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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by tosinn

  1. Fukurou no Yurikago's on there! I might check this out.
  2. tosinn

    Oh, a re-recording of OBSCURE! I have a feeling that this'll be kinda epic.
  3. tosinn

    I'm looking forward to hearing that one.
  4. tosinn

    I want purin.
  5. tosinn

    Voted for you =) Good luck!
  6. tosinn

    Just listened to the samples, and I'm loving IRIDIZE DREAM. I didn't like GOD BLESS YOU though, it sounds exactly unchain wing. The rest are awesome. I think it'll be a really great album.
  7. tosinn

    Delicious. I wanna try almost all of them.
  8. tosinn

    The only one I love. I also adore PaRADEiS' Funwari X'mas.
  9. tosinn

    I hate to say this, but there's so much fail in this thread.
  10. tosinn

    Personally, I find Withering to Death and Vulgar their best albums. I've never really been that impressed by UROBOROS, but that's just me.
  11. tosinn

    No heavy snow yet D:
  12. tosinn

  13. tosinn

    I touched Snape because he's sexy as hell xD
  14. tosinn

    @ronluna: Hmm... I don't think so, I almost never have those kind of dreams. But if it would be cool if I were one xD
  15. tosinn

    Getting past 20,000 is almost impossible. My record is 20358 D:
  16. tosinn

    I'm thankful for my fast metabolism.
  17. tosinn

    I was half-expecting this, but I'm still pretty shocked.
  18. tosinn

    Yay. I love how they take their time with their releases and not shit out a new single every month like the rest of the bands. Thumbs up.
  19. tosinn

    Hahaha, true. I watch those kinds of movies a lot, so it's no surprise that my dreams are pretty similar xD Ah, now I remember that I once dreamt that a far relative of a friend of mine was dying, and said person died about a week later D: I got really freaked out :/
  20. tosinn

    ^ That must've been horrible D: Anyways, most of my dreams are either me being chased/trying to get killed by someone (usually a man that I've never seen anywhere before except in dreams) or me having superpowers. And last night I dreamt that I somehow started dating this guy, but his family turned out to be the worst thing ever. They even held me captive inside their house, so I had to escape by climbing down the window (the apartment was on the 5th floor or so) when everyone was asleep. Worst thing was that I didn't even know my own address so I had nowhere to run to. Fortunately, I eventually found my mom on the street and she saved me and got me home safely =D
  21. tosinn

    OMGOMG! It snowed last night. And all cars are covered in white! =D
  22. tosinn

    Same here. Well, except this one time about 5 years ago. But since I moved to a cold country this September, I'm pretty sure I'll get snow in 2-3 days. I'm pretty excited but also a little scared. I've been living in really warm countries ever since I was born. it'll be fun. Freezingly fun but fun just watch out when walking, it can be dangerous if you didn't watch your step carefully. Also, long johns maybe good if you feel the temprature may be way too cold for you, it can reached -3 F or colder when it get harsh D: so make sure you got enough clothing when outside. Have fun with your first winter. Enjoy it Thanks =D But hahaha, I'm planning to wear at least 3 coats when I go out. I get cold a lot, even in warm countries' winter, so this one will be a hard one. I think it'll be fun, though =D
  23. tosinn

    Fantasia yogurts (especially the cherry ones, yum).
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