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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by tosinn

  1. tosinn

    I want that Danchou "pr0n" vid!
  2. tosinn

    Good call. I was gonna mention those two, as well.
  3. tosinn

    My thoughts exactly. And lololol at the air instruments.
  4. tosinn

    I don't even use my shitty cellphone, why would I want an iPhone? I'd rather spend my money on something more useful.
  5. tosinn

    Guitar - 3 years, though I bought my first guitar and took some lessons when I was 11. I wasn't until some years ago that I started taking it seriously and practicing regularly. Bass - Just started
  6. So it's not a cover album after all? This is pretty confusing. Either way, I'm stoked for this!
  7. tosinn

    Wow, they look amazing.
  8. tosinn

    I think I'm in love! This guy has become my hero <3
  9. Definitely looking forward to this!
  10. tosinn

    I think that's possibly the only funny thing that you have posted in the history of TW. Congrats, brah! Anyways, I hope they'll be able to redeem themselves and stop shitting out crap like mar maroon. Their last album was okay, so I wouldn't mind if they continue in that direction.
  11. tosinn

    I think Erin's good-looking =D
  12. tosinn

    I like the title, as well. Looking forward to it!
  13. tosinn

    Everyone should know it. It's one of the few Sadie songs that are actually good. And that's rare, especially lately.
  14. tosinn

  15. tosinn

    These are the only ones I can think of right now: jMmnZyl8C3I (Only Denpa Tsuushin, the first song) _WYqI1C6Efk Deadman - Blood _Lh76RiaQ6c Rin Toshite Shigure - JPOP XFile
  16. tosinn

    That's what I meant. Exactly.
  17. tosinn

    If it isn't anything like Ageha no Nakigara or M.F.P, then I don't even wanna listen.
  18. tosinn

    I love you too <3
  19. tosinn

    My mistake, I meant Gokusaishiki, their album xD I actually love Zesshoku so I'll be really satisfied if they do go back to that sound.
  20. tosinn

    I hope the songs are Zekkeishoku-ish.
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