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Posts posted by Flame-X

  1. I never read the books so whatever he was depicted there, whatever. Never had an issue with John Snow from day one and there are far worse characters than him like that torture freak and the lanister mom, so all the hate on him is rather undeserved.

  2. I have no clue who any of those guys are. Maybe if the artists' names were in english then I might have an idea.


    Nano · Destiny ~12kaime no Kiseki~

    HAL · risk

    the GazettE · Taion

    T.M.Revolution · FLAGS

    Yuna Ito · trust you

    Various Artists · Loop~Take Me Higher~

    Kawada Mami · Midnight trip // memories of childhood

    Hiroyuki Sawano · MOBILE SUIT

    HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR · Days

    lynch. · SCARLET


    I've been in an OST mood lately.

  3. Btw, it's very unlikely for anyone picking up Break Blade. It's just a waste of time. They took the 6 Break Blade movies and cut them up to 12 episodes with some scenes altered a bit. It's just a movie to anime series.

    I heard rumors about that but I wasn't sure. If that's really the case then damn, I guess I'm stuck with only 1 guaranteed show to watch.

  4. The only show I'm watching this new season is The World is Still Beautiful. I miss old shojo classic style storytelling where the main female lead is strong and likable, and I've read the manga so it's the only show I've been anticipating. Thank goodness it's not a reverse harem where it's a bunch of dicks in 1 hole. Just saw the 2nd ep, and it's a mess. Awful pacing trying to put multiple plot points in a rushed manner and that disgusting insert seiyuu music near the end. Why couldn't she sing a hymn instead?


    I've been trying to find Break Blade but can't find any subbed releases or no one has done them yet. I'll probably give Atelier Escha & Logy a shot out of boredom but the moe character designs is a bit of a turn off.


    With so few shows I'm watching this season, this gives me a chance to check out older shows I haven't seen yet. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure peaked my interest. I just hope there aren't any annoying shonen cliches that kills the enjoyment.

  5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier


    Better than the first! Just a fair bit of notice, if anyone is watching Agents of SHIELD, the recent episodes tie in heavily with this movie so try to watch those first before watching this.

  6. I also bought the Fractal Define R4 case which apparently is right under that box in that pic. This is gonna be part 1 of upgrades. I won't be able to work on it until Sunday or after that.


    Part 2 will just be the video card except I'll have to wait a month or two till I save up. I haven't decided what exact card I wanna get but it'll definitely be a nvidia line made by EVGA.

  7. @Saku, @Flame - I love gundam, but I'm really a fan of the more serious, political, and somewhat depressing Gundam Series (my favorite is still Zeta Gundam and I am in love with Unicorn). Do you guys think I should give Gundam Build Fighters a try? I came across it before - saw the animation/outlook, and was like "eww no" - so I'm heavily biased.

    I've met some fans who didn't like Build Fighters as much so it really depends how you take it. All I can say is give the first episode a shot, if you like what you saw then continue lol. I personally love Build Fighters because it's refreshing take to the franchise that's like a parody of itself. Lately, I've been fatigued of Gundam shows where it's just depressing war dramas so I'm really thankful for Sunrise for making this one comedic and relaxing to watch. I love seeing Gundams from different shows duking it out.

  8. Finishing up the leftovers.


    Buddy Complex:

    Generic Sunrise mecha anime. That jilted boyfriend needs to go away, erase the guy from the drawings. I almost drop kick the show when the time travel cycle was about to get repeated but thankfully it avoided that trap. I guess I'll continue watching whenever S2 comes out. 7/10


    The Pilot's Love Song:

    Too little, too late. 5/10


    Gundam Build Fighters:

    I'm in tears. It's now my favorite Gundam series. Ya there some minor flaws like Nils acting completely out of character in the last three eps and of course the mystery of Reiji's world but you know what, who cares? Every ep left me with a smile and that's what matters to me. :) 9/10


    Space Dandy:

    Ehhhhhh.... it was very hit or miss. Some episodes actually made me fall asleep. Then are a few that were really good like the zombie one. Not a bad show but I'm not sold for S2. 7/10


    Hajime no Ippo: Rising:

    Takamura steals the show once again. The coach's past, whatever. 8/10

  9. I'm not big into horror movies but one that I really liked is The Thing. Excellent special effects that still holds up to this day and the creature designs are sick. Also really enjoyed Alien.

  10. That's fine. I understand there's a certain audience for this show but after ep7, it became a show that wasn't for me. The abrupt transition of going from realism to supernatural in a matter of minutes is one of the biggest "WTF" moments I've ever seen in an anime. All logic is thrown out the window. I was hoping all everything after ep7 was all just a horrible nightmare he'd be waking up from but my gosh, it kept on going. Only reason why I kept watching it is to see how much worse it can get. Though I admit there were some alien villain parts where I chucked, however as a viewer I felt trolled by the writers throughout. I really liked how it started off as a light Kick-Ass/Batman and the potentials were endless for that kind of setting. Unfortunately, it turns into this. Score wise, it gets 2/10 from me. Not a score it deserves but the one it needs. XD

  11. Lol. I don't hate on shows simply because they're different, I'm hating it because it is terrible based on its inconceivable storytelling. I don't wear fanboy/nostalgia glasses when i watch stuff that's got something I grew up with, I treat them as individual shows. I'm not gonna go through my reasons for the flaws or dislikes since it'll give me a massive headache thinking about it, but all I can say is the ending of episode 7, which is the appearance guillotine gorilla, is when the show went downhill for me. If they wanted to go supernatural, they should've done that from the start.

  12. I feel so weird about the ending...like....I enjoyed it, but it just seems like it came and went so quickly. I dunno. I'm probably just sad to see it end.

    I rewatched the ep and I have to say it was a bit underwhelming compared some of the previous one. The action scenes weren't exciting as any of the Ryuko vs Satsuki fights but oh well. Still a fine ending overall.


    In other news, finished Samurai Flamenco. Ugh what a shitty series.

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