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Status Updates posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. Ya boi just got promoted... AGAIN!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. YuyoDrift


      Ya Bastard! Congrats!

      Make sure they don't bury you in work lol.

    3. ChaoticEnding
    4. ShanethVarosa


      I need this promotion for the sheer amount of dollars I’ve spent on iTunes in the last three weeks. 


      Thanks guys!!

  2. Ya boi just got a promotion! 

  3. Thanks for all the birthday wishes :)

  4. *uncontrollable sobbing at the beauty of Royal Blood*

  5. White knuckling it until I can hear Royal Blood.

  6. What in the fresh hell is X DAY going to be? Other than a sure disappointment, that is.

    1. Tetora


      Rumour is that they will finally announce the release of their brand new album..... Photo Album that is.

    2. Des


      Well played Tetora. Well played. :x

  7. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      So is it really not butter?

  8. Maybe, someday, this will all make sense.

  9. Success! Last night was amazing and I can't wait for many more! ^_^

    1. Biopanda


      I hope you had sex to Fakkin A

  10. So, I have a date tomorrow night with the VK/KPop fan! Wish me luck in my ability to pretend I'm not hopeless and awkward for 5 consecutive hours.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nekkichi



    3. MaikoMizu


      You've got this in the bag!

    4. ShanethVarosa


      Thanks guys!! I'm very, very excited about this. We've hung out quite a few times in the last week and he is so... Cute and sweet in person I would be extremely lucky to get him.

  11. Met him in person last night on accident. We hung out a while, his friends were with him and they liked me and I guess he was telling them about me saying there's something there. This is good news, right, guys?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rize


      That's a positive sign :)

    3. ShanethVarosa


      ^_^ I'm cautiously optimistic! Taking it slow, getting to know each other and all that but... God he's so attractive I'm getting dumb. Need to keep my head straight!
    4. paradoxal


      sounds really great! i meean if his friends like you too, it can't be a bad sign! but just KEEP IT COOL and you'll probably be alright! :3

  12. Met a guy locally... Literally all the same interests including VK and other obscure musical genres. But I'm recently single and haven't dated in a while. How do I not appear awkward and desperate?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. paradoxal


      Also, are you sure he isn't a member here in MH? :D:D

    3. Zeus


      Also, are you sure he isn't a member here in MH? :D:D [2]

    4. ShanethVarosa


      In trying to play it cool, I haven't texted him today. Waiting to see when he texts me next, BUT if he does I'm going to ask him to see The Avengers with me. :D

      And I sure as hell hope he isn't a member of this forum, but it crossed my mind only because if he does see this then boom I am no longer cool.

  13. For some reason I can't share my half-sleeve progress shot with you all on here, but it's on my Tumblr! Check it out!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShanethVarosa


      Yes!! I'm sorry I forgot it's on Twitter.each rose will be a different color for each member. There's another one not in the picture too so six total.

    3. doombox


      Very nice. It's looking fantastic.

    4. beni


      Oh, dayum. It's looking gorgeous. I'd show off that beauty at every chance I'd get!

  14. Broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years tonight. Gonna be a rough few weeks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      remember that we all die alone.

    3. Tetora


      Alone in physical, but nobody can kill our memories or legacies. The end of one adventure is the start of the next! Let's do this!

    4. ShanethVarosa


      Thanks guys. Just coming back online now and... It's been a rough little bit, but I know I'll be better before too long.

  15. I can't help but to feel I'm missing out on something very important in life.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. doombox


      None of us know what we're doing. That's the big secret. XD

    3. beni


      I think that's being human tbh.

    4. saishuu


      I agree with everyone above. no one knows what they're doing and everyone is a damn mess.

  16. I experienced withdrawal recently and as a PSA to all my friends here: Don't ever forget to take your medication if you need to.

    1. doombox


      I hope you're feeling better. Withdrawal is dangerous and hard on your body especially depending on what your meds are. I've seen it do some nasty things to people. :(

    2. ShanethVarosa


      I felt better almost immediately after taking my pill which was nice, but mostly that whole day I couldn't move and was in terrible pain. I now never leave my house without my pills just in case I'm out when the time comes to take it.

    3. doombox


      Good precaution. Take care of yourself. ;~;

  17. So much to do today, but it's going to be over 60 so I can wear a tank top and show off my half-sleeve!

  18. Starting my Versailles half sleeve tomorrow, my God I am too excited!!

    1. doombox


      :o Will there be pics? I'm so curious to see your design.
    2. CaRaN


      I'm curious too!!

    3. ShanethVarosa


      I'll post them here and on tumblr most likely!! My appointment is late tomorrow my time. I can't wait anymore!!

  19. Got a new job and excellent Rebel Heart Tour tickets all in one week! How lucky am I?

  20. Too much Sriracha. Gonna die.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nekkichi


      how/why would you eat this

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      there is no such thing as too much sriracha

    4. Biopanda


      I use hot sauce made with jolokia/ghost peppers so uh...

  21. Can someone buy Hora's new album for me? I have no job and really shouldn't buy it...

  22. God my blood tests back and I'm clean! Yay!

    1. ShanethVarosa


      That would be Got* them back.

    2. CaRaN
    3. beni


      This is very much a great relief. Please be safe and well.

  23. Can't wait to way overspend on this Kamijo VIP pass.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I want to get those tickets so badly I'm almost tempted to make an embarrassing comment about it on twitter

  24. Officially diagnosed with depression, GAD, and panic disorder today. Fantastic.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. beni


      Be safe and take care please. Wishing you only the best.

    3. MaikoMizu


      I'm sending positive vibes towards your way and may happy/positive events partake soon.

    4. lichtlune


      I feel like I have severe social anxiety, depression, body image issues, and compulsive disorder. I'm not officially diagnosed but I wouldn't be surprised if I was. In fact I'm pretty confident that I have some of these issues. I also have learning troubles and lack of concentration/motivation. It's safe to say I'm fucked. lol

  25. Unbroken was a great film, Miyavi delivered an unexpectedly brilliant performance.

    1. freesia


      Makes me want to watch it but it would not be shown in theaters in Hong Kong. :(

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