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Tokage last won the day on February 5

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About Tokage

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    did you know that even with seatbelts people die all the time in
  • Birthday 11/22/1992

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    car crashes? i thought that was interesting
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  1. imagine hating a place for being ''disrespectful'' and STILL coming back to it multiple times for some enigmatic reason instead of just starting your own utopian community... weird

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    2. Nighttime Jae

      Nighttime Jae

      The reason why many people come here it's only because it's the only place where to discuss bands individually and get news. But the atmosphere isn't exactly the most welcoming since many of you use it as your personal playground to act sassy and shit on bands for no reason, so... not to mention the cliques.

    3. ChaoticEnding


      Not everyone is perfect, we have to accept imperfections. That is today's lesson.

      I just think there are more serious things that are happening around the world, more important things. I don't like one or the other here myself, but that's it, life goes on.

      If you didn't like it here, go away and get over that frustration.

    4. Tokage


      Once again - there is literally nothing stopping anybody from setting up their own weenie hut jr. community and doing the exact same thing. It's not like the users here are magically pulling the news out of the aether or anything; literally anyone can do it, all it takes is the ability to browse twitter/google search and check out artists' websites. Same with discussing bands individually.

      Cliques form in literally every single fandom/community out there, especially the niche ones. If you think this shit is bad then go check out your random metal forum or kpop community for a laugh. 

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