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  1. Like
    Tokage reacted to Bear in Close minded music fans   
    I don't feel like kpop fans are any worse than jpop/jrock/visual kei fans as far as this goes. They're more or less equal in my experience.
  2. LOLOL
    Tokage reacted to secret_no_03 in Unpopular Opinion   
    All beer is shit. How anyone could drink it is beyond me. It's one of those acquired taste things that you just drink enough until you get used to it. Most wine is awful, and sake tastes like pure ethol alcohol.
  3. Like
    Tokage reacted to Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    1986 one? If so, it's amazing. I highly recommend Manborg if you liked Eliminators. It's very much inspired by it and the Astron-6 team didn't try to hide that at all.
  4. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from ShTon in Unpopular Opinion   
    aloe vera juice.
  5. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    aloe vera juice.
  6. Yikes
    Tokage reacted to God in Unpopular Opinion   
    i’m gonna be honest, i have no idea who that even is.  🤔
  7. Thanks
    Tokage reacted to Karma’s Hat in Unpopular Opinion   
    Kyo tries to make something more than japanese linkin park for once and it goes over peoples heads of course
  8. Thanks
    Tokage reacted to robkun in Unpopular Opinion   
    I fuckin despise coconuts and all things that have coconut flavoring.
  9. I feel ya..
    Tokage got a reaction from God in Unpopular Opinion   
    honestly, speaking as someone who's got shoegaze in his personal top 5 genres i'm gonna have to agree that a lot of it is derivative as all hell (even more so than vk & that's saying something). i don't really fuck w/ the super sugary sweet side of things all that much myself either.
    i guess liking the genre or not generally comes down to whether you're more into melody or more into texture, and on how you feel about bands cranking the distortion and fuzz up to maximum overdrive more than half the time
  10. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    honestly, speaking as someone who's got shoegaze in his personal top 5 genres i'm gonna have to agree that a lot of it is derivative as all hell (even more so than vk & that's saying something). i don't really fuck w/ the super sugary sweet side of things all that much myself either.
    i guess liking the genre or not generally comes down to whether you're more into melody or more into texture, and on how you feel about bands cranking the distortion and fuzz up to maximum overdrive more than half the time
  11. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from secret_no_03 in Books About Japanese Rock (in English)?   
    Japrocksampler by Julian Cope is probably essential
  12. LOVE!
    Tokage got a reaction from platy in random thoughts thread   
    Yooo, just had one of the best hauls of  material for art stuff  I've ever had.. Like a good twenty books or so, as well as some extremely vintage magazines, postcards and stuff.  Girlfriend and I were allowed to go into the local printing museum's storage and go crate digging for some stuff, quite a bunch of it would've been pulped otherwise. 
  13. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    Yooo, just had one of the best hauls of  material for art stuff  I've ever had.. Like a good twenty books or so, as well as some extremely vintage magazines, postcards and stuff.  Girlfriend and I were allowed to go into the local printing museum's storage and go crate digging for some stuff, quite a bunch of it would've been pulped otherwise. 
  14. Thanks
    Tokage reacted to johnesh in ペンタゴン(Pentagon) will disband   
    4 hours ago, suji said:
    That person writing this really needs to work on their English.
    The tone is weird, but there are only a couple of actual errors there. I've seen a lot worse English on this very forum.
    (Apologies for double post)
  15. I feel ya..
    Tokage got a reaction from gret in Unpopular Opinion   
    Literally when has art not been political though? As much as I'm a fan of the ideal of art for art's sake, you can't really pretend  that art hasn't been co-opted by politics since like Ancient Rome. 
    Edge and lack of sense are fine for me, not everything has to be conventionally beautiful or coherent to be good IMO. The main problem I personally have with a lot of contemporary art (at least the type  you'd stumble upon  in art galleries and such) is that half the time it feels like the works themselves are a mere afterthought and the narrative behind the work weighs in heavier when it comes to audience appreciation than the way in which said narrative is translated and ultimately expressed visually  by the artist (I'm just limiting this to visual media at this point, but you can definitely expand it beyond that scope to incorporate music and literature as well). It's all good and well  to incorporate your personal ideologies into your work, but the works themselves have to remain enjoyable on their own merits as well. The 'message' should be there to further enrich and enhance the material, it shouldn't subsume it and BECOME the material. At that point it just becomes soapboxing at best and outright propaganda at worst. I've disagreed with the idea that every creative work apparently needs to have some deeper layer to it ever since my first lit class in secondary school, and I don't think I'm ever gonna change my mind on that one. People often use the expression  'style over substance' to deride stuff, but apparently they just straight up forget that style IS substance as well, doubly so if we're talking about visual art. To me this type of people are equal to the ones who'll go like ''this song sucks bcuz it has no lyrics i can relate to :(" while entirely ignoring the actual music itself. It's focusing too much on one aspect of things and losing track of the bigger picture
  16. Interesting
    Tokage reacted to God in Unpopular Opinion   
    if we give it time, i’m sure live action anime adaptions will figure out what they’re doing.  let’s not forget, tim burton directed batman once.
