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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Park Chan-Wook's Thirst probably the best vampire movie I've ever seen though I haven't really seen many.
  2. Tokage

    guys guys what if no guys, really guys what if this means gullet might do a reunion thing though what if that happens
  3. Tokage

    Tokyo Jihen, PPP, Guruguru and now 9goats... FUCKING 2012
  4. the 8otto guy is pretty cool tho
  5. Tokage

    New PVs maybe
  6. Tokage

    inb4 remastered version of DSS
  7. Looks too 'happy' for me :\\\\
  8. Tokage

    repubiclans are cool tho idk what the problem is w/ being called a repubiclan
  9. Tokage

    maximum lmfaoing at this
  10. Tokage

    Started Chuck Palahniuk's 'Snuff' today, am already halfway through it Finished Hunter S. Thompson's Kingdom of Fear yesterday
  11. Tokage

    I saw Shinya Tsukamoto's A Snake Of June yesterday. Apparently, letting yourself get blackmailed by a stalker CAN somehow improve you and your husband's love life and even improve your overall marriage.
  12. Tokage

    On a typical Friday night I am sitting in chair with penis
  13. Stemmen op de Piratenpartij ofc voor maximum verspilling van je stem nee maar wss wordt het wel SP ja
  14. Tokage

    that is one a++ list of participating artists
  15. that's a p dang neat lineup
  16. Tokage

    The Raven. It was alright, I guess. Poe was probably doing continuous 360's in his grave though
  17. Tokage

    About 3/4th into Bret Easton Ellis' Less Than Zero
  18. Tokage

    http://turtelsintime.tumblr.com/ hi
  19. Luidruchtige Rotterdammer meldt zich of nouja, ik ben niet zo heel luidruchtig, maar we hebben de naam :V
  20. Belgen zijn heul geen nederlanders!
  21. Tokage

  22. Tokage

    Eiji should do more DENTAKU stuff now that Sandwich is on hiatus imo
  23. Tokage

    Calling it now: track 1 will be a somewhat upbeat-sounding track that could perhaps double as an anime opening track 2 will be a ballad track 3 will be a punk-type track
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