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Status Updates posted by Spectralion

  1. Next week going to be feel so long, because of Kiryu's upcoming album release date :/

  2. One week till my graduation. I really don't know what to do from now on :|

    1. Tetora


      Step One: Listen to VK.

    2. Spectralion



      Step two. Sing it all out. 

  3. Praying that charisma.com's new album is at least a decent listen.

  4. So this is that thing y'all talking about...

    1. Mamo


      Yup altough this guy's not as committed as the other one, he posted literally every second the entire time he was on. This guy take a few minutes. lol  Of course it probably is the same guy. These people are real mature huh? 

    2. Lestat


      Somehow it happens every time not a single staff member is around.

    3. Spectralion


      I hope there is no other drama around,

      cause the staff already got their hands full with this thing X)

  5. Still amazed how Kiryu could make a straightforward metal song so awesome like Kyousei, but flop so hard at Irodori and Gekka Bijin :/

    1. Himeaimichu


      @PlatySame, I don't know why it was considered a flop. I especially liked the B Sides, especially Yubikiri

    2. platy


      @AimiGen7yes, exactly. For once I wasn't skipping B-sides but if anything I played them as much if not more than the title track.

    3. Spectralion


      @AimiGen7My bad. Because I'm still confused how to call the genre of songs :X'D: but thank you for clarifying.

      Maybe too many instrument effects here and there made the song more complicated, and it should be more interesting, but it the hook isn't really captivating my intention.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  6. Suiyobi no Camphanella's new MV is amazing. 

    Too bad, their last album is such a flop.

  7. Switch back from lurker mode into leecher mode 

  8. There is must be exists a special hell for people who don't have any direction in his life, like me... 

    1. Chi


      the only direction for us is straight into hell!

    2. Spectralion


      Exactly, right? 

    3. Tetora


      Replied in my own status update, hehe.

  9. Whoa.

    Another one bites the dust :o

    1. Tokage


      anyone want a hi-def rip of my goodbye post?

    2. Spectralion


      @TokageI want a hi-def of your nudes 

    3. suji


      guys... it's kinda big...

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  10. Why codomo dragon always tease me with their beautiful super short ballad :/

  11. Work without pay is dumb, but why am I still doing this dumb thing 😯

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