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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    looks like the government is finally cracking down on visual kei
  2. Tokage

    so the site where i have to submit my application for a scholarship is like the worst thing ever, it literally completely breaks if you try to remove an already uploaded attachment
  3. Tokage

    I honestly wish they'd port Bayo 2 cuz I've been dying to play it, I'm just not willing to shill out the money for a Wii U bc the rest of the console's library doesn't look that appealing to me outside of maybe like... Wonderful 101 or something Knowing Nintendo, tho, it'll never happen
  4. Tokage

    let this once again be proof to delusional western vk fans that vk musicians are dumb as fucking shit lmao it's not like they'll actually listen
  5. Tokage

    been workin my way through Glue by Irvine Welsh. The usual fare, really; cynicism, black humor, thick accents, lowlife characters.. Took me a bit longer to get into than some of his other novels (like Marabou Stork Nightmares or Filth, p much my favs so far), but I found myself enjoying it nevertheless.
  6. Tokage

    ummmm some people???? fuc bangya???????? to cope?????????????
  7. Tokage

    Bayonetta came out on PC so I can try and play that for like the 3rd time soon probably
  8. R A R E J A P A N E S E S H O E G A Z E


  9. Tokage

    I'm pretty sure Alice Cooper is what essentially kickstarted my interest in rock music. My mom introduced me to his music when I was about 7 or 8.. Think it might've been connected somehow to his appearance on The Muppet Show. Parents gave me a greatest hits CD which ended up on heavy rotation. After that I somehow got my hands on his album Brutal Planet, I think it's still one of my favs so far (although to be honest, there's still a huge portion of his discography I haven't heard yet lol)... Unfortunately never seen him live though.
  10. Tokage

    I watched the film Mind Game (2004) today. While it's not necessarily dark/edgy in any sense (honestly, I'd say it's more on the lighthearted side of things), I still do feel like it is, in the end, a movie that will resonate more with adults. What makes the movie unique in my eyes is that it often shifts between different art styles, usually unexpectedly so. It makes the whole experience feel a lot more psychedelic. In the end, the movie's all about second chances, about life, the interconnectedness of things, etc.. Perhaps those themes sound somewhat like standard shonen anime-tier fare, but I don't know, man.. I don't feel like kids will resonate very strongly with that whole "loser who missed a lot of opportunities but finally tries to turn things around" theme. Teenagers perhaps, but.. eh. Also, apparently Satoshi Kon was a fan.
  11. imagine a vk band playing straightforward reggae music

    1. Tokage


      [all members arrested for doin GANJA]

    2. platy


      somehow I think pentagon will go in that direction sooner or later

    3. IGM_Oficial


      There's a song by Kiryu (wtf) with some parts that can be considered as reggae... I think

    4. Show next comments  216 more
  12. Tokage

    here's some more: - i kind of resent the fact that goatbed seems to have turned into 'le yaoi visual novel band' in many people's eyes in recent years & nothing more - i'm not sure how unpopular this one is, but i really don't feel gossip at all. i feel like that one [vanilla] band (or w/e their name was, idr) did that whole *listens to old gazette ONCE* """""homage"""""(ripoff) thing better - tribute bands/cover bands are generally fucking useless. unless they actually put some sort of twist on the original, i'd rather just... stick to the original, boi - there are only like 6 genuinely good shironuri style bands i can think of, for all the others it feels like people mostly seem to like them solely based on rarez cred - not sure how unpopular this one is at this point in time either, but i feel like vk should stray more into math rock/post-rock/shoegaze/idm/hip-hop & other territories that are 'unconventional' for the scene. i'm 100% sure a lot of people would shit on it because 'muh screams' or 'muh symphonic metal,' but it'd be a breath of fresh air... (imagine a vk country band or something lmao)
  13. Tokage

    *listens to emmure ONCE*
  14. Tokage

    this is literally the forum equivalent of someone trying to ask their their crush out or w/e, getting shot down & then immediately trying to play it off by going "haha that was my friend sitting next to me hahaha lol wow this is so embarrassing hahaha wowwwww" or some cringe-tier shit like that
  15. Tokage

    cant help it, that's just what the stars are saying sweaty.......
  16. G O T T A C A T C H E M A L L 


  17. Tokage

    sorry for poor english when was you when silver espeon was kill??? i was at home drinking brain fluid when yohio is call "im ded" "no"
  18. Tokage

    ppl who love hot anime babes are VALID
  19. Ronnie Radke is LITERALLY the only visual kei musician who matters

    1. doombox


      How dare you forget Andy Biersack!!

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Robert Smith invented visual-kei

    3. Licio123
  20. Tokage

    all me btw ; )
  21. Tokage

    that pv song's giving me pre-hiatus carrygarry vibes, im feelin it boiiiii (altho tbf i've enjoyed most of the post-comeback stuff too lol)
  22. Tokage

    im pretty sure i stopped playing somewhere after the engineer update or something actually, i started playing l4d2 more extensively instead lol
  23. Tokage

    why not pour a little of that Gamer Dew in your Gamer Milk?
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