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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Senedjem

    #receipt I thought singer dude's feathers were horns for a moment and that would've been cooler, still lookin fresh as heck though
  2. Senedjem

    Get as far away from that shit as you can, dude
  3. There's a framed photo of kiwamu in the vaults at the local art gallery and its freaking me out

    1. Jigsaw9


      at least now we know where his soul went.. ;<

    2. nekkichi


      you should print & frame "purchase 堕??????続??愛??感触, available on cdjapan" & hang it right across him

    3. nekkichi


      optional next step: taking a legible high-res picture & sending it to starwave office

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  4. Senedjem

    Seek's costume is so clever though holy shit
  5. Suicide ali and calmando are the only bands listed that aren't kind of horrible
  6. Senedjem

    Saw some weird pictures on his twitter of him hooked up to a naso-gastric a while ago and had no idea he was actually that unwell Get well soon yukiya!
  7. Senedjem

    Oh god Katagily This is going to be a wild ride
  8. Senedjem

    i want that FUCK ALL SHIT shirt more than anything I've ever wanted before
  9. Senedjem

    what's w/ the soccer mom self affirmations though
  10. Senedjem

    Just glad to know they still exist, holy shit <3
  11. Senedjem

    stay strong danny think about your family
  12. Senedjem

    The most alien-y dude's gone so they've given up on that concept I guess This looks cool though, never can have enough of this cheesy ass guilty pleasure mallgoth vk <3
  13. Senedjem

    hes trapped in the cheese vault and its taking longer than expected for him to eat his way out
  14. Senedjem

    screen fades to black credits roll harpo logo
  15. Senedjem

    I can't decide if he's improved or not and I can't decide if improvement would be a good thing
  16. Senedjem

    I feel so good about this album, nice good is romantique literally metamorphose on purpose
  17. thts not vry punke tho.....
  18. what the hell is this awful racist ass bullshit do people actually unironically like this jfc
  19. This band is totally 90s oshare judging from the live vids, it's kind of rad
  20. That random rock 'n' roll ass breakdown though grrooovvyy
  21. Senedjem

    Hell yyyeeeeaahhh
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