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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by tosinn

  1. tosinn

    OMG, I'LL HAVE NIGHTMARES TONIGHT T_T Word. I'll have a nightmare involving a bukkake party with Duracell Bunny in Tokyo Disneyland.
  2. tosinn

    We have the same tastes, as I can see. TK of Rin Toshite seems like my ideal guy too I also love his voice ;D Oh, and I had the biggest crush on Gaspard Ulliel back when I was 14-15 or so xD ..pretty obvious, no? xD my references concerning the ideal lover I seek are more, like, randomly taken from a guy I had a crush with, years ago, of whom I'm strangely still looking for from guys. I dunno. Even an Ojisan-type on his mid-30 with the said features are looking fairly appealing to me nowadays... Who used to squeal stupidly over cute, adorable boys and be scared of way mature men. Time changes everything. xD Lol, nice description xD The other day I was surprised to find a bearded Yamada Takayuki attractive O_o Likewut.
  3. tosinn

    Has it been uploaded yet? *keeps pressing F5 like crazy*
  4. tosinn

    We have the same tastes, as I can see. TK of Rin Toshite seems like my ideal guy too I also love his voice ;D Oh, and I had the biggest crush on Gaspard Ulliel back when I was 14-15 or so xD
  5. tosinn

    I'm in the same position.
  6. tosinn

    HAHAHAHA! I'm totally saving this on my laptop!
  7. tosinn

    Would someone mind copy-pasting? I get redirected to the forum home page.
  8. tosinn

    IRIDIZE DREAM and UNDEAD FACT sound even greater now! I'm counting down the hours.
  9. tosinn

    kind of random but maybe this can help for answers That was really interesting! Thanks for the link!
  10. tosinn

    Someone that'll love me more than anyone else. Simple, isn't it? ;D And if possible, a musician/music lover would be perfect. That's all!
  11. Interesting, I might check this out.
  12. tosinn

    @Licio123: Lol, that sounds even better xD @kachida: I imagine you must've been scared out of your mind D:
  13. tosinn

    ^ I loved that movie so much. Maybe that's why I dreamt about it? xD
  14. tosinn

    They're definitely Tegan Quin and Sara Quin. They both inspired me to write songs and play the guitar. Same with Ben Gibbard, he's an amazing lyricist and composer. I hope my lyrics can be as good as his one day. Instrument-wise, I'd say it's Kameda Seiji from Tokyo Jihen, easily being the best bassist that I know about. In a way, I'm learning bass thanks to him. I don't remember who REALLY inspired me to learn guitar though. I guess I didn't really have an inspiration. It was rather the thought of wanting to try it.
  15. tosinn

  16. tosinn

    I had one of those chasing/kidnapping dreams again xD This time it was that guy Genesis from the movie Suicide Circle. He kidnapped me and some friends, but I managed to get out and get help. I found this random woman on the street and she said that she'd call her dad. Too bad they ended up getting her too. But her dad eventually showed up and saved the day =D
  17. tosinn

    MY EARS!
  18. tosinn

    Fabulous video.
  19. tosinn

    Not as much anymore, sadly They used to have a lot, but the numbers have been dwindling. My friend said that at their previous live at Urawa Narciss, there was only a little over one row of panic fans there. That seems to be how it is for most of their lives lately(but hopefully not the oneman). My friend saw them at Takadanobaba area and he said that the place was completely almost empty then when panic came on he said the place was packed. So i guess it depends on location too. I guess it depends. But somehow, my image of them has always been that of a band with many fans and packed live-houses.
  20. tosinn

    I feel bad for their fans; I hear they have a pretty big fan base.
  21. tosinn

    ^ That was really interesting to read. I didn't know about the orgasming part xD
  22. tosinn

    It depends on the girl. Some of them don't get cramps at all. Mine are so strong that before I started taking medication (which was last month or so), I felt nauseous and feverish the first 2 days, barely being able to get out of bed D:
  23. tosinn

    the album name isnt that surprising, theyve been doing vampire stuff for ages. That's my point. They should change a little.
  24. tosinn

    I don't know which is worse: the cover art or the album name?
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