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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    is it just me or does the production sound different compared to some of their other stuff? not sure if it's just YT fucking stuff up or not but parts of it kinda have this 'tin can' effect
  2. Tokage

    so 論外な生き物として isn't even on the album? that other song they released a demo recording of earlier is
  3. the song itself sounds alright but good god that PV is so goddamn ugly its giving √eight's 'we literally filmed this in our garage' PVs a run for their money, I get being low budget and all that but this is like middle school garage band-tier
  4. apparently that spree shooter guy in NZ said ''subscribe to pewdiepie'' before starting his killing, what the fuck is this clown timeline and how do i get off this ride????

    1. CAT5
    2. IGM_Oficial


      It's called "being an attwhore"

    3. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      we live in the southland tales timeline...I feel like it will only get worse. I don't even go to big public places anymore

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  5. Tokyo Shoegazer are apparently recording new material? OoooOOOoooOoOoo

    1. emmny


      wttttffff hype

    2. Tokage


      no 'official' confirmations yet tho, just this tweet by Buchi so far:


    3. zombieparadise


      yeeeee! It's been years

  6. this sounds like the exact same thing pretty much every non-vk j-indie band has been doing for the last decade+, what the fuck
  7. Tokage

    People complaining about the cover art seem to forget that like a good 70% of Grieva's cover art was fugly as well (that Grieva vs Grieva single says hi) Gonna keep an eye on this, hopefully it'll be good. What's with this new meme of bands calling <10 track releases albums though?
  8. Tokage

    The Evil Within, beat the main game and The Assignment DLC so far, gonna get started with The Consequence soon. I kinda accidentally made the game harder on myself because I only rediscovered the fact there's a dedicated sprint button in like chapter 11 out of 15 lol, it definitely did make the game a lot spookier and more stressful that way tho. Is the sequel worth playing? That Obscura monster looks great design-wise but I've heard mixed opinions on the rest of the game
  9. Tokage

    that cg looks like it was done by the same dude who did this
  10. They recently updated their IG with a couple of other tour dates: TOUR『NUMBER GIRL』開催決定‬ ‪ 8/18 日比谷野外大音楽堂‬ ‪9/7 なんばHatch‬ ‪9/8 福岡DRUM LOGOS‬ ‪9/27 名古屋ダイアモンドホール‬
  11. Tokage

    legit misread the title as 'shit boy' when i saw it in the sidebar
  12. this sounds like the nu-metal counterpart to elektel shiki or something wtf
  13. ppl into that nu-metal vk stuff  should check out Seo Taiji's Ultramania album at least once, this is peak ''we korn now!!!!''



    1. Chi


      lmao I used to listen to his Ultramania album, plus Pia + Dr.Core 911 


    2. Axius


      Wow this is good :)Are they Korean?

    3. Tokage


      yeah all the bands here are korean ones, the majority of the ones were mainly active during the '00s, i haven't really followed them since then so idk if they're still around or not

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  14. Tokage

    the big o is one of the best anime series ever and i will never EVER change my mind on that
  15. for a sec i thought the dude on the left was throwing a pair of pruning scissors into the air
  16. where is the FUCKING tracklist!!!!!
  17. have you ever decided to avoid checking out a release just because the cover art was ugly?

  18. Tokage

  19. Tokage

    how many layers of roleplaying are we on at this point?
  20. still remain 100% convinced that Joukuu 8000ft single by amber gris is one of the best VK singles EVER

    1. Zeus


      i agree. i was thinking about them yesterday and that's the first thing i thought of.

  21. might have something to do w/ the fact half of the yohio stan team posters feel like sock puppet accs as well
  22. Tokage

    they only have like 5 new songs so it's not like there's much you're missing out on
  23. Tokage

    i firmly believe every single story posted on tanuki is true even when they contradict w/ other stories posted on there
  24. Tokage

    visual kei is good again
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