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Status Updates posted by Biopanda

  1. 4 days left to enter the Avanchick cheki giveaway! http://www.rarezhut.net/signed-avanchick-cheki-giveaway

  2. 8 more hours for a chance to win signed Avanchick chekis! http://www.rarezhut.net/signed-avanchick-cheki-giveaway

  3. After joining the VISUAL KEI group on facebook, it's made me appreciate MH a whole lot more. The quality of posts there make even our stupidest users look like philosophers by comparison. luv u guise <3

    1. Biopanda


      Hey everyone. Nice too meet you, just something I need to tell you guys,
      I tasted Ruki's toe last night.
      I made a YouTube video about it ahahahaha legit though (。•̀ᴗ-)و ̑̑✧

    2. emmny


      there will never be a shortage of bored european girls

    3. emmny


      ok i've had enough cringe for today. mh r forever my people.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  4. airhorn.wav is my aesthetic

  5. Almost ready to start over at www.rarezhut.net/stream/ !!

  6. Anybody happen to be in Japan on the 23rd or 24th(or know someone who is), who would be willing to go to a free live to grab some CDs and make some quick dosh?

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      I have some friends there so if you want I can probably fix it for you. Pm me with more details about the live ^^

  7. Apologies to our Firefox-using-buddies at the stream today! We pushed out a fix for the chat issue, so the bug should be gone.

  8. Awww hell yeah! Veritas En Void just dropped their album on itunes!

  9. Been watching Void Burger's Silent Hill 2 LP while working. I find myself watching more LPs lately than actually playing games :'3

    1. tetsu_sama69


      That's where I get sometimes as well. I feel you there.

  10. Bought a 90s VK house cover album on a whim. 100% not disappointed.

    1. returnal


      god bless avex

      however, it'd be even better if it was vk-meets-BASSSSSS

    2. Tokage


      this was the 90s version of those VK disney cover vas

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Penicillin covering Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride is exactly what Vkei needed at the time

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  11. Boy do I love piano/acoustic VK stuff. If I ever get rich, I'm going to hire a full-time pianist to sit around my house and play piano arrangements of madeth gray'll n shit

  12. BRB guys going to VK Valhalla. I finally caved in and bought my own bandoman.

  13. bsbet↖ウ『→ KR847.ZZ.AM←』ウ↙bsbet

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      this could totally be a new vk bandname 

  14. Christ this box never ends. Downing unhealthy amounts of caffeine to try and catalog all these CDs asap x_x

  15. Come check out the latest update @ rarezhut.net for your daily dose of goodies ♥♥♥

  16. Come take a look at the fuxxin spicy, yoshiki-approved goodies for this month's auction https://goo.gl/hZrTt7

    1. Biopanda


      Because we can't push back the auction to the year 2116 :v

    2. Hakari


      Could you hold it until 2115?

    3. Biopanda


      I'll have to consult Valicious... she's the slavedriver in this operation.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  17. Details for the next RH $1 auction are live! https://www.facebook.com/events/362952964138379/

  18. do goats really sleep in beds?

  19. Do you ever fantasize about being the white girl in a VK PV?

    1. paradoxal


      yes, every single day

    2. gekiai


      No because I'm not white :'D

    3. Tokage


      YOU FOUND ME...

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  20. Doing some research for RarezHut 2.0. So much to learn!

    1. colorful人生


      Will I need a PREMIUM MH ACCOUNT to access RarezHut 2.0?

    2. Biopanda


      Yeah, we want to bring the store over to a new back-end software which should make things much better and faster and allow us to add all sorts of really cool features we think people will love such as [YOU MUST HAVE AN MH PREMIUM ACCOUNT TO VIEW THE REST OF THIS MESSAGE]!

    3. Show next comments  33 more
  21. Don't forget RarezHut's $1 auction starts this weekend! RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1790112844579334/

  22. Don't miss RH's $1 VK auction in less than 2 days! https://www.facebook.com/events/362952964138379/

    1. YuyoDrift


      but my money is going to the new Apple Watch ......


    2. Biopanda


      You don't need an apple watch. You need rarez :<!

    3. YuyoDrift


      If I can't preorder it on time lol I will buy rarez.

  23. Don't you love when 90s VK videos are a total hot mess where they smashed every effect on their video editing console?

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Put that together with the bizarre elements of their concepts and voilà, we have the perfect oldschool visuakl kei music video

    2. IGM_Oficial
  24. Finishing up the album art and booklet design for RarezHut's first official CD release! Keep an eye out for more news soon :3

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