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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Senedjem

    Random! Neat though~
  2. Senedjem

    Yaaay! Just got into these dudes and I think I'm in love
  3. Senedjem

    does asaki really count as not vk tho he's like, vk-themed
  4. Senedjem

    that beard tho ito could get it
  5. Senedjem

    Rad! Still miss video glamour a lot though ):
  6. lol biopanda's tumblr is sending out spam

    1. sai


      I got one as well. Also Panda are you sending out spam on how to make more cash at home so we can spend it on rarezhut

    2. CAT5


      Don't be a RarezBUTT, Panda-kun >__>

    3. Biopanda


      Fuck! I didn't think anyone would figure out my devious plan!

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  7. Senedjem

    Amber gris La'cryma christi RONDE Deadman Laputa Sugar lab. EINS VIER cali gari SCARE CROW I'm very much into that 90's melodic borderline prog sound
  8. Senedjem

    Nice to hear he still can't growl to save himself Mixing is horrendous too, sounds like two songs playing in different tabs
  9. Senedjem

    I tried to watch one episode and it was the dumbest thing I've ever seen pretty intro tho
  10. Senedjem

    oh god I'm scared
  11. Senedjem

    Oh come on people, this is a band that's been together longer than most VK careers last (They turn 10 this year for fuck's sake) and ushiwaka's always really been the only permanent member. Don't think he's just gonna give up on this shit after what, LITERALLY A DECADE of activity by himself? naaahhh
  12. Senedjem

    I wonder what it is about VK musicians that makes them think they can pull of harsh vox with 0 training prior. I've never heard harsh vocalists so underwhelming and half-assed ANYWHERE else. Even the castrated yelping vocals in your scene kid cousin's screamo band probably sound better than 99% of the shitty 'metal' vk bands floating around. Don't even get me started on a certain melodramatic bald&bold ex-vk frontman who seems to think he can pass off mouth farting into his hand as a death growl.
  13. Senedjem

    I grew up on awesome shit like this thanks to my mother http://youtu.be/d_bPX_vrtvQ Lots of 70's glam, psych, 80's pop, soundtracks to stageshows like hair and jesus christ superstar, lots and lots of bowie etc My dad's into motown but that was never really my thing.
  14. Senedjem

    They're gonna play w/ a hologram of their dead vocalist like tupac
  15. Senedjem

    which 1 of them r u pretending not to be
  16. I unironically fuckin LOVE this, it's super fun
  17. Senedjem

    Ove fanboys? fuck yeeaaah
  18. KORO is never in a band for more than five minutes :/
  19. Senedjem

    Holy shit yes please love the dude w/ the bob hairdo
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