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Posts posted by Flame-X

  1. Buck Tick, Nightwish, and School Food Punishment is all I know, sadly I hardly listen to them anymore.


    1. Ayumi Hamasaki · talkin'2 myself
    2. KOTOKO · Sakura no Ame Moegi no yo
    3. DJ Encore · Falling
    4. La Bouche · Be My Lover
    5. T.M.Revolution · Save the One,Save the All
    6. X JAPAN · Kurenai
    7. Jamie's Elsewhere · Wolves
    8. Norma Sheffield · Maybe Tonite
    9. Gackt · Secret Garden
    10. girugamesh · Volcano

    Ehhh.... damn. You win girugamesh.

  2. If possible, let's avoid watching anything that's shonen jump aka bleach, narutard, detective conan, gintama, ippo, etc etc. it never ends...


    Also, anything with huge franchises like Gundam and Macross. There's too much ground to cover and I doubt most people here would even be dedicated.

  3. Some shows I finished off:


    Little Busters!: Refrain

    Given that this is based on key's VN, I knew there was going to be some magical nonsense going on but the main focus is and will always be character development. Overall I enjoyed it. Lots of feel moments. The final episode though gave me mixed reactions. While I don't mind happy endings, it felt like all the progression that was leading up to the finale was rendered pointless. 7/10


    Infinite Stratos 2

    Infinitely shitty. What's the point of this sequel when absolutely NOTHING is resolved? 2/10


    BlazBlue: Alter Memory

    Most disappointing and 2nd worst anime of the year. So much wasted potential. As someone who played all the games, I went into this show with the intention in knowing the story since I never bothered to pay attention to the game's storyline. But wow what a clusterfuck of a mess. No one is introduced properly and the story isn't explained up until the penultimate episode but at that point, I could care less since it's too little too late. A perfect example of how NOT to do a video game anime adaptation. 2/10


    Valvrave S2

    This 2nd season was actually getting good, however the student massacre episode dipped the show into a whole new level of stupidity. Adding a 'kill'em all Tomino' shock factor doesn't make the show any better. The ending didn't sit right with me where everyone is getting along so well in such a short amount of time. Also, fuck Shoko. That bitch needs to be thrown out in the airlock. Saki FTW. 5.5/10

  4. I thought it was overall a fine album based on my first impressions. My expectations weren't high since they've pretty much exhausted most of their creativity back when they were making it big. But hey, at least they reunited (which I'm really thankful for) and finally released an album. The one negative thing I find as a whole is Ryuichi's vibrato. It's almost T.M.Revolution level of bad which is very grating to the ears. While I didn't mind the song RUN, it was almost unbearable to listen due to that annoying vibrato.


    My favorite tracks: Anthem of Light, MARIA, Metamorphosis, GIN NO TSUKI

    Weak: Thoughts, Grace


    I was disappointed to see Lost World wasn't on there. I wished they replace Thoughts with that song and give it an additional treatment like adding an actual ending to the song rather than a sudden fadeout. It's a great track that feels like one of their main hits than a b-side.


    Rating: 8/10

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