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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Would buy kinect sports where you get electrocuted if you don't break the record btw
  2. Tokage

    IF YOU DIE IN THE GAME YOU DIE FOR REAL At least I'm sure they'll take it to that level in the underground hardcore circles
  3. Tokage

    I post most of my stuff at my tumblr blog. I'm not that good yet though, only started last summer. I'll just post one. Twin life The missing pages from our youth, I heard they’re tied to our chest or nailed to burning crosses, pulling us into smog-drowned skies, tearing off our roots like insect wings. The intimacy of closed doors mixed with the blisters on our lips still lives in ash-colored photographs, black-and-blue film reels, the landmines buried in our hearts uncovered in our sleep. Feign ignorance, the poison is the answer! When all that remains is escapism in the empty theatre for the broken puppets sleeping in our closets, close that diary and close off your mind.
  4. Tokage

    The Quiet Family - This movie was remade by Miike as 'Happiness of the Katakuris'. Now, compared to the remake, this movie is a lot more 'sane', but it is still a pretty crazy film even despite the lack of claymation and not being a musical. The original and the remake are actually quite different. I found both enjoyable, though. Recommended for people who like comedy-horrors that lean more to the dark comedy side of things.
  5. Tokage

    Night Fishing by Chan-Wook Park Short film shot entirely on either an ipad or iphone(forgot which) about sp00ky fishing
  6. Tokage

    Next to 9goats, they're probably the most interesting VK band in recent years to be honest.
  7. Tokage

    Crazy Lips WEIRD japanese movie. Weird weird weird.
  8. Tokage

    Not all are from 2012, some are from slightly earlier maybe or after 2012, but it counts in my book idgaf. Exotic Animal Petting Zoo occasionally remind me of Dir en grey's Uroboros-era work. my dead girlfriend are pretty damn tootin' shoegaze/dreampop with male/female dual vocals. Mothlite produces glitchy electronic music, sort of like the electronic work of Radiohead. Fans of Aureole and Ferri. probably would enjoy this. Folk w/ spoken word segments. Nice for relaxin'. Cold Cave make dark synthpop/post-punk mixture band, throwback to the '80s.
  9. Tokage

    4 books by Chuck Palahniuk
  10. kiss my way are still supposed to release a mini-album though, so...
  11. Tokage

    Just picking cool sounding words from dictionaries now
  12. Tokage

    Evil Ed. Made me go 'hhheheehe' at times.
  13. Tokage

    Song preview level: Anime OP theme-tier
  14. Tokage

    Sogo Ishii's Shuffle, it was only 30 minutes long and it involved lots of running
  15. oh man this sounds like it could be glorious
  16. holy shit this is unexpected, but nice.
  17. Tokage

    Man, this list makes me think I should delve more into the japanese folk scene, but I already have such a humongous backlog ~_~
  18. Tokage

    From Beyond dem sfx
  19. Tokage

    those bands are awful though
  20. Tokage

    SHIT I MUST GO for adapter that is, nocurrs for Gunji
  21. "Hey guys, I'm retiring" -Releases solo cds- -dozen lives- -reforms old band- But yeah this is good though
  22. Tokage

    Dir en grey is literally the only good band playing on that festival holy shit so much "I'm 13 years old and I just discovered rock music"-core wow
  23. Tokage

    IDK if you'd actually WANT to see it but the movie's called Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead. It's exactly what it sounds like.
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