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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Through the magic of computer technology Riki magically learned how to sing again, what a day to be alive
  2. Tokage

    Playing some R-Type games recently... I have to say, that whole ''the entire stage is just you gradually tearing a giant enemy battleship apart piece by piece''' level type is one of my favorite shmup tropes
  3. sukekiyo's anima single is some


    good shit


    to listen to

    1. nick


      Best song they've ever composed so far IMO.

    2. Tokage


      i'm honestly inclined to agree with you

      not so sure about the b-side yet, but that re-recording of the old poem book track's solid too imo

  4. Tokage

    idk at the moment i feel like total shit, getting dumped sucks, especially if you're basically already replaced...
  5. Tokage

    i hope i get hit by a bus today...
  6. Happy birthday!

    1. freesia


      Happy bday!!!

    2. yakihiko


      Happy birthday

  7. Tokage

    So is this basically gonna be DIAVOLO b-sides?

  9. Tokage

    i'm expecting Velvet Eden to disband, then reform, then disband, then reform, then disband and reform again for at least 7 more times before the end of this decade
  10. Tokage

    The Hitcher: My man Rutger does it again. Damn, does he ever play the ''evil son of a bitch'' role well. Also, goddamn, this film delivers more spectacle in just its first 20 minutes than what some movies deliver in their whole runtime lol Despite the lack of any supernatural elements in the movie, I'd say some MASSIVE suspension of disbelief is required, but goddamn, does it ever deliver the sweet '80s goodness. Loved it.
  11. hoooo boy they never stop....
  12. Tokage

    leaked announcement
  13. What's with all the people reppin' Cinema Staff? Are they really THAT good?
  14. why oh why does the Sega Megadrive sound chip have to make almost everything sound like farting trumpets??

    1. Biopanda


      smdh if you're not farting the Green Hill Zone theme

    2. Tokage


      i prefer to fart this:


  15. Rim Cat / Reclens are worth checking out since you like Proxyon, iirc I already slapped you in the face w/ one of their things in the past
  16. Tokage

    Now follow it up with Hellstar Remina or Black Paradox after you're done for more ''fun''
  17. can't BELIEVE they resurrected art kei
  18. Tokage

    What if... all bands disband eventually? Damn.... makes u think
  19. THAT'S A GOOD AVATAR......

  20. so now my personal life's also gone to hell, nice..

    1. Tetora


      Stay strong, your true brahs will end up by your side in the end.

    2. Tokage


      thanks, man, I sure hope so........

  21. is this the Sega nerd's band or is it some other one?
  22. you see, children, this is why you never make an ACTIVE vk band your fav

  23. Tokage

    somewhere out there a single tear is rolling down the girugamesh kid's cheek
  24. DOAK, Screw, Girugamesh... WHERE WILL THIS WILD RIDE END? Who else will hop aboard this train of disbandments and crushed bangya hearts?


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