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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Updates posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Relistening to UnsraW's "Kleza in ____" singles. Not sure why people want them back.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Me I want them back before Jun leaves the band and their hiatus... but it's a dream ^^

    2. Jun_
  2. I woke ahp rike dis *manic twitching and face touching glamour shots* frawress

    1. Zeus


      get your ass online so i can give you some vulpix

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Zess come on I told you to be discreet

  3. 7 years too late but Crystal Castles are p. cool

    2. Senedjem


      do you like their song w/ inventor of vk robert smith

  4. Akane. is .From .The.Different .Planet.

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      thanks. I hate JESUS

    2. Zeus


      islam is my detest religion

  5. Pet peeve: 'live pvs' that are studio recordings placed over random live snippets that don't line up with the song.

  6. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bkt-7sRCcAAckx4.jpg So I guess someone really did buy that ridiculous looking noodle splash guard
    1. Muma


      i'm giggling like a school girl rn omfg xDD

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      (This is shopped, but still, why would people need those?)

  7. Cat5 if you want a weeb avatar pls at least use this one: https://31.media.tumblr.com/d80534da7b06e5324f78764bf5aead3e/tumblr_mnby3c1rTE1rln3k2o1_500.jpg thank

    1. CAT5


      Holy catz, it's Char CATznable! Sieg Zeon!

    2. DeithX252
  8. Escaped from India and am now in Paris. Bonjour desu

    1. sai



  9. Found a vkei page with Cat5 on it. Also he's my friend with the most listens: http://www.last.fm/music/Transtic+Nerve #stayWoke

  10. Friendly reminder to buy Foxpill Cult's album on iTunes and to get Jupiter's album from MediaFire :-*

    1. CAT5
    2. Gaz


      yeah and also other FOXPiLL stuff from their website :>

  11. Using Wanikani to learn more nihongo no tango and it gave me this example sentence: "私が彼に、何かセクシーな言葉を耳打ちしてというと、彼は「テープやCDは好きかい?」と囁いてくれた。" --> "I told him to whisper something sexy in my ear and he said, "Do you like tapes and CDs?""

  12. I don't have the attention span for post-rock

    1. fitear1590


      While the occasional song/band does it for me, I can agree. Not really my thang, at least in its "purest" form.

    2. CAT5


      Try putting some on while you're studying/reading/working...it'll be background music, but you'll be surprised what your ears/brain might do. It might just "click" with you one day out ofthe blue. It might not. Either way, exposure never hurts.

  13. If someone could send me both Purity Ring albums, that would be great.

  14. Wow cat is old

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. CAT5


      I'm young 5ever just like gackt....no wait, on 2nd thought, I think i'll just accept the aging process lmao. Thank Piisukun!

  15. http://image-complex.occult-proposal.net/images.html Updated the scan gallery on ZombiexJuice with stuff from D'espa, E'm~grief~, Shazna, Gokiburi, and Orgel
    1. Senedjem


      praying for thumbnails

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I agree about thumbnails: the little squares were how it was and it is easier to continue doing that for now. It'd probably take me a month to make thumbnails for everything.

  16. Did that second 妖幻鏡-WEST- omni ever turn up somewhere?

    1. Lestat


      There's been a link in the request thread for that one for a while now. It's 192kbps though, for those who care.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Ah, unless someone makes an actual thread for it it's hard to know if it ever got shared or not. Thanks for the heads up.

  17. Samurai Metal is a thing ?__?


    1. Bear


      No, not really.

    2. Dillinger


      Euro metal band with Japanese Folk instruments. Interesting.

  18. http://jame-world.com/us/articles-121682-interview-with-insanity-injection.html Insanity Injection's interview makes them seem kind of cringe-worthy / bitter haha

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      I want to scream out my feelings in this fucking world.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


       I love how Kyouka kinda made fun of this interview earlier, the author made a typo in Japanese at this line "Kyouka is also known as the singer in the 90’s visual kei band Aliene Ma’riage" and in Japanese it originally said "Kyouka is a 90 year old singer who is also known from the visual kei band Aliene Ma'riage" lmao

  19. Tag urself: I'm the clam around 2:20



    1. Chi


      i'm the idiot at 2:04, i didn't have a full face mask

    2. saishuu


      I'm the person whose's face seems to be deteriorating @ 0:18

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