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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by tosinn

  1. tosinn

    For me, it's if I ever dream about Herpes, Ke$ha and Tila Tequila would so be in there with him.
  2. tosinn

    What the fuck?
  3. tosinn

    Saw this on RWJ a few days ago. Really interesting.
  4. tosinn

    Really looking forward to this!
  5. tosinn

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL. This is good news but also hilarious!
  6. tosinn

    Too bad :/ I really liked this band.
  7. tosinn

    This. And wtf @ best newcomer. People have issues. I'm also glad that Heaven won "Best ballad", it definitely was the best one this year (and maybe the last as well).
  8. tosinn

    HIP HIP! HOORAY! HIP HIP! HOORAY! Why yes, I'm happy.
  9. Yes, because it's impossible to notice how horribly fat nigu is IRL... Just because he's not your typical anorexic VK pretty boy, it doesn't mean he's fat
  10. tosinn

  11. tosinn

    nigu (ex-tosinn, cocklobin) Ryo (9GBO) Mako (deadman) Loki (Sugar, König) Atsushi Sakurai (BUCK-TICK) Ryuutaro (Plastic Tree) Tatsurou (MUCC) Danchou (NoGoD) I'd say that those are the best of the best.
  12. tosinn

  13. tosinn

    I'm not even remotely interested anymore. UCP's last good band was ClearVeil, and ever since they disbanded, UCP's been going downhill. I highly doubt this'll be a redemption band.
  14. tosinn

    Cool news, looking forward to it.
  15. tosinn

    I absolutely love allisapp's hair.
  16. tosinn

    Easy. For me, it's definitely Utsusemi, mostly because it's their most shoegaze-ish album, and I'm a sucker for shoegazing. Also, Utsusemi (song) is beyond eargasmic.
  17. tosinn

    OMG! This is the first Herpes post that's actually funny. Let us celebrate!
  18. tosinn

    This thread is so full of win.
  19. tosinn

    Why don't they just give up?
  20. Yeah, they said it on their OHP. They're now working on it; and it'll probably be released at the time they resume their activities, or around that. Ah, I can't wait! Awesome news! And I can't wait either.
  21. tosinn

    Oh, nice. Only thing good about them were their last.fm shoutbox dramaz.
  22. tosinn

    I'm happy for them.
  23. FUCK YES! Also, apparently they're releasing something in March, I'm not sure if it's true though. I sure hope it is.
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