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Posts posted by Flame-X

  1. In addition to Ito's post, Gazette's Hyena is a load of incomprehensible engrish mess. I thought for sure the verses were all in Japanese but nope.


    Dir en grey also had plenty but the fan interpretation of Clever Sleazoid's lyrics is hilarious.

  2. FF15 is the only game that'll make me buy a PS4 for sure.

    Destiny, Alien: Isolation, Batman Arkham Knight, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, The Crew, Tales of Xillia 2, The Order: 1886. Yep, this year's E3 is looking good.


    I wish I could watch all the coverage like I did previously but full time job takes over your life. :(

  3. Amazing Spiderman 2


    Very mediocre but not as terrible as Spiderman 3. More talking, less action, which really isn't a bad thing as long as it keeps up my interests, but the pacing dragged on some scenes that made me check up the time on my phone and that's never a good thing. The camera work in the beginning is the most disorientating thing I've seen, surpassing the Bourne movies. If you can watch this film without thinking then you can enjoy it.

  4. I'm mostly into doujin trance music. Diverse System is the one circle I try to keep up with. Here are some of my favorites:


    satella - Seekers (I love the piano usage in trance)


    Tiegel - Destination


    RIGHT STUFF - Flaming Orbit



    Some of Nagi Yanagi's stuff during her doujin days with Jun Maeda were good. Same goes for nano.


    Jun Maeda x Nagi Yanagi - Owari no Sekai Kara


    nano - 5150

  5. Eh, I'll throw in one more just for the hell of it. Heh.


    This one tends to be overlooked mainly due to the show not being received well enough that it deserves but another beautiful orchestral work is all the Fafner OSTs. Unfortunately, I couldn't find some of the best ones on youtube so you'll just have to do some digging. My favorite tracks are "Prologue" & "Marine Snow" from Fafner: Right of Left OST and "FAFNER in the azure" & "Kunou" from OST1

  6. I listened to it twice all the way through giving my full attention. Most of the tracks weren't that memorable to me. They're great songs when accompanied with the show but it doesn't hold up to its own.


    One anime OST I have to give mention to is Blast of Tempest. Truly one of the most compelling soundtracks I've heard in the last couple years. All orchestral pieces that sounds theatrical and majestic that really plays with your emotions. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only types of instruments used were string and wind. It's been a while since I've listened it.


  7. My case is a Fractal Design Define R4 and it's a mid tower. I'm completely satisfied with it since it has excellent cable management holes, enough space in the back side to stuff your leftover cables, and noise absorbing material on both side panels. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811352020

    The only down side to this case is the weight, 27 pounds. With all the components added, well, expect about 10-15 more pounds.


    For better airflow, I recommend this case. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146148

    Plenty of fans you can install.


  8. Does it really matter how much it strays off from the books? It's called an adaptation for a reason. As long as it's good (and makes sense within the context of the medium), then who cares? The book and the show should be viewed as 2 different entities, not as one. It's not a fair comparison for the adaptation to the original source. That's just my 2 cents on the whole thing.



    What are your favorite anime series based solely upon character development? Or rather, what are some some great series with strong character development?


    Usually, I see stories where characters remain the same throughout, or stories where characters remain the same, but end up showing a different side of themselves during the climax (although that different side is usually traits that they had to begin with). Those kind of plots are perfectly fine, but sometimes I like stories where characters genuinely (and realistically) change...for better or for worse :P


    Anyways, what are some great anime series with strong character development!? I'd love to add them to my queue :'3


    One show that still stands out to me for strong character development is Gurren Lagann. The interesting part about this show is Simon's development from a mere underground driller to a universal hero. You see him as a milquetoast in the first half of the show while being encouraged by his mentor Kamina, then when it hits ep8, he's tested by a great tragic loss that can either put him in the pits forever or move on. Of course, he overcomes that loss in ep11 which is probably my all time favorite anime episode and I get man tears every time I watch it. Everything about that episode is so well done; the lines, action, music placement, character interactions, etc. Simon becomes his own man by taking on leadership, delivering a Kamina class speech, performing the giga drill break all on his own, and doing the impossible possible (ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH! lol) when all odds are stacked against him. He surpasses his mentor on almost everything that makes him a symbol of hope for humanity's survival. Simon's growth as a character is truly inspiring.

  10. There are tropes/cliches that are well executed where it feels refreshing, and then are those that are there for the sake of having it. Guilty Crown and SAO are the perfect example of that where they force all these cliched scenarios in a potential story without even giving any thoughts. I could write a thesis how these two shows are a complete failure to their premise.  :lulzz:


    I'm just simply giving a heads up in what to expect from the show. Like I suggested, watch it for the visuals and score which is what I did.

  11. Guilty Crown, oh man... XD


    This is one of those shows that's all about appearance and not about substance. It does have mechs in it but it's not really a mecha show. It's more of supernatural sci-fi. Insert shinji ikari with a cast full of archetypes in a story that's filled with annoying tropes/cliches that'll make you facepalm more than 50% of the time.


    Either way, give it a shot if you're just into the visuals and music.

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