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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. I like how the 'old' style of screaming Kyo did back in the Vulgar/WtD-era sort of pops back in for a split second in DIFFERENT SENSE
  2. Tokage

    The A-Side is really cool to me, however Tsumi To Kisei is just completely and utterly underwhelming and it sounds like they just recycled Warsaw's formula a bit
  3. Tokage

    New single? Schweet.
  4. Tokage

    They disband and reform every month because Ao is indecisive as fuck also inb4 the 2 new songs are reworked versions of Cuckoo songs, if that's the case I would still be ok with this
  5. Tokage

    I forgot though, exactly what does Hizumi have? Like, the same thing Yuuki does? Something similar?
  6. Tokage

    TBH I'm not really sure why people are 'surprised' they're disbanding now though, since they've been on hiatus since god knows when and other bands have disbanded for similar reasons ( Unsraw for example )
  7. Tokage

    They went downhill with MIRROR anyways.
  8. Yeah, it's not like the original song was some sort of established signature song or anything At least not of the same grade as Obscure, by far
  9. @relentless is your friend swedish, because i'm p. sure i know who it is then lol Also yeah people have been having live recordings of DIFFERENT SENSE since it was first played live so it's been around for quite a while now Quite excited to hear that it's 'different'. Now let's hope it's a 'good' different. While LOTUS was entertaining, it wasn't as amazing as I had hoped it would be from the 1 min preview. Hope they didn't goof with tsumi either, although the original wasn't too interesting a song.
  10. Tokage

    The original, [.rec] scared me though Saw Source Code yesterday, going to see Kung-Fu Panda 2 later tonight ( aw yea free movie pass )
  11. Tokage

    So, japanese titles translations found so far? So far I've got: Kyoukutsu no Nari - Cry of the Kyoukotsu 'Yokusou ni DREAMBOX" Aruiwa seijuku no rinen to tsumetai ame - "The desire to nest DREAMBOX " Philosophy and the cold rain, or maturity ( according to google translate ) Ruten no Tou - Tower of Vissectitudes
  12. Tokage

    I usually go by a nickname of -something-turtles/turtels at most places, just not here, and it's a reference to that I like turtles kid because he is a bro.
  13. Tokage

    DLed their discog a while ago, but I can't figure out a place to start. Which cd would be a good starter?
  14. Tokage

    Srsly ? "Shitty" band ??? KEEP YOUR FUCKING OPINION TO YOURSELF. You just made yourself an enemy. also, why the fuck are you even in here ? why post "shitty band" ?? also you've got balls to tlk shit about DEG since I'M A FAN and I MADE THIS THREAD. fucking pathetic, gtfo if you don't like them PS: inb4 Herpes gettin' flamed by other users that saw his post. Wow, someone needs a jar of ointment for their asspain
  15. Tokage

    Yeah, this sounds pretty bad vocal-wise
  16. Tokage

    Pulling Teeth's album Funerary is very good.
  17. Tokage

    That pic is giving me some serious The Horrors vibes imokwithtthis.gif
  18. Tokage

    Oh oops, I meant the 2nd half of the HAMELN segment, sounds like a gendai stoic-era song 8]
  19. Tokage

    The PV gets a 10/10 i don't give a shit about their music though
  20. Tokage

    That last song... sounds familiar somehow.
  21. Tokage

    VK-wise this year has been absolute shit so far, there hasn't really been anything whatsoever that caught my interest other than XA-VAT and GalapagosS IIRC non-VK japanese music has been alot better so far to me, for example the cabs' new album and also the 武藤昭平 with ウエノコウジ album unexpect's album is my first introduction to this band and I'm not sure if I like it or not. It's a bit too chaotic for my tastes so far.
  22. Tokage

    the band that loses disbands
  23. Tokage

    if they visit the netherlands i will literally fuck everything else and just GO want to see them since... forever
  24. Tokage

    Wow, they must be REALLY desperate to get some pussy
  25. Tokage

    The only band in that lineup that's of lesser quality is Onmyouza, the rest is top-notch, so this has to be good
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