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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    No, Wataru choked some chick IIRC
  2. Tokage

    It's more surprising to me that a band like SID manages to get huge venues actually. Even though they do have a poppy sound.
  3. Tokage

    still wish peepz would do this for bands like cali gari or guruguru eigakan :C
  4. Tokage

    i'm happy they've been pretty consistent quality-wise
  5. Tokage

    i really see no problems with any of those names except for maybe cocktail♪note
  6. Tokage

    am i really the only one who is amused by the name 'next innovators'
  7. Tokage

    Aren't Der Zibet and Buck-Tick 'friends' or something? also yeah i was familiar with D'erlanger and Deshabillz already but i just never listened to them.. Where should I start?
  8. Tokage

    sounds p damn tootin i like it
  9. Tokage

    I want dat campy '80s/'90s old school VK sound, stuff like early LUNA SEA or Buck-Tick's early albums rec me some of that stuff please :>
  10. Tokage

    yeah it's their fanclub
  11. Tokage

    They've been getting progressively worse IMO so I hope this is good if not then IMO toda should just go and do more with gewalt and sharaku should gb2 cuckoo or metronome :C
  12. Tokage

    Pike is probably a cover of a song by the japanese new-wave band Hikashu. FLOPPY and Polysics have also done a cover of that track.
  13. Tokage

    would be neat, been wanting to check BJC out
  14. Tokage

    are there even links available for those anywhere anymore?
  15. Tokage

    o wow this is really neat
  16. Tokage

    Thirding the cali gari thing for Inugami Circus Dan: Kami no Inu is pretty neat, it's a concept album too. 9mm Parabellum Bullet - either Termination or Gjallarhorn
  17. Bioshock Infinite so much aaaaaa also that new MGS game now that it's being made by the developers who did Bayonetta definitely NOT Asura's Wrath anymore now that it's basically PRESS X NOT TO DIE THE ANIME VERSION
  18. they have more live dists by now than official releases :U
  19. Tokage

    you sure you don't mean Kiwamu instead of Kisaki?
  20. Tokage

    Full-blown come back please!
  21. Tokage

    god if DeG want to be taken seriously overseas they should stop touring with these kiddy-core bands
  22. Tokage

    So, Makoto and Kenjirou basically didn't do anything whatsoever composition-wise. At least Kenjirou has track 4, partially..
  23. Tokage

    Oh! Will there be any cool guest appearances?
  24. Tokage

    both songs so far sound neat, want to see the full pv
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