  17. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from secret_no_03 in The deadly school (Miyoshi's solo project (ex-Raindia) has a new look !   
    my mind autofiltered this into ''The Catholic School System'' tbh
    also i'm like 99% sure that ''music video'' is some edited Quay Brothers stuff
  18. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from 吸血鬼 ~Kyūketsuki~ in Unpopular Opinion   
    Literally when has art not been political though? As much as I'm a fan of the ideal of art for art's sake, you can't really pretend  that art hasn't been co-opted by politics since like Ancient Rome. 
    Edge and lack of sense are fine for me, not everything has to be conventionally beautiful or coherent to be good IMO. The main problem I personally have with a lot of contemporary art (at least the type  you'd stumble upon  in art galleries and such) is that half the time it feels like the works themselves are a mere afterthought and the narrative behind the work weighs in heavier when it comes to audience appreciation than the way in which said narrative is translated and ultimately expressed visually  by the artist (I'm just limiting this to visual media at this point, but you can definitely expand it beyond that scope to incorporate music and literature as well). It's all good and well  to incorporate your personal ideologies into your work, but the works themselves have to remain enjoyable on their own merits as well. The 'message' should be there to further enrich and enhance the material, it shouldn't subsume it and BECOME the material. At that point it just becomes soapboxing at best and outright propaganda at worst. I've disagreed with the idea that every creative work apparently needs to have some deeper layer to it ever since my first lit class in secondary school, and I don't think I'm ever gonna change my mind on that one. People often use the expression  'style over substance' to deride stuff, but apparently they just straight up forget that style IS substance as well, doubly so if we're talking about visual art. To me this type of people are equal to the ones who'll go like ''this song sucks bcuz it has no lyrics i can relate to :(" while entirely ignoring the actual music itself. It's focusing too much on one aspect of things and losing track of the bigger picture
  19. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from ambivalentideal in Unpopular Opinion   
    semi-popular opinion at this point:
    nu-metal was never really that bad other than the literal middle school-tier lyrics
  20. LOVE!
    Tokage got a reaction from Himeaimichu in Unpopular Opinion   
    semi-popular opinion at this point:
    nu-metal was never really that bad other than the literal middle school-tier lyrics
  21. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    conspiracy theory: egypt is actually an east-asian country
  22. I feel ya..
    Tokage reacted to Bear in Unpopular Opinion   
    The only problem with CGI is how directors and SFX artists use it. 
    Jurassic Park proved that CGI could look amazing already all the way back in 1993. The CGI of today is, obviously, way, way better then back then, but the brains that decide how to use CGI nowadays only have something like 1/10th of the IQ and understanding of how to get the best out of it. Sad but true.
    It's embarrassing to watch newer superhero movies where the fights areand all CGI, despite the fact that the physique's are stil so far off it looks like a third rate PS2 game no one likes because it felt like shit. And it gets even more emembarrassing when you realize how poorly choreographed the fights are and how easy it is to just use actors for the scenes. Awful stuff.
    CGI should only be used when it's too hard/impossible to use practical effects. Because CGI as a tool is just brilliant. It's just the brains behind the CGI that isn't.
  23. I feel ya..
    Tokage got a reaction from gret in Unpopular Opinion   
    Also, further re: the 'CGI is shit' topic - A lot of the time that stuff ABSOLUTELY definitely does inexcusably suck assk. There are scenes from the The Hobbit trilogy and many of the more recent MCU films that look like they're straight up taken from an early PS2 or PS3 game, and those are movies that cost MILLIONS to produce. The main problem, from how I've understood it, is that nowadays a lot of the time the CG  work you see in those 'epic' large scale fights in the Avengers and that sorta work. is outsourced by the Hollywood studios to some random companies in India or China to cut costs, something that may happen quite late in the movie's 'development cycle', meaning there's a definite case of time crunch involved as well. The results, understandably, are mediocre at best. Moreover, the type of VERY conspicuously CG'd stuff ages fast, extremely fast, even compared to practical effects work. Look at the CG in a film like The Lawnmower Man and just TRY try to convince me that shit holds up, I dare you. Hell, even the CG in the early Harry Potter movies is beginning to show its age already. Meanwhile, a lot of the practical effects in movies like Blade Runner, John Carpenter's The Thing, etc. still hold up well even to this day. Yeah, I'm admittedly cherrypicking w/ my examples, and there's definitely a lot of low-budget movies (and hell, even AAA ones) with hokey practical effects as well, but still, you get my point. Unlike with a lot of practical effects work, the best kind of CGI is the variety that you wouldn't actually think is CG'd in because it looks so inconspicuous, like inserting family photos into picture frames in the background for example. This contemporary practice where some films are nearly entirely shot in front of a green screen is a crock of bs
  24. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from suji in Unpopular Opinion   
    see also: academics still tripping over each other to come up with ''new & alternative'' critical readings of shakespeare and all that horseshit
  25. I feel ya..
    Tokage reacted to Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    My high school English teacher pretty much just told my class the exam board were just looking for a load of guff and basically said to just make something up about alliteration or whatever and they'd probably like it and I passed
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