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Tokage last won the day on February 5

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About Tokage

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    did you know that even with seatbelts people die all the time in
  • Birthday 11/22/1992

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    car crashes? i thought that was interesting
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  1. damn, just bought a damn good haul of shoegaze stuff

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    2. Tokage


      Adorable, Amusement Parks on Fire, Asobi Seksu, Mazzy Star & Swervedriver.. Couple of days ago I also got myself some Boo Radleys and Cocteau Twins 

      Thought about buying MBV's Isn't Anything cuz it was like 7.50 but I  already spent too much money today lol

    3. zombieparadise


      Swervedriver is such a good band! Have you head the new Slowdive album?

    4. saishuu
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