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About Tokage

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    did you know that even with seatbelts people die all the time in
  • Birthday 11/22/1992

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    car crashes? i thought that was interesting
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  1. wtf, aint even halloween yet and we already got snow?? fuccccc

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    2. orange~


      Climate change is the correct term I believe. Global warming is just for more common talk. I got quite heavy bias on the matter, so I wouldn't necessarily want to start a conversation about it, but out of curiosity... how can you be skeptic about it?


      There are clear statistics showing weather average is getting warmer and warmer around the world. We got polar ice melting at rapid rate. Extreme dry seasons and forest fires are getting more common, as are other extreme weather phenomenon. 


      Large majority of scientists are agreeing and confirming that our actions are directly linked to all this. There is natural climate change happening too, yes, but our emissions are accelerating events.


      this is it for my late night rant. now to sleep -_-

    3. orange~


      haha I appreciate this Carm. Hope you're aware I'm talking about this in good spirits. ^^


      I got to believe 'blindly' the numerous climatologists, because I'm one of these "uneducated trash". I got no education to state any of these conclusions myself. That's why I believe what science says. I can't confirm earth is round either, but I generally tend to believe in what most of the experts on the field tell. And in this case, MOST research says human factor got a clear role in this. The climate change has been accelerating drastically since industrial revolution. This much you can easily see from the graphs.


      If it's not the majority of research that we should naively believe, what then?


      And funny you bring up monetary interests, because those who "gain" from climate change and from the push towards renewable energy are just thousands of small time companies., while those corporations that have established their position with fossil fuels have so much more to lose here.


      Even if there wasn't discussion about climate change, I'd still be pro-renewable energies 100% because really... Why the hell would you wanna stay with the energy sources that pollute so much? You're pretty close to China, go see how carbon emissions look like in Beijing. There're ready alternative solutions that are clean and that can rival the quality-price ratio, but because fossil fuel empire has been lobbying for their cause since forever, we're still where we're at today.

    4. orange~


      Oh yea and proof about these outcomes? Polar ice are melting. Arctic ice has been getting thinner and thinner. Just go check NASA's website if you need evidence of this. Water levels are rising, there are already islands left underwater because of this. Extreme weather conditions are a real thing. There is clear data around for that too............ there are shitloads of evidence of weather changing faster than what earth's normal weather change would  warrant.

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