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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. ... Did they ever release those reworked songs officially?
  2. Tokage

    The Cure - Faith The Cure - The Head on the Door The Cure - Wish The Cure - Seventeen Seconds Bauhaus - Burning from the Inside 2goth
  3. Tokage

    should be good
  4. Tokage

    Belgium has the best beer tbh also sai you could try Kriek maybe it's got cherries in it and all so it's actually sort of sweet as far as beer goes
  5. Tokage

  6. Tokage

    Finished reading the Bizarro Starter Kit, which proved to me that Bizarro Fiction is totes one of the greatest genres of all time now reading the complete works of Poe
  7. Tokage

    http://cuppateaalmostgotshagged.tumblr. ... 9081404963
  8. Tokage

    Chuck Palahniuk - Lullaby Neil Gaiman - Anansi Boys
  9. Tokage

    Oh, by the way: track 06 (アンドロイドは電子意識で夢を見るか?) was originally a solo track by 小林写楽 that appeared on the 電子音楽部 V.A. album. I wonder if it'll be reworked.. Probably will though, it sounds like a GalapagosS song minus the rock instruments currently
  10. Tokage

    Midnight FM Amusing, though somewhat unknown korean thriller.
  11. It's pretty cool, apparently with this name change they'll be going for a more "lyrical, shocking Japanese-style angura band"-style according to what I've read this pleaseth me
  12. Tokage

    tbh Bury Tomorrow doesn't sound that bad idgaf about that other band tho
  13. Tokage

    > more than half size album > 7 tracks oh u
  14. the b-side just can't be anything other than a mazohyst re-rec i won't accept it
  15. but what happen to kyo's throat thing?
  16. Tokage

    das kool
  17. Tokage

    I basically live around the corner from that venue hahaha so yeah I basically HAVE to go
  18. Tokage

    Yeah same it's taken them long enough
  19. Tokage

    It had nice visuals though but yeah the Uzumaki manga is like 10000x better
  20. Door Kamen Rider toen ik 10 was. En Detective Conan en Bleach. En toen vond ik VK, was ik helemaal into Malice Mizer, toen raakte ik geleidelijk geinteresseerd in de "hardere" bands zoals Dir en grey en D'espa enzo. Ergens rond 2008 begon ik de 'normale' VK zat te worden en werd ik meer fan van de Angura Kei bands zoals metronome en cali gari enzo en ging ik ook steeds meer non-VK indie stuff luisteren. Sinds dat jaar ben ik ook (eindelijk) uit mijn "I LOVE JAPAN PERIOD"-japan only fase gegroeid enzo en meer naar niet-japanse muziek agan luisteren en... nu luister ik eigenlijk meer niet-japanse muziek dan japanse muziek om eerlijk te zijn
  21. Tokage

    The best part was
  22. Tokage

    In the last 5 days I've finished both Snuff and Bret Easton Ellis' Imperial Bedrooms. Really liked both of them. Am now reading American Psycho, which is also pretty hilarious so far edit: and i finished that too so now I'm gonna start with Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five soon
  23. Tokage

    This band is pretty grimdark but so far I dig what I've heard ( which isn't much really )
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