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  1. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Axius in New omnibus album "Judgement of hell" release   
    i think i lied when i said i want v/a albums to make a comeback
  2. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Zalemu in New omnibus album "Judgement of hell" release   
    i think i lied when i said i want v/a albums to make a comeback
  3. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from suji in New omnibus album "Judgement of hell" release   
    i think i lied when i said i want v/a albums to make a comeback
  4. LOLOL
    Tokage reacted to violetchain in Unpopular Opinion   
    Hold up, someone doesn't like ice cream? I just started skim-reading this thread backwards from the last page, and now I'm truly worried about what awaits. 😟
  5. Thanks
    Tokage got a reaction from saishuu in Unpopular Opinion   
    vaccinate your kids so we can have more future posters for the hentai thread
  6. LOLOL
    Tokage reacted to psychonnect_rozen in I'm getting bored. Leaving for a while again   
    Hey everyone.
    So far, I haven't been really doing anything. I just want to say that I'm not really having fun on here. 
    I wanted to make the Unpopular Opinion's thread a respectful place, but certain people who I will not name have ruined it and I don't want to even look on there anymore.
    This place has been barren for the past few days and I am really getting tired of looking on here.
    Signing off for now. Don't know when I'll be back but oh well. I guess time will tell. 
  7. LOLOL
    Tokage reacted to suji in I'm getting bored. Leaving for a while again   
    see you next week!
  8. LOVE!
    Tokage reacted to CAT5 in I'm getting bored. Leaving for a while again   
    Not this again...Thread closed bruh.

  9. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from suji in CHIC BOY new look + new member   
    power rangers, actually
  10. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from NekoHime in Initial'L new single "東京ホライズン" ( "Tokyo Horizon") release   
    if someone would just show me that band pic without context, my first thought would be that it's some new kpop group or some shit
  11. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from suji in CHIC BOY new look + new member   
    this is legit the most no effort vk look i have ever seen
  12. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from kuyashii in Guitarist Lin has joined Nocturnal Bloodlust ! + new mini-album "UNLEASH" release   
    i for one love japans anti-w**d policy 
  13. Interesting
    Tokage reacted to plop098 in random thoughts thread   
    Couldn't agree with you more Miss
  14. Like
    Tokage reacted to Jigsaw9 in new band "ゲルニカ (Guernica)" --> "GELNICA" has formed   
    At least now they won't be mistaken for the superior Guernica.
  15. I feel ya..
    Tokage got a reaction from nekkichi in Guitarist Lin has joined Nocturnal Bloodlust ! + new mini-album "UNLEASH" release   
    i for one love japans anti-w**d policy 
  16. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Yukimoto in Guitarist Lin has joined Nocturnal Bloodlust ! + new mini-album "UNLEASH" release   
    i for one love japans anti-w**d policy 
  17. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Komorebi in Guitarist Lin has joined Nocturnal Bloodlust ! + new mini-album "UNLEASH" release   
    i for one love japans anti-w**d policy 
  18. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from suji in YOSHIKI important announcement   
    implying he's doing it out of genuine charity and not just as another opportunity to make himself look good lmao, if he really wanted to help just for the sake of helping he wouldnt have to make a fucking public circus about it
  19. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from returnal in Visual kei popping up in unexpected places   
    I still swear that one of those stupid goofy-ass Japanese 'Human Tetris' gameshow things used part of Metronome's Computer as background music at some points, for example at around 7:20 or so in this one:
  20. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Visual kei popping up in unexpected places   
    I still swear that one of those stupid goofy-ass Japanese 'Human Tetris' gameshow things used part of Metronome's Computer as background music at some points, for example at around 7:20 or so in this one:
  21. LOVE!
    Tokage reacted to Karma’s Hat in Unpopular Opinion   
    I'm also in support of gatekeeping like mentioned before.
    Even the conversation of things like toxicity and other internet fads doesn't belong to any serious scenes and is best kept at the Harry Potter and Marvel Universe communities that people dabble in for an year or two before teetering off. 
    The lack of effective gatekeeping and scene discipline allows for trend hopping and superficial identity searching normies to barge in and blow in the doors and unleash the absolute worst tendencies in anything. Do you know why clubs have face control? It's to keep out weekend clubbers who are objectively awful and ruin nearly every club in Europe that doesn't arm itself to the teeth with bouncers and rules about cell phones and attire. Fuck, look at what happened to most gay clubs and spaces after all the straights started going to them because it became fashion and some vultures saw they could make a buck. From techno to black metal to rap on the street the music journalist went to excavate them like alien cultures and then brought out the carved up husk for the idiots to consume, to make a mockery of. It's true that the seeds of destruction were already in the commercial nature and historical origin of the music and it can be argued the death of subcultures is an inevitable course always, but isn't like people haven't tried to take them out of that sphere and build genuine communities around them and reinforce the so far latent political subtext that's there to be brought up to eschew mainstream commerciality and normalcy. 
    To me the subcultures I take part in aren't just some joke you come to experience and then leave a good review on tripadvisor for. They're my life, visual kei is my life, among great many other scenes with which I've worked very hard and listened to a lot of shit for years just to give them the respect they deserve, and those who only come on Sundays or even entertain to think that they have the platform speak their mind without a proper education ought to just get spat on their faces and sent back to the business school they came from. 
  22. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    vaccinate your kids so we can have more future posters for the hentai thread
  23. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in Unpopular Opinion   
    vaccinate your kids so we can have more future posters for the hentai thread
  24. Interesting
    Tokage got a reaction from psychonnect_rozen in Unpopular Opinion   
    vaccinate your kids so we can have more future posters for the hentai thread
  25. I feel ya..
    Tokage got a reaction from gret in Unpopular Opinion   
    page 1: ice cream's pretty bad guys
    this thread is somehow escalating as suddenly as your average shounen anime
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