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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Man, that is a really cool dvd cover but i guess I'm just a sucker for eyes on places where eyes shouldn't be
  2. Tokage

    oh lawd sounds like this should be good
  3. am i the only one who thinks the new pv preview thing sounds ok?
  4. i guess they're forcing their overseas fans to... pay Toll LEL COMEDY GOLD
  5. tbh most VK lyrics aren't much to look at and not all rap is bad but this isn't the place for that discussion.
  6. oh, special shoutout to Metronome/FLOPPY/GalapagosS as well for having upbeat music and ( often )extremely negative, yet rather 'simple' lyrics. Also bonus points to Eiji's projects (Codomo A, Makaroni, Sandwich de 120pun?, Kibouya) for telling really weird stories in most of their songs. (ie: being sold into a circus only to get raped by your uncle and then murdered by said uncle for falling in love with a girl, japanese government planting bombs inside girls' vaginas, stuff about cults, suicide and more) Again with somewhat upbeat melodies most of the itme
  7. Tokage

    the series Black Books cuz it's frikkin hilarious
  8. I really like amber gris' lyrics for some reason. 9goats' too. They have a sort of similar atmosphere that just speaks to me.
  9. Tokage

    well this is a plot twist i wouldn't call it great, but it's still nice to see them returning to their old selves again somewhat
  10. Tokage

    or at least some the cure-esque stuff
  11. voor mij wordt het waarschijnlijk SP.
  12. Tokage

    might be good though the newer singles except for Kuchizuke weren't that interesting imo
  13. ik heb nog steeds geen idee waarop ik ga stemmen whoops
  14. Tokage

    maybe they'll just "end" as 9goats and continue as something else maybe hopefully ;o;
  15. Tokage

    BOOOOOKS I CAN'T STOP SOMEONE HELP ME Chuck Palahniuk - Damned China Mieville - Embassytown Dennis Lehane - Shutter Island
  16. Tokage

    sounds neat as always and like Metronome, but then again GalapagosS has always sounded like Metronome tbh
  17. Tokage

    Don't forget Codomo A bailing and that whole thing with the best-of album that got released without Eiji even getting informed of it beforehand
  18. Tokage

    that's what vk always was though
  19. Tokage

    Oh well, UCP hasn't had any bands that interested me signed for the last 6 or 7 years either way so i can't really react in any way other than
  20. Tokage

  21. Tokage

    Tokage/Turtels' true form... Revealed?!!??! Excuse my creeper smile there, I always smile stupidly in pics so :V
  22. Tokage

    The cynic in me wants to say that the reason is probably "lol omg da guise look so hot xd"
  23. Tokage

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