Still watching Alderamin and it's pretty great, waiting on the last episode right now.... I wish it was a 2cour so bad :lol:


    Oh and of course re:Zero ended and now my life is so empty.... jk Honestly though, I don't think I've enjoyed or obsessed over a show so much in ages, and it feels good. Haters gonna hate, but right now it is a serious AOTY contender.




  8. Damn good! gave me goosebumps...





    Have you considered making a follow-up to Classical Punk and Echoes Under the Beauty?


    I haven't officially announced this yet, but I've started a new solo project and just finished the first album. The plan is to release it next spring.

    All the songs' themes are night, and I feel like it turned out to be a very original and beautiful album. I can't wait to share the album with everyone.


    Goto solo album next spring? yes please :D

  9. 4 hours ago, chemicalpictures said:

    I've started a playthrough of Danganronpa cuz I saw praise everywhere, everyone saying really nice things about it, but to be quite honest, so far I found it pretty... retarded, to say the least.


    Really, a bunch of stereotypical looking characters with their stereotypical personalities acting all weird and a lame ass teddy bear acting stupid, with little to no gameplay or player agency, with thousands of unnecessary steps just to get anywhere in the story...


    I know what a visual novel is supposed to be, but I was expecting something more like 999, Zero Time Dilemma, or even battle royale vibes... I think this is too "japanese" for me, if you get what I'm saying.


    point is, the story really gets any better? Is it worthy to keep playing?


    3 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:


    Not sure where you're at, but I'm at the investigation of the first murder.

    Everything up to that point has been kind of slow, and kinda too linear.

    Seems to be picking up some steam it looks like.


    I will try and play it a bit more and get back to you, as this game is for when I'm carpooling or at lunch lol.


    It's a game that takes a while to get going, the story is pretty basic the first few chapters but after that it starts ramping up and it presents a lot of genuinely interesting mysteries to solve. And yeah Danganronpa is Japanese as fuck so if that's your problem then I can tell you it's only gonna get weirder XD

  10. yeah the new Berserk anime was enjoyable, but the animation style was okay at best and the adaption itself had some issues. Skipped scenes and Arcs and it wasn't gory or dark enough compared to the manga. Still nice to have something, I hope we get movies that cover the black swordsman arc like we did the Golden Age arc, since that art and animation style is definitely superior and also they had more gore and nudity going on. Probably not gonna happen though :( 

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