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  1. I feel ya..
    Tokage got a reaction from nekkichi in HIZUMI (ex-D'espairsRay Vo.) new band NUL. has formed   
  2. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Ro plz in Unpopular Opinion   
  3. I feel ya..
    Tokage got a reaction from YuyoDrift in Unpopular Opinion   
  4. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from spockitty in Unpopular Opinion   
  5. Interesting
    Tokage reacted to Ro plz in Unpopular Opinion   
    Giving the internet the "ability" to air out their unpopular opinions was a mistake.
  6. Like
  7. Interesting
    Tokage reacted to Jigsaw9 in Favorite Japanese Covers of Japanese Songs?   
    死者列車 (Shisha ressha) originally by 無限マイナス (Mugen Minus), 2006
    Covered by ムニムニ (Munimuni), 2007
    Confession: I heard Munimuni's cover version first, and while I dig the original too, I just love the cover infinitely better. Maybe because the dreary goth shoegaze-y sound is closer to my usual style than Mugen's folk stuff. This is probably one of my most favorite Japanese covers of all time, now that I think about it.
  8. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    suddenly the tour name makes sense
  9. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Nowhere Girl in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    suddenly the tour name makes sense
  10. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from keilu in Rich people in vk?   
    all jrockers are rich in std's, and life experience.....
  11. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Paraph in Rich people in vk?   
    all jrockers are rich in std's, and life experience.....
  12. Like
    Tokage reacted to monkeybanana4 in gulu gulu 2nd oneman live in 2020 + new single, "首輪教育のすすめ" (Kubiwa kyouiku no susume) release   
    In addition to the one-man, they will also be releasing a new single, 「首輪教育のすすめ」(Kubiwa kyouiku no susume), in two types (大衆盤 [Taishuu-ban] and ストロング盤 [Strong-ban?]) on 2019.10.22.

  13. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Bear in Unpopular Opinion   
    Using drugs and alcohol is escapism for mentally weak people who can't cope with life
    Watching anime / playing videogames / watching porn / watching tv shows / reading or writing fanfiction / following kawaii jrockers / stuffing your ass with junk food to escape from your shitty and friendless life on the other hand? E N L I G H T E N E D
    In all seriousness though, If you're gonna rag on the first group you gotta be able to step it up and call out the second group for doing the exact goddamn same thing as well. If you boil it down to the most basic principle of 'uh oh life fucking sucks, i wish i could get away from it for a moment and get me that temporary dopamine fix to help me feel better' then that shit's LITERALLY all on the same level. The only noteworthy difference is that unlike drugs & booze the latter category might not 'directly' affect your health, but sitting on your ass watching anime all day for instance isn't gonna be doing either your mental or physical health any good in the long run either. Coming at people like this just reeks of hypocrisy and is literally on the same tier as some militant vegan with a superiority complex trying to guilt trip others for not being exactly like them tbh
  14. Thanks
    Tokage got a reaction from suji in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Yeah, it's one of the biggest  public ones specialized mainly in anime, jdrama and general weeb media. Mostly use it to find old stuff myself, but they have a good bit of everything across the board, definitely worth looking into
  15. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Euronymous in Unpopular Opinion   
    Detriti records is one of the best niche labels currently active and their entire aesthetic is fucking GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from suji in Unpopular Opinion   
    Using drugs and alcohol is escapism for mentally weak people who can't cope with life
    Watching anime / playing videogames / watching porn / watching tv shows / reading or writing fanfiction / following kawaii jrockers / stuffing your ass with junk food to escape from your shitty and friendless life on the other hand? E N L I G H T E N E D
    In all seriousness though, If you're gonna rag on the first group you gotta be able to step it up and call out the second group for doing the exact goddamn same thing as well. If you boil it down to the most basic principle of 'uh oh life fucking sucks, i wish i could get away from it for a moment and get me that temporary dopamine fix to help me feel better' then that shit's LITERALLY all on the same level. The only noteworthy difference is that unlike drugs & booze the latter category might not 'directly' affect your health, but sitting on your ass watching anime all day for instance isn't gonna be doing either your mental or physical health any good in the long run either. Coming at people like this just reeks of hypocrisy and is literally on the same tier as some militant vegan with a superiority complex trying to guilt trip others for not being exactly like them tbh
  17. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Zeus in Unpopular Opinion   
    Using drugs and alcohol is escapism for mentally weak people who can't cope with life
    Watching anime / playing videogames / watching porn / watching tv shows / reading or writing fanfiction / following kawaii jrockers / stuffing your ass with junk food to escape from your shitty and friendless life on the other hand? E N L I G H T E N E D
    In all seriousness though, If you're gonna rag on the first group you gotta be able to step it up and call out the second group for doing the exact goddamn same thing as well. If you boil it down to the most basic principle of 'uh oh life fucking sucks, i wish i could get away from it for a moment and get me that temporary dopamine fix to help me feel better' then that shit's LITERALLY all on the same level. The only noteworthy difference is that unlike drugs & booze the latter category might not 'directly' affect your health, but sitting on your ass watching anime all day for instance isn't gonna be doing either your mental or physical health any good in the long run either. Coming at people like this just reeks of hypocrisy and is literally on the same tier as some militant vegan with a superiority complex trying to guilt trip others for not being exactly like them tbh
  18. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from gret in Rich people in vk?   
    all jrockers are rich in std's, and life experience.....
  19. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from spockitty in New Band Ashmaze. has formed   
    This entire thing feels like it was put together in a boardroom tbh
  20. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from The Moon in Unpopular Opinion   
    the ultimate cope of not having anyone who wants to go drinking with you lmao
  21. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from saishuu in Unpopular Opinion   
    the ultimate cope of not having anyone who wants to go drinking with you lmao
  22. I feel ya..
    Tokage reacted to colorful人生 in Unpopular Opinion   
    Yeah, aside from those w/ Asperger's, some ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), or a handful of other issues (anxiety, etc.), I tend to look poorly on those who can't "read the mood". While that can be alleviated via improved social skills (and empathy), the real damaging thing is when that individual doesn't take the effects/criticism constructively and warps those characteristics into their personality. Either evolve into edgy at lv. 25 or use the Dusk Stone to evolve into full neckbeard incel. As a reminder, just because you're contrarian doesn't make you some elevated being (as the undersized trilby gently falls from the sky and graces his/her head.) 
    I get that not everything is "clear-cut" and people can be real douchebags, but it's not like life was fair to begin with. You either roll with what you have or take the time and effort to become a better person. Just don't expect things to fall into your lap when you don't make the effort yourself.
  23. LOLOL
    Tokage reacted to secret_no_03 in Unpopular Opinion   
    Alcohol and drugs, recreational or not are for the emotionally and mentally weak and are just a crutch and outside of the real medicinal benefits of marijuana, it's all just a way to desensitize yourself from the world and dull the experience that is living because people aren't happy with their lives for one reason or another. This is why I'm straight edge after having experienced both of them and opting out of the social trends of getting drunk and high as the means of having fun has helped me live a more fulfilling and genuine life.
  24. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Miku70 in Rich people in vk?   
    all jrockers are rich in std's, and life experience.....
  25. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from suji in Rich people in vk?   
    all jrockers are rich in std's, and life experience.....
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